path: root/tests/winFCmd.test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/winFCmd.test')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 978 deletions
diff --git a/tests/winFCmd.test b/tests/winFCmd.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 935198e..0000000
--- a/tests/winFCmd.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,978 +0,0 @@
-# This file tests the tclWinFCmd.c file.
-# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
-# built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
-# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
-# Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
-# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
-# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: winFCmd.test,v 1.4 1999/04/16 00:47:37 stanton Exp $
-if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
- source [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]] defs.tcl]
-proc createfile {file {string a}} {
- set f [open $file w]
- puts -nonewline $f $string
- close $f
- return $string
-proc contents {file} {
- set f [open $file r]
- set r [read $f]
- close $f
- set r
-proc cleanup {args} {
- foreach p ". $args" {
- set x ""
- catch {
- set x [glob [file join $p tf*] [file join $p td*]]
- }
- if {$x != ""} {
- catch {eval file delete -force -- $x}
- }
- }
-set ::tcltest::testConfig(cdrom) 0
-set ::tcltest::testConfig(exdev) 0
-# find a CD-ROM so we can test read-only filesystems.
-set cdrom {}
-set nodrive x:
-foreach p {d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} {
- set name ${p}:/dummy~~.fil
- if [catch {set fd [open $name w]}] {
- set err [lindex $errorCode 1]
- if {$cdrom == "" && $err == "EACCES"} {
- set cdrom ${p}:
- }
- if {$err == "ENOENT"} {
- set nodrive ${p}:
- }
- } else {
- close $fd
- file delete $name
- }
-proc findfile {dir} {
- foreach p [glob $dir/*] {
- if {[file type $p] == "file"} {
- return $p
- }
- }
- foreach p [glob $dir/*] {
- if {[file type $p] == "directory"} {
- set f [findfile $p]
- if {$f != ""} {
- return $f
- }
- }
- }
- return ""
-if {$cdrom != ""} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(cdrom) 1
- set cdfile [findfile $cdrom]
-if {[file exists c:/] && [file exists d:/]} {
- catch {file delete d:/tf1}
- if {[catch {close [open d:/tf1 w]}] == 0} {
- file delete d:/tf1
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(exdev) 1
- }
-file delete -force -- td1
-set foo [catch {open td1 w} testfile]
-if {$foo} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(longFileNames) 0
-} else {
- close $testfile
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(longFileNames) 1
- file delete -force -- td1
-# A really long file name
-# length of longname is 1216 chars, which should be greater than any static
-# buffer or allowable filename.
-set longname "abcdefghihjllmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890"
-append longname $longname
-append longname $longname
-append longname $longname
-append longname $longname
-append longname $longname
-# Uses the "testfile" command instead of the "file" command. The "file"
-# command provides several layers of sanity checks on the arguments and
-# it can be difficult to actually forward "insane" arguments to the
-# low-level posix emulation layer.
-test winFCmd-1.1 {TclpRenameFile: errno: EACCES} {pcOnly cdrom} {
- list [catch {testfile mv $cdfile $cdrom/dummy~~.fil} msg] $msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-1.2 {TclpRenameFile: errno: EEXIST} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/td2/td3
- file mkdir td2
- list [catch {testfile mv td2 td1/td2} msg] $msg
-} {1 EEXIST}
-test winFCmd-1.3 {TclpRenameFile: errno: EINVAL} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile mv / td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EINVAL}
-test winFCmd-1.4 {TclpRenameFile: errno: EINVAL} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile mv td1 td1/td2} msg] $msg
-} {1 EINVAL}
-test winFCmd-1.5 {TclpRenameFile: errno: EISDIR} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile mv tf1 td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EISDIR}
-test winFCmd-1.6 {TclpRenameFile: errno: ENOENT} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile mv tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-1.7 {TclpRenameFile: errno: ENOENT} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile mv "" tf2} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-1.8 {TclpRenameFile: errno: ENOENT} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile mv tf1 ""} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-1.9 {TclpRenameFile: errno: ENOTDIR} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile mv td1 tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOTDIR}
-test winFCmd-1.10 {TclpRenameFile: errno: EXDEV} {pcOnly exdev} {
- file delete -force d:/tf1
- file mkdir c:/tf1
- set msg [list [catch {testfile mv c:/tf1 d:/tf1} msg] $msg]
- file delete -force c:/tf1
- set msg
-} {1 EXDEV}
