path: root/tests/oo.test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/oo.test')
1 files changed, 744 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/tests/oo.test b/tests/oo.test
index 2d23a3c..9a22438 100644
--- a/tests/oo.test
+++ b/tests/oo.test
@@ -2202,7 +2202,7 @@ test oo-16.2 {OO: object introspection} -body {
} -returnCodes 1 -result {NOTANOBJECT does not refer to an object}
test oo-16.3 {OO: object introspection} -body {
info object gorp oo::object
-} -returnCodes 1 -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "gorp": must be call, class, definition, filters, forward, isa, methods, methodtype, mixins, namespace, variables, or vars}
+} -returnCodes 1 -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "gorp": must be call, class, creationid, definition, filters, forward, isa, methods, methodtype, mixins, namespace, variables, or vars}
test oo-16.4 {OO: object introspection} -setup {
oo::class create meta { superclass oo::class }
[meta create instance1] create instance2
@@ -2332,6 +2332,73 @@ test oo-16.14 {OO: object introspection: TIP #436} -setup {
} -cleanup {
meta destroy
} -result {class {0 0} meta {0 0 0} type {0 0 0 0 0 0} mix {0 0 0 0 0 0}}
+test oo-16.15 {OO: object introspection: creationid #500} -setup {
+ oo::class create cls
+} -body {
+ info object creationid [cls new]
+} -cleanup {
+ cls destroy
+} -result {^\d+$} -match regexp
+test oo-16.16 {OO: object introspection: creationid #500} -setup {
+ oo::class create cls
+} -body {
+ set obj [cls new]
+ set id [info object creationid $obj]
+ rename $obj gorp
+ set id2 [info object creationid gorp]
+ list $id $id2
+} -cleanup {
+ cls destroy
+} -result {^(\d+) \1$} -match regexp
+test oo-16.17 {OO: object introspection: creationid #500} -body {
+ info object creationid nosuchobject
+} -returnCodes error -result {nosuchobject does not refer to an object}
+test oo-16.18 {OO: object introspection: creationid #500} -body {
+ info object creationid
+} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "info object creationid objName"}
+test oo-16.18 {OO: object introspection: creationid #500} -body {
+ info object creationid oo::object gorp
+} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "info object creationid objName"}
+test oo-16.19 {OO: object introspection: creationid #500} -setup {
+ oo::class create cls
+} -body {
+ set id1 [info object creationid [set o1 [cls new]]]
+ set id2 [info object creationid [set o2 [cls new]]]
+ if {$id1 == $id2} {
+ format "objects %s and %s have same creation id: %d" $o1 $o2 $id1
+ } else {
+ string cat not-equal
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ cls destroy
+} -result not-equal
+test oo-16.20 {OO: object introspection: creationid #500} -setup {
+ oo::class create cls
+} -body {
+ set id1 [info object creationid [set o1 [cls new]]]
+ $o1 destroy
+ set id2 [info object creationid [set o2 [cls new]]]
+ if {$id1 == $id2} {
+ format "objects %s and %s have same creation id: %d" $o1 $o2 $id1
+ } else {
+ string cat not-equal
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ cls destroy
+} -result not-equal
+test oo-16.21 {OO: object introspection: creationid #500} -setup {
+ oo::class create cls
+} -body {
+ set id1 [info object creationid [set o1 [cls new]]]
+ set id2 [info object creationid [set o2 [oo::copy $o1]]]
+ if {$id1 == $id2} {
+ format "objects %s and %s have same creation id: %d" $o1 $o2 $id1
+ } else {
+ string cat not-equal
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ cls destroy
+} -result not-equal
test oo-17.1 {OO: class introspection} -body {
info class
@@ -4102,6 +4169,682 @@ test oo-36.10 {TIP #470: introspection within oo::define} -setup {
Cls destroy
catch {rename oo::objdefine::testself {}}
} -result {{} {1 {this command may only be called from within the context of an ::oo::define or ::oo::objdefine command} 0 ::obj}}
+test oo-37.1 {TIP 500: private command propagates errors} -setup {
+ oo::class create cls
+} -body {
+ oo::define cls {
+ private ::error "this is an error"
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ cls destroy
+} -returnCodes error -result {this is an error}
+test oo-37.2 {TIP 500: private command propagates errors} -setup {
+ oo::class create cls
+} -body {
+ oo::define cls {
+ private {
+ ::error "this is an error"
+ }
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ cls destroy
+} -returnCodes error -result {this is an error}
+test oo-37.3 {TIP 500: private command propagates errors} -setup {
+ oo::object create obj
+} -body {
+ oo::objdefine obj {
+ private ::error "this is an error"
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ obj destroy
