path: root/generic/tkCanvText.c
diff options
mode: <dkf>2007-02-12 21:41:47 (GMT) <dkf>2007-02-12 21:41:47 (GMT)
commit4a6ff08cd128b0a87bb5eaf4a88ebdeb00a05c1d (patch)
tree4ceaed2e2a2cc616037bd45cf930118c218698ca /generic/tkCanvText.c
parent1aa43f9acb4a3f1a4e3aa707bd8bf2e1e743f7bc (diff)
Minor whitespace corrections
Diffstat (limited to 'generic/tkCanvText.c')
1 files changed, 1517 insertions, 1516 deletions
diff --git a/generic/tkCanvText.c b/generic/tkCanvText.c
index 9a8782e..8da2fe1 100644
--- a/generic/tkCanvText.c
+++ b/generic/tkCanvText.c
@@ -1,1516 +1,1517 @@
- * tkCanvText.c --
- *
- * This file implements text items for canvas widgets.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
- * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- *
- * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
- * this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- * RCS: @(#) $Id: tkCanvText.c,v 1.21 2006/01/12 13:38:22 dkf Exp $
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "tkInt.h"
-#include "tkCanvas.h"
-#include "tkPort.h"
-#include "default.h"
- * The structure below defines the record for each text item.
- */
-typedef struct TextItem {
- Tk_Item header; /* Generic stuff that's the same for all
- Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr;
- /* Pointer to a structure containing
- * information about the selection and
- * insertion cursor. The structure is owned by
- * (and shared with) the generic canvas
- * code. */
- /*
- * Fields that are set by widget commands other than "configure".
- */
- double x, y; /* Positioning point for text. */
- int insertPos; /* Character index of character just before
- * which the insertion cursor is displayed. */
- /*
- * Configuration settings that are updated by Tk_ConfigureWidget.
- */
- Tk_Anchor anchor; /* Where to anchor text relative to (x,y). */
- Tk_TSOffset tsoffset;
- XColor *color; /* Color for text. */
- XColor *activeColor; /* Color for text. */
- XColor *disabledColor; /* Color for text. */
- Tk_Font tkfont; /* Font for drawing text. */
- Tk_Justify justify; /* Justification mode for text. */
- Pixmap stipple; /* Stipple bitmap for text, or None. */
- Pixmap activeStipple; /* Stipple bitmap for text, or None. */
- Pixmap disabledStipple; /* Stipple bitmap for text, or None. */
- char *text; /* Text for item (malloc-ed). */
- int width; /* Width of lines for word-wrap, pixels. Zero
- * means no word-wrap. */
- int underline; /* Index of character to put underline beneath
- * or -1 for no underlining. */
- /*
- * Fields whose values are derived from the current values of the
- * configuration settings above.
- */
- int numChars; /* Length of text in characters. */
- int numBytes; /* Length of text in bytes. */
- Tk_TextLayout textLayout; /* Cached text layout information. */
- int leftEdge; /* Pixel location of the left edge of the text
- * item; where the left border of the text
- * layout is drawn. */
- int rightEdge; /* Pixel just to right of right edge of area
- * of text item. Used for selecting up to end
- * of line. */
- GC gc; /* Graphics context for drawing text. */
- GC selTextGC; /* Graphics context for selected text. */
- GC cursorOffGC; /* If not None, this gives a graphics context
- * to use to draw the insertion cursor when
- * it's off. Used if the selection and
- * insertion cursor colors are the same. */
-} TextItem;
- * Information used for parsing configuration specs:
- */
-static Tk_CustomOption stateOption = {
- (Tk_OptionParseProc *) TkStateParseProc,
- TkStatePrintProc, (ClientData) 2
-static Tk_CustomOption tagsOption = {
- (Tk_OptionParseProc *) Tk_CanvasTagsParseProc,
- Tk_CanvasTagsPrintProc, (ClientData) NULL
-static Tk_CustomOption offsetOption = {
- (Tk_OptionParseProc *) TkOffsetParseProc,
- TkOffsetPrintProc, (ClientData) (TK_OFFSET_RELATIVE)
-static Tk_ConfigSpec configSpecs[] = {
- {TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-activefill", NULL, NULL,
- NULL, Tk_Offset(TextItem, activeColor), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
- {TK_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-activestipple", NULL, NULL,
- NULL, Tk_Offset(TextItem, activeStipple), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
- "center", Tk_Offset(TextItem, anchor), TK_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT},
- {TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-disabledfill", NULL, NULL,
- NULL, Tk_Offset(TextItem, disabledColor), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
- {TK_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-disabledstipple", NULL, NULL,
- NULL, Tk_Offset(TextItem, disabledStipple), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
- "black", Tk_Offset(TextItem, color), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
- DEF_CANVTEXT_FONT, Tk_Offset(TextItem, tkfont), 0},
- "left", Tk_Offset(TextItem, justify), TK_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT},
- "0,0", Tk_Offset(TextItem, tsoffset),
- NULL, Tk_Offset(Tk_Item, state), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, &stateOption},
- {TK_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-stipple", NULL, NULL,
- NULL, Tk_Offset(TextItem, stipple), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
- NULL, 0, TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, &tagsOption},
- "", Tk_Offset(TextItem, text), 0},
- {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-underline", NULL, NULL,
- "-1", Tk_Offset(TextItem, underline), 0},
- "0", Tk_Offset(TextItem, width), TK_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT},
- * Prototypes for functions defined in this file:
- */
-static void ComputeTextBbox(Tk_Canvas canvas, TextItem *textPtr);
-static int ConfigureText(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Canvas canvas, Tk_Item *itemPtr, int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[], int flags);
-static int CreateText(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Canvas canvas, struct Tk_Item *itemPtr,
- int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
-static void DeleteText(Tk_Canvas canvas,
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, Display *display);
-static void DisplayCanvText(Tk_Canvas canvas,
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, Display *display, Drawable dst,
- int x, int y, int width, int height);
-static int GetSelText(Tk_Canvas canvas,
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, int offset, char *buffer,
- int maxBytes);
-static int GetTextIndex(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Canvas canvas, Tk_Item *itemPtr,
- Tcl_Obj *obj, int *indexPtr);
-static void ScaleText(Tk_Canvas canvas,
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, double originX, double originY,
- double scaleX, double scaleY);
-static void SetTextCursor(Tk_Canvas canvas,
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, int index);
-static int TextCoords(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Canvas canvas, Tk_Item *itemPtr,
- int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
-static void TextDeleteChars(Tk_Canvas canvas,
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, int first, int last);
-static void TextInsert(Tk_Canvas canvas,
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, int beforeThis, char *string);
-static int TextToArea(Tk_Canvas canvas,
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, double *rectPtr);
-static double TextToPoint(Tk_Canvas canvas,
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, double *pointPtr);
-static int TextToPostscript(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Canvas canvas, Tk_Item *itemPtr, int prepass);
-static void TranslateText(Tk_Canvas canvas,
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, double deltaX, double deltaY);
- * The structures below defines the rectangle and oval item types by means of
- * functions that can be invoked by generic item code.
- */
-Tk_ItemType tkTextType = {
- "text", /* name */
- sizeof(TextItem), /* itemSize */
- CreateText, /* createProc */
- configSpecs, /* configSpecs */
- ConfigureText, /* configureProc */
- TextCoords, /* coordProc */
- DeleteText, /* deleteProc */
- DisplayCanvText, /* displayProc */
- TK_CONFIG_OBJS, /* flags */
- TextToPoint, /* pointProc */
- TextToArea, /* areaProc */
- TextToPostscript, /* postscriptProc */
- ScaleText, /* scaleProc */
- TranslateText, /* translateProc */
- (Tk_ItemIndexProc *) GetTextIndex,/* indexProc */
- SetTextCursor, /* icursorProc */
- GetSelText, /* selectionProc */
- TextInsert, /* insertProc */
- TextDeleteChars, /* dTextProc */
- NULL, /* nextPtr */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * CreateText --
- *
- * This function is invoked to create a new text item in a canvas.