-test winFCmd-1.11 {TclpRenameFile: errno: EACCES} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- set fd [open tf1 w]
- set msg [list [catch {testfile mv tf1 tf2} msg] $msg]
- close $fd
- set msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-1.12 {TclpRenameFile: errno: EACCES} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- set fd [open tf2 w]
- set msg [list [catch {testfile mv tf1 tf2} msg] $msg]
- close $fd
- set msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-1.13 {TclpRenameFile: errno: EACCES} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile mv nul tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-1.14 {TclpRenameFile: errno: EACCES} {95} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile mv tf1 nul} msg] $msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-1.15 {TclpRenameFile: errno: EEXIST} {nt} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile mv tf1 nul} msg] $msg
-} {1 EEXIST}
-test winFCmd-1.16 {TclpRenameFile: MoveFile() != FALSE} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1 tf1
- testfile mv tf1 tf2
- list [file exists tf1] [contents tf2]
-} {0 tf1}
-test winFCmd-1.17 {TclpRenameFile: MoveFile() == FALSE} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile mv tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-1.18 {TclpRenameFile: srcAttr == -1} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile mv tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-1.19 {TclpRenameFile: errno == EACCES} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile mv nul tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-1.20 {TclpRenameFile: src is dir} {nt} {
- # under 95, this would actually succeed and move the current dir out from
- # under the current process!
- cleanup
- file delete /tf1
- list [catch {testfile mv [pwd] /tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-1.21 {TclpRenameFile: long src} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile mv $longname tf1} msg] $msg
-test winFCmd-1.22 {TclpRenameFile: long dst} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile mv tf1 $longname} msg] $msg
-test winFCmd-1.23 {TclpRenameFile: move dir into self} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile mv [pwd]/td1 td1/td2} msg] $msg
-} {1 EINVAL}
-test winFCmd-1.24 {TclpRenameFile: move a root dir} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile mv / c:/} msg] $msg
-} {1 EINVAL}
-test winFCmd-1.25 {TclpRenameFile: cross file systems} {pcOnly cdrom} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile mv td1 $cdrom/td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EXDEV}
-test winFCmd-1.26 {TclpRenameFile: readonly fs} {pcOnly cdrom} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile mv $cdfile $cdrom/dummy~~.fil} msg] $msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-1.27 {TclpRenameFile: open file} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- set fd [open tf1 w]
- set msg [list [catch {testfile mv tf1 tf2} msg] $msg]
- close $fd
- set msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-1.28 {TclpRenameFile: errno == EEXIST} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- testfile mv tf1 tf2
- list [file exist tf1] [file exist tf2]
-} {0 1}
-test winFCmd-1.29 {TclpRenameFile: src is dir} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile mv td1 tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOTDIR}
-test winFCmd-1.30 {TclpRenameFile: dst is dir} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- file mkdir td2/td2
- list [catch {testfile mv td1 td2} msg] $msg
-} {1 EEXIST}
-test winFCmd-1.31 {TclpRenameFile: TclpRemoveDirectory fails} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- file mkdir td2/td2
- list [catch {testfile mv td1 td2} msg] $msg
-} {1 EEXIST}
-test winFCmd-1.32 {TclpRenameFile: TclpRemoveDirectory succeeds} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/td2
- file mkdir td2
- testfile mv td1 td2
- list [file exist td1] [file exist td2] [file exist td2/td2]
-} {0 1 1}
-test winFCmd-1.33 {TclpRenameFile: After removing dst dir, MoveFile fails} \
- {pcOnly exdev} {
- file mkdir d:/td1
- testchmod 000 d:/td1
- set msg [list [catch {testfile mv c:/windows d:/td1} msg] $msg]
- set msg "$msg [file writable d:/td1]"
- file delete d:/td1
- set msg
-} {1 EXDEV 0}
-test winFCmd-1.34 {TclpRenameFile: src is dir, dst is not} {pcOnly} {
- file mkdir td1
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile mv td1 tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOTDIR}
-test winFCmd-1.35 {TclpRenameFile: src is not dir, dst is} {pcOnly} {
- file mkdir td1
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile mv tf1 td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EISDIR}
-test winFCmd-1.36 {TclpRenameFile: src and dst not dir} {pcOnly} {
- createfile tf1 tf1
- createfile tf2 tf2
- testfile mv tf1 tf2
- contents tf2
-} {tf1}
-test winFCmd-1.37 {TclpRenameFile: need to restore temp file} {pcOnly} {
- # Can't figure out how to cause this.