+} -returnCodes error -result {this is an error}
+test oo-37.4 {TIP 500: private command propagates errors} -setup {
+ oo::object create obj
+} -body {
+ oo::objdefine obj {
+ private {
+ ::error "this is an error"
+ }
+ }
+} -cleanup {
+ obj destroy
+} -returnCodes error -result {this is an error}
+test oo-37.5 {TIP 500: private command can't be used outside definitions} -body {
+ oo::define::private error "xyz"
+} -returnCodes error -result {this command may only be called from within the context of an ::oo::define or ::oo::objdefine command}
+test oo-37.6 {TIP 500: private command can't be used outside definitions} -body {
+ oo::objdefine::private error "xyz"
+} -returnCodes error -result {this command may only be called from within the context of an ::oo::define or ::oo::objdefine command}
+test oo-38.1 {TIP 500: private variables don't cross-interfere with each other or normal ones} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create clsA {
+ superclass parent
+ private variable x
+ constructor {} {
+ set x 1
+ }
+ method getA {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ }
+ oo::class create clsB {
+ superclass clsA
+ private {
+ variable x
+ }
+ constructor {} {
+ set x 2
+ next
+ }
+ method getB {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ }
+ oo::class create clsC {
+ superclass clsB
+ variable x
+ constructor {} {
+ set x 3
+ next
+ }
+ method getC {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ }
+ clsC create obj
+ oo::objdefine obj {
+ private {
+ variable x
+ }
+ method setup {} {
+ set x 4
+ }
+ method getO {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ }
+ obj setup
+ list [obj getA] [obj getB] [obj getC] [obj getO] \
+ [lsort [string map [list [info object creationid clsA] CLASS-A \
+ [info object creationid clsB] CLASS-B \
+ [info object creationid obj] OBJ] \
+ [info object vars obj]]]
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {1 2 3 4 {{CLASS-A : x} {CLASS-B : x} {OBJ : x} x}}
+test oo-38.2 {TIP 500: private variables introspection} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create cls {
+ superclass parent
+ private {
+ variable x1
+ variable x2
+ }
+ variable y1 y2
+ }
+ cls create obj
+ oo::objdefine obj {
+ private variable a1 a2
+ variable b1 b2
+ }
+ list [lsort [info class variables cls]] \
+ [lsort [info class variables cls -private]] \
+ [lsort [info object variables obj]] \
+ [lsort [info object variables obj -private]]
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {{y1 y2} {x1 x2} {b1 b2} {a1 a2}}
+test oo-38.3 {TIP 500: private variables and oo::object·varname} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create clsA {
+ superclass parent
+ private {
+ variable x
+ }
+ method getx {} {
+ set x 1
+ my varname x
+ }
+ method readx {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ }
+ oo::class create clsB {
+ superclass clsA
+ variable x
+ method gety {} {
+ set x 1
+ my varname x
+ }
+ method ready {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ }
+ clsB create obj
+ set [obj getx] 2
+ set [obj gety] 3
+ list [obj readx] [obj ready]
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {2 3}
+test oo-38.4 {TIP 500: private variables introspection} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create cls {
+ superclass parent
+ private {
+ variable x1 x2
+ }
+ variable y1 y2
+ constructor {} {
+ variable z boo
+ set x1 a
+ set y1 c
+ }
+ method list {} {
+ variable z
+ set ok 1
+ list [info locals] [lsort [info vars]] [info exist x2]
+ }
+ }
+ cls create obj
+ oo::objdefine obj {
+ private variable a1 a2
+ variable b1 b2
+ method init {} {
+ # Because we don't have a constructor to do this setup for us
+ set a1 p
+ set b1 r
+ }
+ method list {} {
+ variable z
+ set yes 1
+ list {*}[next] [info locals] [lsort [info vars]] [info exist a2]
+ }
+ }
+ obj init
+ obj list
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {ok {ok x1 x2 y1 y2 z} 0 yes {a1 a2 b1 b2 yes z} 0}
+test oo-38.5 {TIP 500: private variables and oo::object·variable} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create cls1 {
+ superclass parent
+ private variable x
+ method abc val {
+ my variable x
+ set x $val
+ }
+ method def val {
+ my variable y
+ set y $val
+ }
+ method get1 {} {
+ my variable x y
+ return [list $x $y]
+ }
+ }
+ oo::class create cls2 {
+ superclass cls1
+ private variable x
+ method x-exists {} {
+ return [info exists x],[uplevel 1 {info exists x}]
+ }
+ method ghi x {
+ # Additional instrumentation to show that we're not using the
+ # resolved variable until we ask for it; the argument nixed that
+ # happening by default.