- *
- * Results:
- * A standard Tcl return value. If an error occurred in creating the item
- * then an error message is left in the interp's result; in this case
- * itemPtr is left uninitialized so it can be safely freed by the caller.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * A new text item is created.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Interpreter for error reporting. */
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas to hold new item. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Record to hold new item; header has been
- * initialized by caller. */
- int objc, /* Number of arguments in objv. */
- Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) /* Arguments describing rectangle. */
- TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- int i;
- if (objc == 0) {
- Tcl_Panic("canvas did not pass any coords\n");
- }
- /*
- * Carry out initialization that is needed in order to clean up after
- * errors during the the remainder of this function.
- */
- textPtr->textInfoPtr = Tk_CanvasGetTextInfo(canvas);
- textPtr->insertPos = 0;
- textPtr->anchor = TK_ANCHOR_CENTER;
- textPtr->tsoffset.flags = 0;
- textPtr->tsoffset.xoffset = 0;
- textPtr->tsoffset.yoffset = 0;
- textPtr->color = NULL;
- textPtr->activeColor = NULL;
- textPtr->disabledColor = NULL;
- textPtr->tkfont = NULL;
- textPtr->justify = TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT;
- textPtr->stipple = None;
- textPtr->activeStipple = None;
- textPtr->disabledStipple = None;
- textPtr->text = NULL;
- textPtr->width = 0;
- textPtr->underline = -1;
- textPtr->numChars = 0;
- textPtr->numBytes = 0;
- textPtr->textLayout = NULL;
- textPtr->leftEdge = 0;
- textPtr->rightEdge = 0;
- textPtr->gc = None;
- textPtr->selTextGC = None;
- textPtr->cursorOffGC = None;
- /*
- * Process the arguments to fill in the item record. Only 1 (list) or 2 (x
- * y) coords are allowed.
- */
- if (objc == 1) {
- i = 1;
- } else {
- char *arg = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
- i = 2;
- if ((arg[0] == '-') && (arg[1] >= 'a') && (arg[1] <= 'z')) {
- i = 1;
- }
- }
- if ((TextCoords(interp, canvas, itemPtr, i, objv) != TCL_OK)) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (ConfigureText(interp, canvas, itemPtr, objc-i, objv+i, 0) == TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- error:
- DeleteText(canvas, itemPtr, Tk_Display(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas)));
- return TCL_ERROR;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TextCoords --
- *
- * This function is invoked to process the "coords" widget command on
- * text items. See the user documentation for details on what it does.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns TCL_OK or TCL_ERROR, and sets the interp's result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The coordinates for the given item may be changed.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Used for error reporting. */
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing item. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item whose coordinates are to be read or
- * modified. */
- int objc, /* Number of coordinates supplied in objv. */
- Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) /* Array of coordinates: x1, y1, x2, y2, ... */
- TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- if (objc == 0) {
- Tcl_Obj *obj = Tcl_NewObj();
- Tcl_Obj *subobj = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(textPtr->x);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, obj, subobj);
- subobj = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(textPtr->y);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, obj, subobj);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, obj);
- } else if (objc < 3) {
- if (objc==1) {
- if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objv[0], &objc,
- (Tcl_Obj ***) &objv) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- } else if (objc != 2) {
- char buf[64 + TCL_INTEGER_SPACE];
- sprintf(buf, "wrong # coordinates: expected 2, got %d", objc);
- Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if ((Tk_CanvasGetCoordFromObj(interp, canvas, objv[0], &textPtr->x) != TCL_OK)
- || (Tk_CanvasGetCoordFromObj(interp, canvas, objv[1],
- &textPtr->y) != TCL_OK)) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
- } else {
- char buf[64 + TCL_INTEGER_SPACE];
- sprintf(buf, "wrong # coordinates: expected 0 or 2, got %d", objc);
- Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ConfigureText --
- *
- * This function is invoked to configure various aspects of a text item,
- * such as its border and background colors.
- *
- * Results:
- * A standard Tcl result code. If an error occurs, then an error message
- * is left in the interp's result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Configuration information, such as colors and stipple patterns, may be
- * set for itemPtr.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Interpreter for error reporting. */
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Rectangle item to reconfigure. */
- int objc, /* Number of elements in objv. */
- Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[], /* Arguments describing things to configure. */
- int flags) /* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
- TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- XGCValues gcValues;
- GC newGC, newSelGC;
- unsigned long mask;
- Tk_Window tkwin;
- Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
- XColor *selBgColorPtr;
- XColor *color;
- Pixmap stipple;
- Tk_State state;
- tkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
- if (TCL_OK != Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, tkwin, configSpecs, objc,
- (CONST char **) objv, (char *) textPtr, flags|TK_CONFIG_OBJS)) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * A few of the options require additional processing, such as graphics
- * contexts.
- */
- state = itemPtr->state;
- if (textPtr->activeColor != NULL ||
- textPtr->activeStipple != None) {
- itemPtr->redraw_flags |= TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
- } else {
- itemPtr->redraw_flags &= ~TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
- }
- if(state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
- state = ((TkCanvas *)canvas)->canvas_state;
- }
- color = textPtr->color;
- stipple = textPtr->stipple;
- if (((TkCanvas *)canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
- if (textPtr->activeColor!=NULL) {
- color = textPtr->activeColor;
- }
- if (textPtr->activeStipple!=None) {
- stipple = textPtr->activeStipple;
- }
- } else if (state==TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
- if (textPtr->disabledColor!=NULL) {
- color = textPtr->disabledColor;
- }
- if (textPtr->disabledStipple!=None) {
- stipple = textPtr->disabledStipple;
- }
- }
- newGC = newSelGC = None;
- if (textPtr->tkfont != NULL) {
- gcValues.font = Tk_FontId(textPtr->tkfont);
- mask = GCFont;
- if (color != NULL) {
- gcValues.foreground = color->pixel;
- mask |= GCForeground;
- if (stipple != None) {
- gcValues.stipple = stipple;
- gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
- mask |= GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
- }
- newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
- }
- mask &= ~(GCTile|GCFillStyle|GCStipple);
- if (stipple != None) {
- gcValues.stipple = stipple;
- gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
- mask |= GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
- }
- gcValues.foreground = textInfoPtr->selFgColorPtr->pixel;
- newSelGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask|GCForeground, &gcValues);
- }
- if (textPtr->gc != None) {
- Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->gc);
- }
- textPtr->gc = newGC;
- if (textPtr->selTextGC != None) {
- Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->selTextGC);
- }
- textPtr->selTextGC = newSelGC;
- selBgColorPtr = Tk_3DBorderColor(textInfoPtr->selBorder);
- if (Tk_3DBorderColor(textInfoPtr->insertBorder)->pixel
- == selBgColorPtr->pixel) {
- if (selBgColorPtr->pixel == BlackPixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin))) {
- gcValues.foreground = WhitePixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
- } else {
- gcValues.foreground = BlackPixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
- }
- newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, GCForeground, &gcValues);
- } else {
- newGC = None;
- }
- if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != None) {
- Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->cursorOffGC);
- }
- textPtr->cursorOffGC = newGC;
- /*
- * If the text was changed, move the selection and insertion indices to
- * keep them inside the item.