- # Need a file that can't be copied.
-} {}
-test winFCmd-2.1 {TclpCopyFile: errno: EACCES} {pcOnly cdrom} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile cp $cdfile $cdrom/dummy~~.fil} msg] $msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-2.2 {TclpCopyFile: errno: EISDIR} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile cp td1 tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EISDIR}
-test winFCmd-2.3 {TclpCopyFile: errno: EISDIR} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile cp tf1 td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EISDIR}
-test winFCmd-2.4 {TclpCopyFile: errno: ENOENT} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile cp tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-2.5 {TclpCopyFile: errno: ENOENT} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile cp "" tf2} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-2.6 {TclpCopyFile: errno: ENOENT} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile cp tf1 ""} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-2.7 {TclpCopyFile: errno: EACCES} {95} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- set fd [open tf2 w]
- set msg [list [catch {testfile cp tf1 tf2} msg] $msg]
- close $fd
- set msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-2.8 {TclpCopyFile: errno: EACCES} {nt} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile cp nul tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-2.9 {TclpCopyFile: errno: ENOENT} {95} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile cp nul tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-2.10 {TclpCopyFile: CopyFile succeeds} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1 tf1
- testfile cp tf1 tf2
- list [contents tf1] [contents tf2]
-} {tf1 tf1}
-test winFCmd-2.11 {TclpCopyFile: CopyFile succeeds} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1 tf1
- createfile tf2 tf2
- testfile cp tf1 tf2
- list [contents tf1] [contents tf2]
-} {tf1 tf1}
-test winFCmd-2.12 {TclpCopyFile: CopyFile succeeds} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1 tf1
- testchmod 000 tf1
- testfile cp tf1 tf2
- list [contents tf2] [file writable tf2]
-} {tf1 0}
-test winFCmd-2.13 {TclpCopyFile: CopyFile fails} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile cp tf1 td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EISDIR}
-test winFCmd-2.14 {TclpCopyFile: errno == EACCES} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile cp td1 tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EISDIR}
-test winFCmd-2.15 {TclpCopyFile: src is directory} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile cp td1 tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EISDIR}
-test winFCmd-2.16 {TclpCopyFile: dst is directory} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile cp tf1 td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EISDIR}
-test winFCmd-2.17 {TclpCopyFile: dst is readonly} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1 tf1
- createfile tf2 tf2
- testchmod 000 tf2
- testfile cp tf1 tf2
- list [file writable tf2] [contents tf2]
-} {1 tf1}
-test winFCmd-2.18 {TclpCopyFile: still can't copy onto dst} {95} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- testchmod 000 tf2
- set fd [open tf2]
- set msg [list [catch {testfile cp tf1 tf2} msg] $msg]
- close $fd
- set msg "$msg [file writable tf2]"
-} {1 EACCES 0}
-test winFCmd-3.1 {TclpDeleteFile: errno: EACCES} {pcOnly cdrom} {
- list [catch {testfile rm $cdfile $cdrom/dummy~~.fil} msg] $msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-3.2 {TclpDeleteFile: errno: EISDIR} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile rm td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EISDIR}
-test winFCmd-3.3 {TclpDeleteFile: errno: ENOENT} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile rm tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-3.4 {TclpDeleteFile: errno: ENOENT} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile rm ""} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-3.5 {TclpDeleteFile: errno: EACCES} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- set fd [open tf1 w]
- set msg [list [catch {testfile rm tf1} msg] $msg]
- close $fd
