path: root/tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl b/tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl
index aa3ecce..7a46def 100755
--- a/tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl
+++ b/tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.6-} msg]} {
puts stderr "ERROR: $msg"
puts stderr "If running this script from 'make html', set the\
NATIVE_TCLSH environment\nvariable to point to an installed\
- tclsh9.0 (or the equivalent tclsh90.exe\non Windows)."
+ tclsh8.6 (or the equivalent tclsh86.exe\non Windows)."
exit 1
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ proc css-style args {
append style $tokens " \{" $body "\}\n"
proc css-stylesheet {} {
- set hBd "1px dotted #11577b"
+ set hBd "1px dotted #11577B"
css-style body div p th td li dd ul ol dl dt blockquote {
font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ proc css-stylesheet {} {
font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
css-style pre {
- background-color: #f6fcec;
+ background-color: #F6FCEC;
border-top: 1px solid #6A6A6A;
border-bottom: 1px solid #6A6A6A;
padding: 1em;
@@ -269,20 +269,20 @@ proc css-stylesheet {} {
css-style h1 {
font-size: 18px;
- color: #11577b;
+ color: #11577B;
border-bottom: $hBd;
margin-top: 0px;
css-style h2 {
font-size: 14px;
- color: #11577b;
- background-color: #c5dce8;
+ color: #11577B;
+ background-color: #C5DCE8;
padding-left: 1em;
border: 1px solid #6A6A6A;
css-style h3 h4 {
color: #1674A4;
- background-color: #e8f2f6;
+ background-color: #E8F2F6;
border-bottom: $hBd;
border-top: $hBd;
@@ -296,16 +296,16 @@ proc css-stylesheet {} {
width: 20em;
float: left;
padding: 2px;
- border-top: 1px solid #999;
+ border-top: 1px solid #999999;
css-style ".keylist dt" { font-weight: bold; }
css-style ".keylist dd" ".arguments dd" {
margin-left: 20em;
padding: 2px;
- border-top: 1px solid #999;
+ border-top: 1px solid #999999;
css-style .copy {
- background-color: #f6fcfc;
+ background-color: #F6FCFC;
white-space: pre;
font-size: 80%;
border-top: 1px solid #6A6A6A;
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ proc make-man-pages {html args} {
set manual(short-toc-n) 1
set manual(short-toc-fp) [open $html/[indexfile] w]
puts $manual(short-toc-fp) [htmlhead $overall_title $overall_title]
- puts $manual(short-toc-fp) "<DL class=\"keylist\">"
+ puts $manual(short-toc-fp) "<dl class=\"keylist\">"
set manual(merge-copyrights) {}
foreach arg $args {
@@ -378,13 +378,13 @@ proc make-man-pages {html args} {
foreach a $letters {
set keys [array names manual "keyword-\[[string totitle $a$a]\]*"]
if {[llength $keys]} {
- lappend keyheader "<A HREF=\"$a.htm\">$a</A>"
+ lappend keyheader "<a href=\"$a.html\">$a</a>"
} else {
# No keywords for this letter
lappend keyheader $a
- set keyheader <H3>[join $keyheader " |\n"]</H3>
+ set keyheader <h3>[join $keyheader " |\n"]</h3>
puts $keyfp $keyheader
foreach a $letters {
set keys [array names manual "keyword-\[[string totitle $a$a]\]*"]
@@ -392,16 +392,16 @@ proc make-man-pages {html args} {
# Per-keyword page
- set afp [open $html/Keywords/$a.htm w]
+ set afp [open $html/Keywords/$a.html w]
puts $afp [htmlhead "$tcltkdesc Keywords - $a" \
"$tcltkdesc Keywords - $a" \
$overall_title "../[indexfile]"]
puts $afp $keyheader
- puts $afp "<DL class=\"keylist\">"
+ puts $afp "<dl class=\"keylist\">"
foreach k [lsort -dictionary $keys] {