- */
- textPtr->numBytes = strlen(textPtr->text);
- textPtr->numChars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(textPtr->text, textPtr->numBytes);
- if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {
- if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst >= textPtr->numChars) {
- textInfoPtr->selItemPtr = NULL;
- } else {
- if (textInfoPtr->selectLast >= textPtr->numChars) {
- textInfoPtr->selectLast = textPtr->numChars - 1;
- }
- if ((textInfoPtr->anchorItemPtr == itemPtr)
- && (textInfoPtr->selectAnchor >= textPtr->numChars)) {
- textInfoPtr->selectAnchor = textPtr->numChars - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (textPtr->insertPos >= textPtr->numChars) {
- textPtr->insertPos = textPtr->numChars;
- }
- ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
- return TCL_OK;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * DeleteText --
- *
- * This function is called to clean up the data structure associated with
- * a text item.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Resources associated with itemPtr are released.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Info about overall canvas widget. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item that is being deleted. */
- Display *display) /* Display containing window for canvas. */
- TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- if (textPtr->color != NULL) {
- Tk_FreeColor(textPtr->color);
- }
- if (textPtr->activeColor != NULL) {
- Tk_FreeColor(textPtr->activeColor);
- }
- if (textPtr->disabledColor != NULL) {
- Tk_FreeColor(textPtr->disabledColor);
- }
- Tk_FreeFont(textPtr->tkfont);
- if (textPtr->stipple != None) {
- Tk_FreeBitmap(display, textPtr->stipple);
- }
- if (textPtr->activeStipple != None) {
- Tk_FreeBitmap(display, textPtr->activeStipple);
- }
- if (textPtr->disabledStipple != None) {
- Tk_FreeBitmap(display, textPtr->disabledStipple);
- }
- if (textPtr->text != NULL) {
- ckfree(textPtr->text);
- }
- Tk_FreeTextLayout(textPtr->textLayout);
- if (textPtr->gc != None) {
- Tk_FreeGC(display, textPtr->gc);
- }
- if (textPtr->selTextGC != None) {
- Tk_FreeGC(display, textPtr->selTextGC);
- }
- if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != None) {
- Tk_FreeGC(display, textPtr->cursorOffGC);
- }
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ComputeTextBbox --
- *
- * This function is invoked to compute the bounding box of all the pixels
- * that may be drawn as part of a text item. In addition, it recomputes
- * all of the geometry information used to display a text item or check
- * for mouse hits.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The fields x1, y1, x2, and y2 are updated in the header for itemPtr,
- * and the linePtr structure is regenerated for itemPtr.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas that contains item. */
- TextItem *textPtr) /* Item whose bbox is to be recomputed. */
- Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr;
- int leftX, topY, width, height, fudge;
- Tk_State state = textPtr->header.state;
- if(state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
- state = ((TkCanvas *)canvas)->canvas_state;
- }
- Tk_FreeTextLayout(textPtr->textLayout);
- textPtr->textLayout = Tk_ComputeTextLayout(textPtr->tkfont,
- textPtr->text, textPtr->numChars, textPtr->width,
- textPtr->justify, 0, &width, &height);
- if (state == TK_STATE_HIDDEN || textPtr->color == NULL) {
- width = height = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Use overall geometry information to compute the top-left corner of the
- * bounding box for the text item.
- */
- leftX = (int) floor(textPtr->x + 0.5);
- topY = (int) floor(textPtr->y + 0.5);
- switch (textPtr->anchor) {
- case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
- case TK_ANCHOR_N:
- case TK_ANCHOR_NE:
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_W:
- case TK_ANCHOR_E:
- topY -= height / 2;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_SW:
- case TK_ANCHOR_S:
- case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
- topY -= height;
- break;
- }
- switch (textPtr->anchor) {
- case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
- case TK_ANCHOR_W:
- case TK_ANCHOR_SW:
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_N:
- case TK_ANCHOR_S:
- leftX -= width / 2;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_NE:
- case TK_ANCHOR_E:
- case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
- leftX -= width;
- break;
- }
- textPtr->leftEdge = leftX;
- textPtr->rightEdge = leftX + width;
- /*
- * Last of all, update the bounding box for the item. The item's bounding
- * box includes the bounding box of all its lines, plus an extra fudge
- * factor for the cursor border (which could potentially be quite large).
- */
- textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
- fudge = (textInfoPtr->insertWidth + 1) / 2;
- if (textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth > fudge) {
- fudge = textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth;
- }
- textPtr->header.x1 = leftX - fudge;
- textPtr->header.y1 = topY;
- textPtr->header.x2 = leftX + width + fudge;
- textPtr->header.y2 = topY + height;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * DisplayCanvText --
- *
- * This function is invoked to draw a text item in a given drawable.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * ItemPtr is drawn in drawable using the transformation information in
- * canvas.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas that contains item. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item to be displayed. */
- Display *display, /* Display on which to draw item. */
- Drawable drawable, /* Pixmap or window in which to draw item. */
- int x, int y, int width, int height)
- /* Describes region of canvas that must be
- * redisplayed (not used). */
- TextItem *textPtr;
- Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr;
- int selFirstChar, selLastChar;
- short drawableX, drawableY;
- Pixmap stipple;
- Tk_State state = itemPtr->state;
- textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
- if(state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
- state = ((TkCanvas *)canvas)->canvas_state;
- }
- stipple = textPtr->stipple;
- if (((TkCanvas *)canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
- if (textPtr->activeStipple!=None) {
- stipple = textPtr->activeStipple;
- }
- } else if (state==TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
- if (textPtr->disabledStipple!=None) {
- stipple = textPtr->disabledStipple;
- }
- }
- if (textPtr->gc == None) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * If we're stippling, then modify the stipple offset in the GC. Be sure
- * to reset the offset when done, since the GC is supposed to be
- * read-only.
- */
- if (stipple != None) {
- Tk_CanvasSetOffset(canvas, textPtr->gc, &textPtr->tsoffset);
- }
- selFirstChar = -1;
- selLastChar = 0; /* lint. */
- if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {
- selFirstChar = textInfoPtr->selectFirst;
- selLastChar = textInfoPtr->selectLast;
- if (selLastChar > textPtr->numChars) {
- selLastChar = textPtr->numChars - 1;
- }
- if ((selFirstChar >= 0) && (selFirstChar <= selLastChar)) {
- int xFirst, yFirst, hFirst;
- int xLast, yLast, wLast;
- /*
- * Draw a special background under the selection.
- */
- Tk_CharBbox(textPtr->textLayout, selFirstChar, &xFirst, &yFirst,
- NULL, &hFirst);
- Tk_CharBbox(textPtr->textLayout, selLastChar, &xLast, &yLast,
- &wLast, NULL);
- /*
- * If the selection spans the end of this line, then display
- * selection background all the way to the end of the line.
- * However, for the last line we only want to display up to the
- * last character, not the end of the line.
- */
- x = xFirst;
- height = hFirst;
- for (y = yFirst ; y <= yLast; y += height) {
- if (y == yLast) {
- width = xLast + wLast - x;
- } else {
- width = textPtr->rightEdge - textPtr->leftEdge - x;
- }
- Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas,
- (double) (textPtr->leftEdge + x
- - textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth),
- (double) (textPtr->header.y1 + y),
- &drawableX, &drawableY);
- Tk_Fill3DRectangle(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas), drawable,
- textInfoPtr->selBorder, drawableX, drawableY,
- width + 2 * textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth,
- height, textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
- x = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * If the insertion point should be displayed, then draw a special
- * background for the cursor before drawing the text. Note: if we're the
- * cursor item but the cursor is turned off, then redraw background over
- * the area of the cursor. This guarantees that the selection won't make
- * the cursor invisible on mono displays, where both are drawn in the same
- * color.
- */
- if ((textInfoPtr->focusItemPtr == itemPtr) && (textInfoPtr->gotFocus)) {
- if (Tk_CharBbox(textPtr->textLayout, textPtr->insertPos,
- &x, &y, NULL, &height)) {
- Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas,
- (double) (textPtr->leftEdge + x
- - (textInfoPtr->insertWidth / 2)),
- (double) (textPtr->header.y1 + y),
- &drawableX, &drawableY);
- Tk_SetCaretPos(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas), drawableX, drawableY,
- height);
- if (textInfoPtr->cursorOn) {
- Tk_Fill3DRectangle(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas), drawable,
- textInfoPtr->insertBorder,
- drawableX, drawableY,
- textInfoPtr->insertWidth, height,
- textInfoPtr->insertBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
- } else if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != None) {
- /*
- * Redraw the background over the area of the cursor, even
- * though the cursor is turned off. This guarantees that the
- * selection won't make the cursor invisible on mono displays,
- * where both may be drawn in the same color.
- */
- XFillRectangle(display, drawable, textPtr->cursorOffGC,
- drawableX, drawableY,
- (unsigned) textInfoPtr->insertWidth,
- (unsigned) height);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * If there is no selected text or the selected text foreground is the
- * same as the regular text foreground, then draw one text string. If
- * there is selected text and the foregrounds differ, draw the regular
- * text up to the selection, draw the selection, then draw the rest of the
- * regular text. Drawing the regular text and then the selected text over
- * it would causes problems with anti-aliased text because the two
- * anti-aliasing colors would blend together.