- set msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-3.6 {TclpDeleteFile: errno: EACCES} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile rm nul} msg] $msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-3.7 {TclpDeleteFile: DeleteFile succeeds} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- testfile rm tf1
- file exist tf1
-} {0}
-test winFCmd-3.8 {TclpDeleteFile: DeleteFile fails} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile rm td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EISDIR}
-test winFCmd-3.9 {TclpDeleteFile: errno == EACCES} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- set fd [open tf1 w]
- set msg [list [catch {testfile rm tf1} msg] $msg]
- close $fd
- set msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-3.10 {TclpDeleteFile: path is readonly} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- testchmod 000 tf1
- testfile rm tf1
- file exists tf1
-} {0}
-test winFCmd-3.11 {TclpDeleteFile: still can't remove path} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- set fd [open tf1 w]
- testchmod 000 tf1
- set msg [list [catch {testfile rm tf1} msg] $msg]
- close $fd
- set msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-4.1 {TclpCreateDirectory: errno: EACCES} {nt cdrom} {
- list [catch {testfile mkdir $cdrom/dummy~~.dir} msg] $msg
-} {1 EACCES}
-test winFCmd-4.2 {TclpCreateDirectory: errno: EACCES} {95 cdrom} {
- list [catch {testfile mkdir $cdrom/dummy~~.dir} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOSPC}
-test winFCmd-4.3 {TclpCreateDirectory: errno: EEXIST} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile mkdir td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 EEXIST}
-test winFCmd-4.4 {TclpCreateDirectory: errno: ENOENT} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile mkdir td1/td2} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-4.5 {TclpCreateDirectory: CreateDirectory succeeds} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- testfile mkdir td1
- file type td1
-} {directory}
-test winFCmd-5.1 {TclpCopyDirectory: calls TraverseWinTree} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
- list [file type td1] [file type td2]
-} {directory directory}
-test winFCmd-6.1 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno: EACCES} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- testchmod 000 td1
- testfile rmdir td1
- file exist td1
-} {0}
-test winFCmd-6.2 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno: EEXIST} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/td2
- list [catch {testfile rmdir td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 {td1 EEXIST}}
-test winFCmd-6.3 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno: EACCES} {pcOnly} {
- # can't test this w/o removing everything on your hard disk first!
- # testfile rmdir /
-} {}
-test winFCmd-6.4 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno: ENOENT} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile rmdir td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 {td1 ENOENT}}
-test winFCmd-6.5 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno: ENOENT} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile rmdir ""} msg] $msg
-} {1 ENOENT}
-test winFCmd-6.6 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno: ENOTDIR} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile rmdir tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 {tf1 ENOTDIR}}
-test winFCmd-6.7 {TclpRemoveDirectory: RemoveDirectory succeeds} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- testfile rmdir td1
- file exists td1
-} {0}
-test winFCmd-6.8 {TclpRemoveDirectory: RemoveDirectory fails} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile rmdir tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 {tf1 ENOTDIR}}
-test winFCmd-6.9 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno == EACCES} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- testchmod 000 td1
- testfile rmdir td1
- file exists td1
-} {0}
-test winFCmd-6.10 {TclpRemoveDirectory: attr == -1} {95} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile rmdir nul} msg] $msg
-} {1 {nul EACCES}}
-test winFCmd-6.11 {TclpRemoveDirectory: attr == -1} {nt} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile rmdir /} msg] $msg