+ set val $x
+ set before [my x-exists]
+ unset x
+ set x $val
+ set mid [my x-exists]
+ unset x
+ set mid2 [my x-exists]
+ my variable x
+ set x $val
+ set after [my x-exists]
+ return "$before;$mid;$mid2;$after"
+ }
+ method jkl val {
+ my variable y
+ set y $val
+ }
+ method get2 {} {
+ my variable x y
+ return [list $x $y]
+ }
+ }
+ cls2 create a
+ a abc 123
+ a def 234
+ set tmp [a ghi 345]
+ a jkl 456
+ list $tmp [a get1] [a get2]
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {{0,1;0,1;0,0;1,1} {123 456} {345 456}}
+test oo-39.1 {TIP 500: private methods internal call; class private} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create clsA {
+ superclass parent
+ variable x
+ constructor {} {
+ set x 1
+ }
+ method act {} {
+ my step
+ my step
+ my step
+ return
+ }
+ private {
+ method step {} {
+ incr x 2
+ }
+ }
+ method x {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ }
+ clsA create obj
+ obj act
+ list [obj x] [catch {obj step} msg] $msg
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {7 1 {unknown method "step": must be act, destroy or x}}
+test oo-39.2 {TIP 500: private methods internal call; class private} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create clsA {
+ superclass parent
+ variable x
+ constructor {} {
+ set x 1
+ }
+ method act {} {
+ my step
+ my step
+ my step
+ return
+ }
+ private {
+ method step {} {
+ incr x 2
+ }
+ }
+ method x {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ }
+ oo::class create clsB {
+ superclass clsA
+ variable x
+ method step {} {
+ incr x 5
+ }
+ }
+ clsB create obj
+ obj act
+ list [obj x] [obj step]
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {7 12}
+test oo-39.3 {TIP 500: private methods internal call; class private} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create clsA {
+ superclass parent
+ variable x
+ constructor {} {
+ set x 1
+ }
+ method act {} {
+ my Step
+ my Step
+ my Step
+ return
+ }
+ method x {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ }
+ oo::class create clsB {
+ superclass clsA
+ variable x
+ method Step {} {
+ incr x 5
+ }
+ }
+ clsB create obj
+ obj act
+ set result [obj x]
+ oo::define clsA {
+ private {
+ method Step {} {
+ incr x 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ obj act
+ lappend result [obj x]
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {16 22}
+test oo-39.4 {TIP 500: private methods internal call; instance private} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create clsA {
+ superclass parent
+ variable x
+ constructor {} {
+ set x 1
+ }
+ method act {} {
+ my step
+ return
+ }
+ method step {} {
+ incr x
+ }
+ method x {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ }
+ clsA create obj
+ obj act
+ set result [obj x]
+ oo::objdefine obj {
+ variable x
+ private {
+ method step {} {
+ incr x 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ obj act
+ lappend result [obj x]
+ oo::objdefine obj {
+ method act {} {
+ my step
+ next
+ }
+ }
+ obj act
+ lappend result [obj x]
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {2 3 6}
+test oo-39.5 {TIP 500: private methods internal call; cross object} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create cls {
+ superclass parent
+ variable x
+ constructor {val} {
+ set x $val
+ }
+ private method x {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ method equal {other} {
+ expr {$x == [$other x]}
+ }
+ }
+ cls create a 1
+ cls create b 2
+ cls create c 1
+ list [a equal b] [b equal c] [c equal a] [catch {a x} msg] $msg
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {0 0 1 1 {unknown method "x": must be destroy or equal}}
+test oo-39.6 {TIP 500: private methods internal call; error reporting} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create cls {
+ superclass parent
+ variable x
+ constructor {val} {
+ set x $val
+ }
+ private method x {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ method equal {other} {
+ expr {$x == [$other y]}
+ }
+ }
+ cls create a 1
+ cls create b 2
+ a equal b
+} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {unknown method "y": must be destroy, equal or x}
+test oo-39.7 {TIP 500: private methods internal call; error reporting} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create cls {
+ superclass parent
+ variable x
+ constructor {val} {
+ set x $val
+ }
+ private method x {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ method equal {other} {
+ expr {[[self] y] == [$other x]}
+ }
+ }
+ cls create a 1
+ cls create b 2
+ a equal b
+} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {unknown method "y": must be destroy, equal or x}