- */
- Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas, (double) textPtr->leftEdge,
- (double) textPtr->header.y1, &drawableX, &drawableY);
- if ((selFirstChar >= 0) && (textPtr->selTextGC != textPtr->gc)) {
- Tk_DrawTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc, textPtr->textLayout,
- drawableX, drawableY, 0, selFirstChar);
- Tk_DrawTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->selTextGC,
- textPtr->textLayout, drawableX, drawableY, selFirstChar,
- selLastChar + 1);
- Tk_DrawTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc, textPtr->textLayout,
- drawableX, drawableY, selLastChar + 1, -1);
- } else {
- Tk_DrawTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc, textPtr->textLayout,
- drawableX, drawableY, 0, -1);
- }
- Tk_UnderlineTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc, textPtr->textLayout,
- drawableX, drawableY, textPtr->underline);
- if (stipple != None) {
- XSetTSOrigin(display, textPtr->gc, 0, 0);
- }
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TextInsert --
- *
- * Insert characters into a text item at a given position.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The text in the given item is modified. The cursor and selection
- * positions are also modified to reflect the insertion.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing text item. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Text item to be modified. */
- int index, /* Character index before which string is to
- * be inserted. */
- char *string) /* New characters to be inserted. */
- TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- int byteIndex, byteCount, charsAdded;
- char *newStr, *text;
- Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
- string = Tcl_GetStringFromObj((Tcl_Obj *) string, &byteCount);
- text = textPtr->text;
- if (index < 0) {
- index = 0;
- }
- if (index > textPtr->numChars) {
- index = textPtr->numChars;
- }
- byteIndex = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text, index) - text;
- byteCount = strlen(string);
- if (byteCount == 0) {
- return;
- }
- newStr = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) textPtr->numBytes + byteCount + 1);
- memcpy(newStr, text, (size_t) byteIndex);
- strcpy(newStr + byteIndex, string);
- strcpy(newStr + byteIndex + byteCount, text + byteIndex);
- ckfree(text);
- textPtr->text = newStr;
- charsAdded = Tcl_NumUtfChars(string, byteCount);
- textPtr->numChars += charsAdded;
- textPtr->numBytes += byteCount;
- /*
- * Inserting characters invalidates indices such as those for the
- * selection and cursor. Update the indices appropriately.
- */
- if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {
- if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst >= index) {
- textInfoPtr->selectFirst += charsAdded;
- }
- if (textInfoPtr->selectLast >= index) {
- textInfoPtr->selectLast += charsAdded;
- }
- if ((textInfoPtr->anchorItemPtr == itemPtr)
- && (textInfoPtr->selectAnchor >= index)) {
- textInfoPtr->selectAnchor += charsAdded;
- }
- }
- if (textPtr->insertPos >= index) {
- textPtr->insertPos += charsAdded;
- }
- ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TextDeleteChars --
- *
- * Delete one or more characters from a text item.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Characters between "first" and "last", inclusive, get deleted from
- * itemPtr, and things like the selection position get updated.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item in which to delete characters. */
- int first, /* Character index of first character to
- * delete. */
- int last) /* Character index of last character to delete
- * (inclusive). */
- TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- int byteIndex, byteCount, charsRemoved;
- char *newStr, *text;
- Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
- text = textPtr->text;
- if (first < 0) {
- first = 0;
- }
- if (last >= textPtr->numChars) {
- last = textPtr->numChars - 1;
- }
- if (first > last) {
- return;
- }
- charsRemoved = last + 1 - first;
- byteIndex = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text, first) - text;
- byteCount = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text + byteIndex, charsRemoved)
- - (text + byteIndex);
- newStr = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) (textPtr->numBytes + 1 - byteCount));
- memcpy(newStr, text, (size_t) byteIndex);
- strcpy(newStr + byteIndex, text + byteIndex + byteCount);
- ckfree(text);
- textPtr->text = newStr;
- textPtr->numChars -= charsRemoved;
- textPtr->numBytes -= byteCount;
- /*
- * Update indexes for the selection and cursor to reflect the renumbering
- * of the remaining characters.
- */
- if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {
- if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst > first) {
- textInfoPtr->selectFirst -= charsRemoved;
- if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst < first) {
- textInfoPtr->selectFirst = first;
- }
- }
- if (textInfoPtr->selectLast >= first) {
- textInfoPtr->selectLast -= charsRemoved;
- if (textInfoPtr->selectLast < first - 1) {
- textInfoPtr->selectLast = first - 1;
- }
- }
- if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst > textInfoPtr->selectLast) {
- textInfoPtr->selItemPtr = NULL;
- }
- if ((textInfoPtr->anchorItemPtr == itemPtr)
- && (textInfoPtr->selectAnchor > first)) {
- textInfoPtr->selectAnchor -= charsRemoved;
- if (textInfoPtr->selectAnchor < first) {
- textInfoPtr->selectAnchor = first;
- }
- }
- }
- if (textPtr->insertPos > first) {
- textPtr->insertPos -= charsRemoved;
- if (textPtr->insertPos < first) {
- textPtr->insertPos = first;
- }
- }
- ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
- return;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TextToPoint --
- *
- * Computes the distance from a given point to a given text item, in
- * canvas units.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is 0 if the point whose x and y coordinates are
- * pointPtr[0] and pointPtr[1] is inside the text item. If the point
- * isn't inside the text item then the return value is the distance from
- * the point to the text item.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static double
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item to check against point. */
- double *pointPtr) /* Pointer to x and y coordinates. */
- TextItem *textPtr;
- Tk_State state = itemPtr->state;
- double value;
- if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
- state = ((TkCanvas *)canvas)->canvas_state;
- }
- textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- value = (double) Tk_DistanceToTextLayout(textPtr->textLayout,
- (int) pointPtr[0] - textPtr->leftEdge,
- (int) pointPtr[1] - textPtr->header.y1);
- if ((state == TK_STATE_HIDDEN) || (textPtr->color == NULL) ||
- (textPtr->text == NULL) || (*textPtr->text == 0)) {
- value = 1.0e36;
- }
- return value;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TextToArea --
- *
- * This function is called to determine whether an item lies entirely
- * inside, entirely outside, or overlapping a given rectangle.
- *
- * Results:
- * -1 is returned if the item is entirely outside the area given by
- * rectPtr, 0 if it overlaps, and 1 if it is entirely inside the given
- * area.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item to check against rectangle. */
- double *rectPtr) /* Pointer to array of four coordinates
- * (x1,y1,x2,y2) describing rectangular
- * area. */
- TextItem *textPtr;
- Tk_State state = itemPtr->state;
- if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
- state = ((TkCanvas *)canvas)->canvas_state;
- }
- textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- return Tk_IntersectTextLayout(textPtr->textLayout,
- (int) (rectPtr[0] + 0.5) - textPtr->leftEdge,
- (int) (rectPtr[1] + 0.5) - textPtr->header.y1,
- (int) (rectPtr[2] - rectPtr[0] + 0.5),
- (int) (rectPtr[3] - rectPtr[1] + 0.5));
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ScaleText --
- *
- * This function is invoked to rescale a text item.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Scales the position of the text, but not the size of the font for the
- * text.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* ARGSUSED */
-static void
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing rectangle. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Rectangle to be scaled. */
- double originX, double originY,
- /* Origin about which to scale rect. */
- double scaleX, /* Amount to scale in X direction. */
- double scaleY) /* Amount to scale in Y direction. */
- TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- textPtr->x = originX + scaleX*(textPtr->x - originX);
- textPtr->y = originY + scaleY*(textPtr->y - originY);
- ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
- return;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TranslateText --
- *
- * This function is called to move a text item by a given amount.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The position of the text item is offset by (xDelta, yDelta), and the
- * bounding box is updated in the generic part of the item structure.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing item. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item that is being moved. */
- double deltaX, double deltaY)
- /* Amount by which item is to be moved. */
- TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- textPtr->x += deltaX;
- textPtr->y += deltaY;
- ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GetTextIndex --
- *
- * Parse an index into a text item and return either its value or an
- * error.