-} {1 {\ EACCES}}
-test winFCmd-6.12 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno == EACCES} {95} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile rmdir tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 {tf1 ENOTDIR}}
-test winFCmd-6.13 {TclpRemoveDirectory: write-protected} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- testchmod 000 td1
- testfile rmdir td1
- file exists td1
-} {0}
-test winFCmd-6.14 {TclpRemoveDirectory: check if empty dir} {95} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/td2
- list [catch {testfile rmdir td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 {td1 EEXIST}}
-test winFCmd-6.15 {TclpRemoveDirectory: !recursive} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/td2
- list [catch {testfile rmdir td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 {td1 EEXIST}}
-test winFCmd-6.16 {TclpRemoveDirectory: recursive, but errno != EEXIST} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {testfile rmdir -force tf1} msg] $msg
-} {1 {tf1 ENOTDIR}}
-test winFCmd-6.17 {TclpRemoveDirectory: calls TraverseWinTree} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/td2
- testfile rmdir -force td1
- file exists td1
-} {0}
-test winFCmd-7.1 {TraverseWinTree: targetPtr == NULL} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/td2/td3
- testfile rmdir -force td1
- file exists td1
-} {0}
-test winFCmd-7.2 {TraverseWinTree: targetPtr != NULL} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/td2/td3
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
- list [file exists td1] [file exists td2]
-} {1 1}
-test winFCmd-7.3 {TraverseWinTree: sourceAttr == -1} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile cpdir td1 td2} msg] $msg
-} {1 {td1 ENOENT}}
-test winFCmd-7.4 {TraverseWinTree: source isn't directory} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile td1/tf1 tf1
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
- contents td2/tf1
-} {tf1}
-test winFCmd-7.5 {TraverseWinTree: call TraversalCopy: DOTREE_F} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile td1/tf1 tf1
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
- contents td2/tf1
-} {tf1}
-test winFCmd-7.6 {TraverseWinTree: call TraversalDelete: DOTREE_F} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile td1/tf1 tf1
- testfile rmdir -force td1
- file exists td1
-} {0}
-test winFCmd-7.7 {TraverseWinTree: append \ to source if necessary} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile td1/tf1 tf1
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
- contents td2/tf1
-} {tf1}
-test winFCmd-7.8 {TraverseWinTree: append \ to source if necessary} {95 cdrom} {
- list [catch {testfile rmdir $cdrom/} msg] $msg
-} "1 {$cdrom\\ EEXIST}"
-test winFCmd-7.9 {TraverseWinTree: append \ to source if necessary} {nt cdrom} {
- list [catch {testfile rmdir $cdrom/} msg] $msg
-} "1 {$cdrom\\ EACCES}"
-test winFCmd-7.10 {TraverseWinTree: can't read directory: handle == INVALID} \
- {pcOnly} {
- # can't make it happen
-} {}
-test winFCmd-7.11 {TraverseWinTree: call TraversalCopy: DOTREE_PRED} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- testchmod 000 td1
- createfile td1/tf1 tf1
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
- list [file exists td2] [file writable td2]
-} {1 0}
-test winFCmd-7.12 {TraverseWinTree: call TraversalDelete: DOTREE_PRED} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile td1/tf1 tf1
- testfile rmdir -force td1
- file exists td1
-} {0}
-test winFCmd-7.13 {TraverseWinTree: append \ to target if necessary} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile td1/tf1 tf1
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
- contents td2/tf1
-} {tf1}
-test winFCmd-7.14 {TraverseWinTree: append \ to target if necessary} {95} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile cpdir td1 /} msg] $msg
-} {1 {\ EEXIST}}
-test winFCmd-7.15 {TraverseWinTree: append \ to target if necessary} {nt} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile cpdir td1 /} msg] $msg
-} {1 {\ EACCES}}
-test winFCmd-7.16 {TraverseWinTree: recurse on files: no files} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
-} {}