+test oo-39.8 {TIP 500: private methods internal call; error reporting} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create cls {
+ superclass parent
+ variable x
+ constructor {val} {
+ set x $val
+ }
+ private method x {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ method equal {other} {
+ expr {[my y] == [$other x]}
+ }
+ }
+ cls create a 1
+ cls create b 2
+ a equal b
+} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {unknown method "y": must be <cloned>, destroy, equal, eval, unknown, variable, varname or x}
+test oo-39.9 {TIP 500: private methods internal call; error reporting} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create cls {
+ superclass parent
+ variable x
+ constructor {val} {
+ set x $val
+ }
+ private method x {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ }
+ oo::class create cls2 {
+ superclass cls
+ method equal {other} {
+ expr {[my y] == [$other x]}
+ }
+ }
+ cls2 create a 1
+ cls2 create b 2
+ a equal b
+} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {unknown method "y": must be <cloned>, destroy, equal, eval, unknown, variable or varname}
+test oo-39.10 {TIP 500: private methods internal call; error reporting} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create cls {
+ superclass parent
+ variable x
+ constructor {val} {
+ set x $val
+ }
+ private method x {} {
+ return $x
+ }
+ }
+ oo::class create cls2 {
+ superclass cls
+ method equal {other} {
+ expr {[my x] == [$other x]}
+ }
+ }
+ cls2 create a 1
+ cls2 create b 2
+ a equal b
+} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {unknown method "x": must be <cloned>, destroy, equal, eval, unknown, variable or varname}
+test oo-39.11 {TIP 500: private methods; call chain caching and reporting} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create cls {
+ superclass parent
+ method chain {} {
+ return [self call]
+ }
+ }
+ oo::class create cls2 {
+ superclass cls
+ private method chain {} {
+ next
+ }
+ method chain2 {} {
+ my chain
+ }
+ method chain3 {} {
+ [self] chain
+ }
+ }
+ cls create a
+ cls2 create b
+ list [a chain] [b chain] [b chain2] [b chain3]
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {{{{method chain ::cls method}} 0} {{{method chain ::cls method}} 0} {{{private chain ::cls2 method} {method chain ::cls method}} 1} {{{private chain ::cls2 method} {method chain ::cls method}} 1}}
+test oo-39.12 {TIP 500: private methods; introspection} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::class create cls {
+ superclass parent
+ method chain {} {
+ return [self call]
+ }
+ private method abc {} {}
+ }
+ oo::class create cls2 {
+ superclass cls
+ method chain2 {} {
+ my chain
+ }
+ method chain3 {} {
+ [self] chain
+ }
+ private method def {} {}
+ unexport chain3
+ }
+ cls create a
+ cls2 create b
+ oo::objdefine b {
+ private method ghi {} {}
+ method ABC {} {}
+ method foo {} {}
+ }
+ set scopes {public unexported private}
+ list a: [lmap s $scopes {info object methods a -scope $s}] \
+ b: [lmap s $scopes {info object methods b -scope $s}] \
+ cls: [lmap s $scopes {info class methods cls -scope $s}] \
+ cls2: [lmap s $scopes {info class methods cls2 -scope $s}] \
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result {a: {{} {} {}} b: {foo ABC ghi} cls: {chain {} abc} cls2: {chain2 chain3 def}}
+test oo-40.1 {TIP 500: private and self} -setup {
+ oo::class create cls
+} -body {
+ oo::define cls {
+ self {
+ private {
+ variable a
+ }
+ variable b
+ }
+ private {
+ self {
+ variable c
+ }
+ variable d
+ }
+ variable e
+ }
+ list \
+ [lsort [info class variables cls]] \
+ [lsort [info class variables cls -private]] \
+ [lsort [info object variables cls]] \
+ [lsort [info object variables cls -private]]
+} -cleanup {
+ cls destroy
+} -result {e d b {a c}}
+test oo-40.2 {TIP 500: private and export} -setup {
+ oo::class create cls
+} -body {
+ oo::define cls {
+ private method foo {} {}
+ }
+ set result [lmap s {public unexported private} {
+ info class methods cls -scope $s}]
+ oo::define cls {
+ export foo
+ }
+ lappend result {*}[lmap s {public unexported private} {
+ info class methods cls -scope $s}]
+} -cleanup {
+ cls destroy
+} -result {{} {} foo foo {} {}}
+test oo-40.3 {TIP 500: private and unexport} -setup {
+ oo::class create cls
+} -body {
+ oo::define cls {
+ private method foo {} {}
+ }
+ set result [lmap s {public unexported private} {
+ info class methods cls -scope $s}]
+ oo::define cls {
+ unexport foo
+ }
+ lappend result {*}[lmap s {public unexported private} {
+ info class methods cls -scope $s}]
+} -cleanup {
+ cls destroy
+} -result {{} {} foo {} foo {}}