- *
- * Results:
- * A standard Tcl result. If all went well, then *indexPtr is filled in
- * with the index (into itemPtr) corresponding to string. Otherwise an
- * error message is left in the interp's result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Used for error reporting. */
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing item. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item for which the index is being
- * specified. */
- Tcl_Obj *obj, /* Specification of a particular character in
- * itemPtr's text. */
- int *indexPtr) /* Where to store converted character
- * index. */
- TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- int length;
- int c;
- TkCanvas *canvasPtr = (TkCanvas *) canvas;
- Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
- char *string = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(obj, &length);
- c = string[0];
- if ((c == 'e') && (strncmp(string, "end", (unsigned) length) == 0)) {
- *indexPtr = textPtr->numChars;
- } else if ((c == 'i')
- && (strncmp(string, "insert", (unsigned) length) == 0)) {
- *indexPtr = textPtr->insertPos;
- } else if ((c == 's') && (length >= 5)
- && (strncmp(string, "sel.first", (unsigned) length) == 0)) {
- if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr != itemPtr) {
- Tcl_SetResult(interp, "selection isn't in item", TCL_STATIC);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- *indexPtr = textInfoPtr->selectFirst;
- } else if ((c == 's') && (length >= 5)
- && (strncmp(string, "sel.last", (unsigned) length) == 0)) {
- if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr != itemPtr) {
- Tcl_SetResult(interp, "selection isn't in item", TCL_STATIC);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- *indexPtr = textInfoPtr->selectLast;
- } else if (c == '@') {
- int x, y;
- double tmp;
- char *end, *p;
- p = string+1;
- tmp = strtod(p, &end);
- if ((end == p) || (*end != ',')) {
- goto badIndex;
- }
- x = (int) ((tmp < 0) ? tmp - 0.5 : tmp + 0.5);
- p = end+1;
- tmp = strtod(p, &end);
- if ((end == p) || (*end != 0)) {
- goto badIndex;
- }
- y = (int) ((tmp < 0) ? tmp - 0.5 : tmp + 0.5);
- *indexPtr = Tk_PointToChar(textPtr->textLayout,
- x + canvasPtr->scrollX1 - textPtr->leftEdge,
- y + canvasPtr->scrollY1 - textPtr->header.y1);
- } else if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, obj, indexPtr) == TCL_OK) {
- if (*indexPtr < 0){
- *indexPtr = 0;
- } else if (*indexPtr > textPtr->numChars) {
- *indexPtr = textPtr->numChars;
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * Some of the paths here leave messages in the interp's result, so we
- * have to clear it out before storing our own message.
- */
- badIndex:
- Tcl_SetResult(interp, NULL, TCL_STATIC);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad index \"", string, "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * SetTextCursor --
- *
- * Set the position of the insertion cursor in this item.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The cursor position will change.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* ARGSUSED */
-static void
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Record describing canvas widget. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Text item in which cursor position is to be
- * set. */
- int index) /* Character index of character just before
- * which cursor is to be positioned. */
- TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- if (index < 0) {
- textPtr->insertPos = 0;
- } else if (index > textPtr->numChars) {
- textPtr->insertPos = textPtr->numChars;
- } else {
- textPtr->insertPos = index;
- }
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GetSelText --
- *
- * This function is invoked to return the selected portion of a text
- * item. It is only called when this item has the selection.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is the number of non-NULL bytes stored at buffer.
- * Buffer is filled (or partially filled) with a NULL-terminated string
- * containing part or all of the selection, as given by offset and
- * maxBytes.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing selection. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Text item containing selection. */
- int offset, /* Byte offset within selection of first
- * character to be returned. */
- char *buffer, /* Location in which to place selection. */
- int maxBytes) /* Maximum number of bytes to place at buffer,
- * not including terminating NULL
- * character. */
- TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- int byteCount;
- char *text;
- CONST char *selStart, *selEnd;
- Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
- if ((textInfoPtr->selectFirst < 0) ||
- (textInfoPtr->selectFirst > textInfoPtr->selectLast)) {
- return 0;
- }
- text = textPtr->text;
- selStart = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text, textInfoPtr->selectFirst);
- selEnd = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(selStart,
- textInfoPtr->selectLast + 1 - textInfoPtr->selectFirst);
- byteCount = selEnd - selStart - offset;
- if (byteCount > maxBytes) {
- byteCount = maxBytes;
- }
- if (byteCount <= 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- memcpy(buffer, selStart + offset, (size_t) byteCount);
- buffer[byteCount] = '\0';
- return byteCount;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TextToPostscript --
- *
- * This function is called to generate Postscript for text items.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is a standard Tcl result. If an error occurs in
- * generating Postscript then an error message is left in the interp's
- * result, replacing whatever used to be there. If no error occurs, then
- * Postscript for the item is appended to the result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Leave Postscript or error message here. */
- Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Information about overall canvas. */
- Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item for which Postscript is wanted. */
- int prepass) /* 1 means this is a prepass to collect font
- * information; 0 means final Postscript is
- * being created. */
- TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
- int x, y;
- Tk_FontMetrics fm;
- char *justify;
- char buffer[500];
- XColor *color;
- Pixmap stipple;
- Tk_State state = itemPtr->state;
- if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
- state = ((TkCanvas *)canvas)->canvas_state;
- }
- color = textPtr->color;
- stipple = textPtr->stipple;
- if (state == TK_STATE_HIDDEN || textPtr->color == NULL ||
- textPtr->text == NULL || *textPtr->text == 0) {
- return TCL_OK;
- } else if (((TkCanvas *)canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
- if (textPtr->activeColor!=NULL) {
- color = textPtr->activeColor;
- }
- if (textPtr->activeStipple!=None) {
- stipple = textPtr->activeStipple;
- }
- } else if (state==TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
- if (textPtr->disabledColor!=NULL) {
- color = textPtr->disabledColor;
- }
- if (textPtr->disabledStipple!=None) {
- stipple = textPtr->disabledStipple;
- }
- }
- if (Tk_CanvasPsFont(interp, canvas, textPtr->tkfont) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (prepass != 0) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (Tk_CanvasPsColor(interp, canvas, color) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (stipple != None) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "/StippleText {\n ", NULL);
- Tk_CanvasPsStipple(interp, canvas, stipple);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "} bind def\n", NULL);
- }
- sprintf(buffer, "%.15g %.15g [\n", textPtr->x,
- Tk_CanvasPsY(canvas, textPtr->y));
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, NULL);
- Tk_TextLayoutToPostscript(interp, textPtr->textLayout);
- x = 0; y = 0; justify = NULL; /* lint. */
- switch (textPtr->anchor) {
- case TK_ANCHOR_NW: x = 0; y = 0; break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_N: x = 1; y = 0; break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_NE: x = 2; y = 0; break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_E: x = 2; y = 1; break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_SE: x = 2; y = 2; break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_S: x = 1; y = 2; break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_SW: x = 0; y = 2; break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_W: x = 0; y = 1; break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_CENTER: x = 1; y = 1; break;
- }
- switch (textPtr->justify) {
- case TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT: justify = "0"; break;
- case TK_JUSTIFY_CENTER: justify = "0.5"; break;
- case TK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT: justify = "1"; break;
- }
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(textPtr->tkfont, &fm);
- sprintf(buffer, "] %d %g %g %s %s DrawText\n",
- fm.linespace, x / -2.0, y / 2.0, justify,
- ((stipple == None) ? "false" : "true"));
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, NULL);
- return TCL_OK;
- * Local Variables:
- * mode: c
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * fill-column: 78
- * End:
- */
+ * tkCanvText.c --
+ *
+ * This file implements text items for canvas widgets.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1991-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
+ * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
+ * this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+ *
+ * RCS: @(#) $Id: tkCanvText.c,v 1.22 2007/02/12 21:41:47 dkf Exp $
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "tkInt.h"
+#include "tkCanvas.h"
+#include "tkPort.h"
+#include "default.h"
+ * The structure below defines the record for each text item.
+ */
+typedef struct TextItem {
+ Tk_Item header; /* Generic stuff that's the same for all
+ Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr;
+ /* Pointer to a structure containing
+ * information about the selection and
+ * insertion cursor. The structure is owned by
+ * (and shared with) the generic canvas
+ * code. */
+ /*
+ * Fields that are set by widget commands other than "configure".