-test winFCmd-7.17 {TraverseWinTree: recurse on files: one file} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile td1/td2
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
- glob td2/*
-} {td2/td2}
-test winFCmd-7.18 {TraverseWinTree: recurse on files: several files and dir} \
- {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile td1/tf1
- createfile td1/tf2
- file mkdir td1/td2/td3
- createfile td1/tf3
- createfile td1/tf4
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
- lsort [glob td2/*]
-} {td2/td2 td2/tf1 td2/tf2 td2/tf3 td2/tf4}
-test winFCmd-7.19 {TraverseWinTree: call TraversalCopy: DOTREE_POSTD} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- testchmod 000 td1
- createfile td1/tf1 tf1
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
- list [file exists td2] [file writable td2]
-} {1 0}
-test winFCmd-7.20 {TraverseWinTree: call TraversalDelete: DOTREE_POSTD} \
- {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile td1/tf1 tf1
- testfile rmdir -force td1
- file exists td1
-} {0}
-test winFCmd-7.21 {TraverseWinTree: fill errorPtr} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {testfile cpdir td1 td2} msg] $msg
-} {1 {td1 ENOENT}}
-test winFCmd-8.1 {TraversalCopy: DOTREE_F} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {testfile cpdir td1 td1} msg] $msg
-} {1 {td1 EEXIST}}
-test winFCmd-8.2 {TraversalCopy: DOTREE_PRED} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/td2
- testchmod 000 td1
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
- list [file writable td1] [file writable td1/td2]
-} {0 1}
-test winFCmd-8.3 {TraversalCopy: DOTREE_POSTD} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- testfile cpdir td1 td2
-} {}
-test winFCmd-9.1 {TraversalDelete: DOTREE_F} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile td1/tf1
- testfile rmdir -force td1
-} {}
-test winFCmd-9.2 {TraversalDelete: DOTREE_F} {95} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- set fd [open td1/tf1 w]
- set msg [list [catch {testfile rmdir -force td1} msg] $msg]
- close $fd
- set msg
-} {1 {td1\tf1 EACCES}}
-test winFCmd-9.3 {TraversalDelete: DOTREE_PRED} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/td2
- testchmod 000 td1
- testfile rmdir -force td1
- file exists td1
-} {0}
-test winFCmd-9.4 {TraversalDelete: DOTREE_POSTD} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/td1/td3/td4/td5
- testfile rmdir -force td1
-} {}
-test winFCmd-10.1 {AttributesPosixError - get} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -archive} msg] $msg
-} {1 {could not read "td1": no such file or directory}}
-test winFCmd-10.2 {AttributesPosixError - set} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -archive 0} msg] $msg
-} {1 {could not read "td1": no such file or directory}}
-test winFCmd-11.1 {GetWinFileAttributes} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -archive} msg] $msg [cleanup]
-} {0 1 {}}
-test winFCmd-11.2 {GetWinFileAttributes} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -readonly} msg] $msg [cleanup]
-} {0 0 {}}
-test winFCmd-11.3 {GetWinFileAttributes} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -hidden} msg] $msg [cleanup]
-} {0 0 {}}
-test winFCmd-11.4 {GetWinFileAttributes} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -system} msg] $msg [cleanup]
-} {0 0 {}}
-test winfcmd-11.5 {GetWinFileAttributes} {pcOnly} {
- # attr of relative paths that resolve to root was failing
- # don't care about answer, just that test runs.
- set old [pwd]
- cd c:/
- file attr c:
- file attr c:.
- file attr .
- cd $old
-} {}
-test winFCmd-12.1 {ConvertFileNameFormat} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {string tolower [file attributes td1 -longname]} msg] $msg [cleanup]
-} {0 td1 {}}
-test winFCmd-12.2 {ConvertFileNameFormat} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- close [open td1/td1 w]
- list [catch {string tolower [file attributes td1/td1 -longname]} msg] $msg [cleanup]
-} {0 td1/td1 {}}
-test winFCmd-12.3 {ConvertFileNameFormat} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- file mkdir td1/td2
- close [open td1/td3 w]
- list [catch {string tolower [file attributes td1/td2/../td3 -longname]} msg] $msg [cleanup]
-} {0 td1/td2/../td3 {}}