set k [string range $k 8 end]
- puts $afp "<DT><A NAME=\"$k\">$k</A></DT>"
- puts $afp "<DD>"
+ puts $afp "<dt><a name=\"[nospace-text $k]\" id=\"[nospace-text $k]\">$k</a></dt>"
+ puts $afp "<dd>"
set refs {}
foreach man $manual(keyword-$k) {
set name [lindex $man 0]
@@ -411,32 +411,32 @@ proc make-man-pages {html args} {
if {[string match {*[<>""]*} $tooltip]} {
manerror "bad tooltip for $file: \"$tooltip\""
- lappend refs "<A HREF=\"../$file\" TITLE=\"$tooltip\">$name</A>"
+ lappend refs "<a href=\"../$file\" title=\"$tooltip\">$name</a>"
} else {
- lappend refs "<A HREF=\"../$file\">$name</A>"
+ lappend refs "<a href=\"../$file\">$name</a>"
- puts $afp "[join $refs {, }]</DD>"
+ puts $afp "[join $refs {, }]</dd>"
- puts $afp "</DL>"
+ puts $afp "</dl>"
# insert merged copyrights
puts $afp [copyout $manual(merge-copyrights)]
- puts $afp "</BODY></HTML>"
+ puts $afp "</body></html>"
close $afp
# insert merged copyrights
puts $keyfp [copyout $manual(merge-copyrights)]
- puts $keyfp "</BODY></HTML>"
+ puts $keyfp "</body></html>"
close $keyfp
## finish off short table of contents
- puts $manual(short-toc-fp) "<DT><A HREF=\"Keywords/[indexfile]\">Keywords</A><DD>The keywords from the $tcltkdesc man pages."
- puts $manual(short-toc-fp) "</DL>"
+ puts $manual(short-toc-fp) "<dt><a href=\"Keywords/[indexfile]\">Keywords</a><dd>The keywords from the $tcltkdesc man pages."
+ puts $manual(short-toc-fp) "</dl>"
# insert merged copyrights
puts $manual(short-toc-fp) [copyout $manual(merge-copyrights)]
- puts $manual(short-toc-fp) "</BODY></HTML>"
+ puts $manual(short-toc-fp) "</body></html>"
close $manual(short-toc-fp)
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ proc make-man-pages {html args} {
} else {
puts -nonewline stderr .
- set outfd [open $html/$manual(wing-file)/$manual(name).htm w]
+ set outfd [open $html/$manual(wing-file)/$manual(name).html w]
puts $outfd [htmlhead "$manual($manual(wing-file)-$manual(name)-title)" \
$manual(name) $wing_name "[indexfile]" \
$overall_title "../[indexfile]"]
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ proc make-man-pages {html args} {
foreach item $text {
puts $outfd [insert-cross-references $item]
- puts $outfd "</BODY></HTML>"
+ puts $outfd "</body></html>"
} on error msg {
if {$verbose} {
puts stderr $msg
@@ -741,7 +741,11 @@ try {
# ... but try to extract (name, version) from subdir contents
try {
- set f [open [file join $pkgsDir $dir]]
+ try {
+ set f [open [file join $pkgsDir $dir]]
+ } trap {POSIX ENOENT} {} {
+ set f [open [file join $pkgsDir $dir]]
+ }
foreach line [split [read $f] \n] {
if {2 == [scan $line \
{ AC_INIT ( [%[^]]] , [%[^]]] ) } n v]} {
@@ -801,9 +805,9 @@ try {
[list $tcltkdir/{$appdir}/doc/*.1 "$tcltkdesc Applications" UserCmd \
"The interpreters which implement $cmdesc."] \
[plus-base $build_tcl $tcldir doc/*.n {Tcl Commands} TclCmd \
- "The commands which the <B>tclsh</B> interpreter implements."] \
+ "The commands which the <b>tclsh</b> interpreter implements."] \
[plus-base $build_tk $tkdir doc/*.n {Tk Commands} TkCmd \
- "The additional commands which the <B>wish</B> interpreter implements."] \
+ "The additional commands which the <b>wish</b> interpreter implements."] \
{*}[plus-pkgs n {*}$packageBuildList] \
[plus-base $build_tcl $tcldir doc/*.3 {Tcl C API} TclLib \
"The C functions which a Tcl extended C program may use."] \