+ */
+ double x, y; /* Positioning point for text. */
+ int insertPos; /* Character index of character just before
+ * which the insertion cursor is displayed. */
+ /*
+ * Configuration settings that are updated by Tk_ConfigureWidget.
+ */
+ Tk_Anchor anchor; /* Where to anchor text relative to (x,y). */
+ Tk_TSOffset tsoffset;
+ XColor *color; /* Color for text. */
+ XColor *activeColor; /* Color for text. */
+ XColor *disabledColor; /* Color for text. */
+ Tk_Font tkfont; /* Font for drawing text. */
+ Tk_Justify justify; /* Justification mode for text. */
+ Pixmap stipple; /* Stipple bitmap for text, or None. */
+ Pixmap activeStipple; /* Stipple bitmap for text, or None. */
+ Pixmap disabledStipple; /* Stipple bitmap for text, or None. */
+ char *text; /* Text for item (malloc-ed). */
+ int width; /* Width of lines for word-wrap, pixels. Zero
+ * means no word-wrap. */
+ int underline; /* Index of character to put underline beneath
+ * or -1 for no underlining. */
+ /*
+ * Fields whose values are derived from the current values of the
+ * configuration settings above.
+ */
+ int numChars; /* Length of text in characters. */
+ int numBytes; /* Length of text in bytes. */
+ Tk_TextLayout textLayout; /* Cached text layout information. */
+ int leftEdge; /* Pixel location of the left edge of the text
+ * item; where the left border of the text
+ * layout is drawn. */
+ int rightEdge; /* Pixel just to right of right edge of area
+ * of text item. Used for selecting up to end
+ * of line. */
+ GC gc; /* Graphics context for drawing text. */
+ GC selTextGC; /* Graphics context for selected text. */
+ GC cursorOffGC; /* If not None, this gives a graphics context
+ * to use to draw the insertion cursor when
+ * it's off. Used if the selection and
+ * insertion cursor colors are the same. */
+} TextItem;
+ * Information used for parsing configuration specs:
+ */
+static Tk_CustomOption stateOption = {
+ (Tk_OptionParseProc *) TkStateParseProc,
+ TkStatePrintProc, (ClientData) 2
+static Tk_CustomOption tagsOption = {
+ (Tk_OptionParseProc *) Tk_CanvasTagsParseProc,
+ Tk_CanvasTagsPrintProc, (ClientData) NULL
+static Tk_CustomOption offsetOption = {
+ (Tk_OptionParseProc *) TkOffsetParseProc,
+ TkOffsetPrintProc, (ClientData) (TK_OFFSET_RELATIVE)
+static Tk_ConfigSpec configSpecs[] = {
+ {TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-activefill", NULL, NULL,
+ NULL, Tk_Offset(TextItem, activeColor), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
+ {TK_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-activestipple", NULL, NULL,
+ NULL, Tk_Offset(TextItem, activeStipple), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
+ "center", Tk_Offset(TextItem, anchor), TK_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT},
+ {TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-disabledfill", NULL, NULL,
+ NULL, Tk_Offset(TextItem, disabledColor), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
+ {TK_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-disabledstipple", NULL, NULL,
+ NULL, Tk_Offset(TextItem, disabledStipple), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
+ "black", Tk_Offset(TextItem, color), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
+ DEF_CANVTEXT_FONT, Tk_Offset(TextItem, tkfont), 0},
+ "left", Tk_Offset(TextItem, justify), TK_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT},
+ "0,0", Tk_Offset(TextItem, tsoffset),
+ NULL, Tk_Offset(Tk_Item, state), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, &stateOption},
+ {TK_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-stipple", NULL, NULL,
+ NULL, Tk_Offset(TextItem, stipple), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
+ NULL, 0, TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, &tagsOption},
+ "", Tk_Offset(TextItem, text), 0},
+ {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-underline", NULL, NULL,
+ "-1", Tk_Offset(TextItem, underline), 0},
+ "0", Tk_Offset(TextItem, width), TK_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT},
+ * Prototypes for functions defined in this file:
+ */
+static void ComputeTextBbox(Tk_Canvas canvas, TextItem *textPtr);
+static int ConfigureText(Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, Tk_Item *itemPtr, int argc,
+ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[], int flags);
+static int CreateText(Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, struct Tk_Item *itemPtr,
+ int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
+static void DeleteText(Tk_Canvas canvas,
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, Display *display);
+static void DisplayCanvText(Tk_Canvas canvas,
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, Display *display, Drawable dst,
+ int x, int y, int width, int height);
+static int GetSelText(Tk_Canvas canvas,
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, int offset, char *buffer,
+ int maxBytes);
+static int GetTextIndex(Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, Tk_Item *itemPtr,
+ Tcl_Obj *obj, int *indexPtr);
+static void ScaleText(Tk_Canvas canvas,
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, double originX, double originY,
+ double scaleX, double scaleY);
+static void SetTextCursor(Tk_Canvas canvas,
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, int index);
+static int TextCoords(Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, Tk_Item *itemPtr,
+ int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
+static void TextDeleteChars(Tk_Canvas canvas,
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, int first, int last);
+static void TextInsert(Tk_Canvas canvas,
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, int beforeThis, char *string);
+static int TextToArea(Tk_Canvas canvas,
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, double *rectPtr);
+static double TextToPoint(Tk_Canvas canvas,
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, double *pointPtr);
+static int TextToPostscript(Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, Tk_Item *itemPtr, int prepass);
+static void TranslateText(Tk_Canvas canvas,
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, double deltaX, double deltaY);
+ * The structures below defines the rectangle and oval item types by means of
+ * functions that can be invoked by generic item code.
+ */
+Tk_ItemType tkTextType = {
+ "text", /* name */
+ sizeof(TextItem), /* itemSize */
+ CreateText, /* createProc */
+ configSpecs, /* configSpecs */
+ ConfigureText, /* configureProc */
+ TextCoords, /* coordProc */
+ DeleteText, /* deleteProc */
+ DisplayCanvText, /* displayProc */
+ TK_CONFIG_OBJS, /* flags */
+ TextToPoint, /* pointProc */
+ TextToArea, /* areaProc */
+ TextToPostscript, /* postscriptProc */
+ ScaleText, /* scaleProc */
+ TranslateText, /* translateProc */
+ (Tk_ItemIndexProc *) GetTextIndex,/* indexProc */
+ SetTextCursor, /* icursorProc */
+ GetSelText, /* selectionProc */
+ TextInsert, /* insertProc */
+ TextDeleteChars, /* dTextProc */
+ NULL, /* nextPtr */
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * CreateText --
+ *
+ * This function is invoked to create a new text item in a canvas.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * A standard Tcl return value. If an error occurred in creating the item
+ * then an error message is left in the interp's result; in this case
+ * itemPtr is left uninitialized so it can be safely freed by the caller.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * A new text item is created.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static int
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Interpreter for error reporting. */
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas to hold new item. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Record to hold new item; header has been
+ * initialized by caller. */
+ int objc, /* Number of arguments in objv. */
+ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) /* Arguments describing rectangle. */
+ TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ int i;
+ if (objc == 0) {
+ Tcl_Panic("canvas did not pass any coords\n");
+ }
+ /*
+ * Carry out initialization that is needed in order to clean up after
+ * errors during the the remainder of this function.
+ */
+ textPtr->textInfoPtr = Tk_CanvasGetTextInfo(canvas);
+ textPtr->insertPos = 0;
+ textPtr->anchor = TK_ANCHOR_CENTER;
+ textPtr->tsoffset.flags = 0;
+ textPtr->tsoffset.xoffset = 0;
+ textPtr->tsoffset.yoffset = 0;
+ textPtr->color = NULL;
+ textPtr->activeColor = NULL;
+ textPtr->disabledColor = NULL;
+ textPtr->tkfont = NULL;
+ textPtr->justify = TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT;
+ textPtr->stipple = None;
+ textPtr->activeStipple = None;
+ textPtr->disabledStipple = None;
+ textPtr->text = NULL;
+ textPtr->width = 0;
+ textPtr->underline = -1;
+ textPtr->numChars = 0;
+ textPtr->numBytes = 0;
+ textPtr->textLayout = NULL;
+ textPtr->leftEdge = 0;
+ textPtr->rightEdge = 0;
+ textPtr->gc = None;
+ textPtr->selTextGC = None;
+ textPtr->cursorOffGC = None;
+ /*
+ * Process the arguments to fill in the item record. Only 1 (list) or 2 (x
+ * y) coords are allowed.