-test winFCmd-12.4 {ConvertFileNameFormat} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {string tolower [file attributes ./td1 -longname]} msg] $msg [cleanup]
-} {0 ./td1 {}}
-test winFCmd-12.5 {ConvertFileNameFormat: absolute path} {pcOnly} {
- list [file attributes / -longname] [file attributes \\ -longname]
-} {/ /}
-test winFCmd-12.6 {ConvertFileNameFormat: absolute path with drive} {pcOnly} {
- catch {file delete -force -- c:/td1}
- close [open c:/td1 w]
- list [catch {string tolower [file attributes c:/td1 -longname]} msg] $msg [file delete -force -- c:/td1]
-} {0 c:/td1 {}}
-test winFCmd-12.7 {ConvertFileNameFormat} {nonPortable pcOnly} {
- string tolower [file attributes //bisque/tcl/ws -longname]
-} {//bisque/tcl/ws}
-test winFCmd-12.8 {ConvertFileNameFormat} {pcOnly longFileNames} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {string tolower [file attributes td1 -longname]} msg] $msg [cleanup]
-} {0 td1 {}}
-test winFCmd-12.10 {ConvertFileNameFormat} {longFileNames pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1td1td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1td1td1 -shortname}] [cleanup]
-} {0 {}}
-test winFCmd-12.11 {ConvertFileNameFormat} {longFileNames pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {string tolower [file attributes td1 -shortname]} msg] $msg [cleanup]
-} {0 td1 {}}
-test winFCmd-13.1 {GetWinFileLongName} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {string tolower [file attributes td1 -longname]} msg] $msg [cleanup]
-} {0 td1 {}}
-test winFCmd-14.1 {GetWinFileShortName} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {string tolower [file attributes td1 -shortname]} msg] $msg [cleanup]
-} {0 td1 {}}
-test winFCmd-15.1 {SetWinFileAttributes} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -archive 0} msg] $msg
-} {1 {could not read "td1": no such file or directory}}
-test winFCmd-15.2 {SetWinFileAttributes - archive} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -archive 1} msg] $msg [file attributes td1 -archive] [cleanup]
-} {0 {} 1 {}}
-test winFCmd-15.3 {SetWinFileAttributes - archive} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -archive 0} msg] $msg [file attributes td1 -archive] [cleanup]
-} {0 {} 0 {}}
-test winFCmd-15.4 {SetWinFileAttributes - hidden} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -hidden 1} msg] $msg [file attributes td1 -hidden] [file attributes td1 -hidden 0] [cleanup]
-} {0 {} 1 {} {}}
-test winFCmd-15.5 {SetWinFileAttributes - hidden} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -hidden 0} msg] $msg [file attributes td1 -hidden] [cleanup]
-} {0 {} 0 {}}
-test winFCmd-15.6 {SetWinFileAttributes - readonly} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -readonly 1} msg] $msg [file attributes td1 -readonly] [cleanup]
-} {0 {} 1 {}}
-test winFCmd-15.7 {SetWinFileAttributes - readonly} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -readonly 0} msg] $msg [file attributes td1 -readonly] [cleanup]
-} {0 {} 0 {}}
-test winFCmd-15.8 {SetWinFileAttributes - system} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -system 1} msg] $msg [file attributes td1 -system] [cleanup]
-} {0 {} 1 {}}
-test winFCmd-15.9 {SetWinFileAttributes - system} {pcOnly} {
- cleanup
- close [open td1 w]
- list [catch {file attributes td1 -system 0} msg] $msg [file attributes td1 -system] [cleanup]
-} {0 {} 0 {}}
-test winFCmd-15.10 {SetWinFileAttributes - failing} {pcOnly cdrom} {
- cleanup
- catch {file attributes $cdfile -archive 1}
-} {1}
-# This block of code used to occur after the "return" call, so I'm
-# commenting it out and assuming that this code is still under construction.
-#foreach source {tef ted tnf tnd "" nul com1} {
-# foreach chmodsrc {000 755} {
-# foreach dest "tfn tfe tdn tdempty tdfull td1/td2 $p $p/td1 {} nul" {
-# foreach chmoddst {000 755} {
-# puts hi
-# cleanup
-# file delete -force ted tef
-# file mkdir ted
-# createfile tef
-# createfile tfe
-# file mkdir tdempty
-# file mkdir tdfull/td1/td2
-# catch {testchmod $chmodsrc $source}
-# catch {testchmod $chmoddst $dest}
-# if [catch {file rename $source $dest} msg] {
-# puts "file rename $source ($chmodsrc) $dest ($chmoddst)"
-# puts $msg
-# }
-# }
-# }
-# }
-# cleanup