+ */
+ if (objc == 1) {
+ i = 1;
+ } else {
+ char *arg = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
+ i = 2;
+ if ((arg[0] == '-') && (arg[1] >= 'a') && (arg[1] <= 'z')) {
+ i = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((TextCoords(interp, canvas, itemPtr, i, objv) != TCL_OK)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (ConfigureText(interp, canvas, itemPtr, objc-i, objv+i, 0) == TCL_OK) {
+ return TCL_OK;
+ }
+ error:
+ DeleteText(canvas, itemPtr, Tk_Display(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas)));
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * TextCoords --
+ *
+ * This function is invoked to process the "coords" widget command on
+ * text items. See the user documentation for details on what it does.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * Returns TCL_OK or TCL_ERROR, and sets the interp's result.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * The coordinates for the given item may be changed.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static int
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Used for error reporting. */
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing item. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item whose coordinates are to be read or
+ * modified. */
+ int objc, /* Number of coordinates supplied in objv. */
+ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) /* Array of coordinates: x1, y1, x2, y2, ... */
+ TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ if (objc == 0) {
+ Tcl_Obj *obj = Tcl_NewObj();
+ Tcl_Obj *subobj = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(textPtr->x);
+ Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, obj, subobj);
+ subobj = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(textPtr->y);
+ Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, obj, subobj);
+ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, obj);
+ } else if (objc < 3) {
+ if (objc==1) {
+ if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objv[0], &objc,
+ (Tcl_Obj ***) &objv) != TCL_OK) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ } else if (objc != 2) {
+ char buf[64 + TCL_INTEGER_SPACE];
+ sprintf(buf, "wrong # coordinates: expected 2, got %d", objc);
+ Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((Tk_CanvasGetCoordFromObj(interp, canvas, objv[0],
+ &textPtr->x) != TCL_OK)
+ || (Tk_CanvasGetCoordFromObj(interp, canvas, objv[1],
+ &textPtr->y) != TCL_OK)) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
+ } else {
+ char buf[64 + TCL_INTEGER_SPACE];
+ sprintf(buf, "wrong # coordinates: expected 0 or 2, got %d", objc);
+ Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return TCL_OK;
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * ConfigureText --
+ *
+ * This function is invoked to configure various aspects of a text item,
+ * such as its border and background colors.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * A standard Tcl result code. If an error occurs, then an error message
+ * is left in the interp's result.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * Configuration information, such as colors and stipple patterns, may be
+ * set for itemPtr.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static int
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Interpreter for error reporting. */
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Rectangle item to reconfigure. */
+ int objc, /* Number of elements in objv. */
+ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[], /* Arguments describing things to configure. */
+ int flags) /* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
+ TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ XGCValues gcValues;
+ GC newGC, newSelGC;
+ unsigned long mask;
+ Tk_Window tkwin;
+ Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
+ XColor *selBgColorPtr;
+ XColor *color;
+ Pixmap stipple;
+ Tk_State state;
+ tkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
+ if (TCL_OK != Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, tkwin, configSpecs, objc,
+ (CONST char **) objv, (char *) textPtr, flags|TK_CONFIG_OBJS)) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+ * A few of the options require additional processing, such as graphics
+ * contexts.
+ */
+ state = itemPtr->state;
+ if (textPtr->activeColor != NULL || textPtr->activeStipple != None) {
+ itemPtr->redraw_flags |= TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
+ } else {
+ itemPtr->redraw_flags &= ~TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
+ }
+ if(state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
+ state = ((TkCanvas *)canvas)->canvas_state;
+ }
+ color = textPtr->color;
+ stipple = textPtr->stipple;
+ if (((TkCanvas *)canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
+ if (textPtr->activeColor!=NULL) {
+ color = textPtr->activeColor;
+ }
+ if (textPtr->activeStipple!=None) {
+ stipple = textPtr->activeStipple;
+ }
+ } else if (state==TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
+ if (textPtr->disabledColor!=NULL) {
+ color = textPtr->disabledColor;
+ }
+ if (textPtr->disabledStipple!=None) {
+ stipple = textPtr->disabledStipple;
+ }
+ }
+ newGC = newSelGC = None;
+ if (textPtr->tkfont != NULL) {
+ gcValues.font = Tk_FontId(textPtr->tkfont);
+ mask = GCFont;
+ if (color != NULL) {
+ gcValues.foreground = color->pixel;
+ mask |= GCForeground;
+ if (stipple != None) {
+ gcValues.stipple = stipple;
+ gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
+ mask |= GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
+ }
+ newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
+ }
+ mask &= ~(GCTile|GCFillStyle|GCStipple);
+ if (stipple != None) {
+ gcValues.stipple = stipple;
+ gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
+ mask |= GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
+ }
+ gcValues.foreground = textInfoPtr->selFgColorPtr->pixel;
+ newSelGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask|GCForeground, &gcValues);
+ }
+ if (textPtr->gc != None) {
+ Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->gc);
+ }
+ textPtr->gc = newGC;
+ if (textPtr->selTextGC != None) {
+ Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->selTextGC);
+ }
+ textPtr->selTextGC = newSelGC;
+ selBgColorPtr = Tk_3DBorderColor(textInfoPtr->selBorder);
+ if (Tk_3DBorderColor(textInfoPtr->insertBorder)->pixel
+ == selBgColorPtr->pixel) {
+ if (selBgColorPtr->pixel == BlackPixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin))) {
+ gcValues.foreground = WhitePixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
+ } else {
+ gcValues.foreground = BlackPixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
+ }
+ newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, GCForeground, &gcValues);
+ } else {
+ newGC = None;
+ }
+ if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != None) {
+ Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->cursorOffGC);
+ }
+ textPtr->cursorOffGC = newGC;
+ /*
+ * If the text was changed, move the selection and insertion indices to
+ * keep them inside the item.
+ */
+ textPtr->numBytes = strlen(textPtr->text);
+ textPtr->numChars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(textPtr->text, textPtr->numBytes);
+ if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {
+ if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst >= textPtr->numChars) {
+ textInfoPtr->selItemPtr = NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (textInfoPtr->selectLast >= textPtr->numChars) {
+ textInfoPtr->selectLast = textPtr->numChars - 1;
+ }
+ if ((textInfoPtr->anchorItemPtr == itemPtr)
+ && (textInfoPtr->selectAnchor >= textPtr->numChars)) {
+ textInfoPtr->selectAnchor = textPtr->numChars - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (textPtr->insertPos >= textPtr->numChars) {
+ textPtr->insertPos = textPtr->numChars;
+ }
+ ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
+ return TCL_OK;
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * DeleteText --
+ *
+ * This function is called to clean up the data structure associated with
+ * a text item.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * Resources associated with itemPtr are released.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Info about overall canvas widget. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item that is being deleted. */
+ Display *display) /* Display containing window for canvas. */
+ TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ if (textPtr->color != NULL) {
+ Tk_FreeColor(textPtr->color);
+ }
+ if (textPtr->activeColor != NULL) {
+ Tk_FreeColor(textPtr->activeColor);
+ }
+ if (textPtr->disabledColor != NULL) {
+ Tk_FreeColor(textPtr->disabledColor);
+ }
+ Tk_FreeFont(textPtr->tkfont);
+ if (textPtr->stipple != None) {
+ Tk_FreeBitmap(display, textPtr->stipple);
+ }
+ if (textPtr->activeStipple != None) {
+ Tk_FreeBitmap(display, textPtr->activeStipple);
+ }
+ if (textPtr->disabledStipple != None) {
+ Tk_FreeBitmap(display, textPtr->disabledStipple);
+ }
+ if (textPtr->text != NULL) {
+ ckfree(textPtr->text);
+ }
+ Tk_FreeTextLayout(textPtr->textLayout);
+ if (textPtr->gc != None) {
+ Tk_FreeGC(display, textPtr->gc);
+ }
+ if (textPtr->selTextGC != None) {
+ Tk_FreeGC(display, textPtr->selTextGC);
+ }
+ if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != None) {
+ Tk_FreeGC(display, textPtr->cursorOffGC);
+ }
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * ComputeTextBbox --
+ *
+ * This function is invoked to compute the bounding box of all the pixels
+ * that may be drawn as part of a text item. In addition, it recomputes
+ * all of the geometry information used to display a text item or check
+ * for mouse hits.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * The fields x1, y1, x2, and y2 are updated in the header for itemPtr,
+ * and the linePtr structure is regenerated for itemPtr.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas that contains item. */
+ TextItem *textPtr) /* Item whose bbox is to be recomputed. */
+ Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr;
+ int leftX, topY, width, height, fudge;
+ Tk_State state = textPtr->header.state;
+ if(state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
+ state = ((TkCanvas *)canvas)->canvas_state;
+ }
+ Tk_FreeTextLayout(textPtr->textLayout);
+ textPtr->textLayout = Tk_ComputeTextLayout(textPtr->tkfont,
+ textPtr->text, textPtr->numChars, textPtr->width,
+ textPtr->justify, 0, &width, &height);
+ if (state == TK_STATE_HIDDEN || textPtr->color == NULL) {
+ width = height = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Use overall geometry information to compute the top-left corner of the
+ * bounding box for the text item.
+ */
+ leftX = (int) floor(textPtr->x + 0.5);
+ topY = (int) floor(textPtr->y + 0.5);
+ switch (textPtr->anchor) {
+ case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
+ case TK_ANCHOR_N:
+ case TK_ANCHOR_NE:
+ break;
+ case TK_ANCHOR_W:
+ case TK_ANCHOR_E:
+ topY -= height / 2;
+ break;
+ case TK_ANCHOR_SW:
+ case TK_ANCHOR_S:
+ case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
+ topY -= height;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (textPtr->anchor) {
+ case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
+ case TK_ANCHOR_W:
+ case TK_ANCHOR_SW:
+ break;
+ case TK_ANCHOR_N:
+ case TK_ANCHOR_S:
+ leftX -= width / 2;
+ break;
+ case TK_ANCHOR_NE:
+ case TK_ANCHOR_E:
+ case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
+ leftX -= width;
+ break;
+ }
+ textPtr->leftEdge = leftX;
+ textPtr->rightEdge = leftX + width;
+ /*
+ * Last of all, update the bounding box for the item. The item's bounding
+ * box includes the bounding box of all its lines, plus an extra fudge
+ * factor for the cursor border (which could potentially be quite large).
+ */
+ textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
+ fudge = (textInfoPtr->insertWidth + 1) / 2;
+ if (textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth > fudge) {
+ fudge = textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth;
+ }
+ textPtr->header.x1 = leftX - fudge;
+ textPtr->header.y1 = topY;
+ textPtr->header.x2 = leftX + width + fudge;
+ textPtr->header.y2 = topY + height;
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * DisplayCanvText --
+ *
+ * This function is invoked to draw a text item in a given drawable.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * ItemPtr is drawn in drawable using the transformation information in
+ * canvas.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas that contains item. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item to be displayed. */
+ Display *display, /* Display on which to draw item. */
+ Drawable drawable, /* Pixmap or window in which to draw item. */
+ int x, int y, int width, int height)
+ /* Describes region of canvas that must be
+ * redisplayed (not used). */
+ TextItem *textPtr;
+ Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr;
+ int selFirstChar, selLastChar;
+ short drawableX, drawableY;
+ Pixmap stipple;
+ Tk_State state = itemPtr->state;
+ textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
+ if(state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
+ state = ((TkCanvas *)canvas)->canvas_state;
+ }
+ stipple = textPtr->stipple;
+ if (((TkCanvas *)canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
+ if (textPtr->activeStipple!=None) {
+ stipple = textPtr->activeStipple;
+ }
+ } else if (state==TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
+ if (textPtr->disabledStipple!=None) {
+ stipple = textPtr->disabledStipple;
+ }
+ }
+ if (textPtr->gc == None) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we're stippling, then modify the stipple offset in the GC. Be sure
+ * to reset the offset when done, since the GC is supposed to be
+ * read-only.
+ */
+ if (stipple != None) {
+ Tk_CanvasSetOffset(canvas, textPtr->gc, &textPtr->tsoffset);
+ }
+ selFirstChar = -1;
+ selLastChar = 0; /* lint. */
+ if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {
+ selFirstChar = textInfoPtr->selectFirst;
+ selLastChar = textInfoPtr->selectLast;
+ if (selLastChar > textPtr->numChars) {
+ selLastChar = textPtr->numChars - 1;
+ }
+ if ((selFirstChar >= 0) && (selFirstChar <= selLastChar)) {
+ int xFirst, yFirst, hFirst;
+ int xLast, yLast, wLast;
+ /*
+ * Draw a special background under the selection.
+ */
+ Tk_CharBbox(textPtr->textLayout, selFirstChar, &xFirst, &yFirst,
+ NULL, &hFirst);
+ Tk_CharBbox(textPtr->textLayout, selLastChar, &xLast, &yLast,
+ &wLast, NULL);
+ /*
+ * If the selection spans the end of this line, then display
+ * selection background all the way to the end of the line.
+ * However, for the last line we only want to display up to the
+ * last character, not the end of the line.
+ */
+ x = xFirst;
+ height = hFirst;
+ for (y = yFirst ; y <= yLast; y += height) {
+ if (y == yLast) {
+ width = xLast + wLast - x;
+ } else {
+ width = textPtr->rightEdge - textPtr->leftEdge - x;
+ }
+ Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas,
+ (double) (textPtr->leftEdge + x
+ - textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth),
+ (double) (textPtr->header.y1 + y),
+ &drawableX, &drawableY);
+ Tk_Fill3DRectangle(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas), drawable,
+ textInfoPtr->selBorder, drawableX, drawableY,
+ width + 2 * textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth,
+ height, textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the insertion point should be displayed, then draw a special
+ * background for the cursor before drawing the text. Note: if we're the
+ * cursor item but the cursor is turned off, then redraw background over
+ * the area of the cursor. This guarantees that the selection won't make
+ * the cursor invisible on mono displays, where both are drawn in the same
+ * color.
+ */
+ if ((textInfoPtr->focusItemPtr == itemPtr) && (textInfoPtr->gotFocus)) {
+ if (Tk_CharBbox(textPtr->textLayout, textPtr->insertPos,
+ &x, &y, NULL, &height)) {
+ Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas,
+ (double) (textPtr->leftEdge + x
+ - (textInfoPtr->insertWidth / 2)),
+ (double) (textPtr->header.y1 + y),
+ &drawableX, &drawableY);
+ Tk_SetCaretPos(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas), drawableX, drawableY,
+ height);
+ if (textInfoPtr->cursorOn) {
+ Tk_Fill3DRectangle(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas), drawable,
+ textInfoPtr->insertBorder,
+ drawableX, drawableY,
+ textInfoPtr->insertWidth, height,
+ textInfoPtr->insertBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
+ } else if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != None) {
+ /*
+ * Redraw the background over the area of the cursor, even
+ * though the cursor is turned off. This guarantees that the
+ * selection won't make the cursor invisible on mono displays,
+ * where both may be drawn in the same color.
+ */
+ XFillRectangle(display, drawable, textPtr->cursorOffGC,
+ drawableX, drawableY,
+ (unsigned) textInfoPtr->insertWidth,
+ (unsigned) height);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If there is no selected text or the selected text foreground is the
+ * same as the regular text foreground, then draw one text string. If
+ * there is selected text and the foregrounds differ, draw the regular
+ * text up to the selection, draw the selection, then draw the rest of the
+ * regular text. Drawing the regular text and then the selected text over
+ * it would causes problems with anti-aliased text because the two
+ * anti-aliasing colors would blend together.
+ */
+ Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas, (double) textPtr->leftEdge,
+ (double) textPtr->header.y1, &drawableX, &drawableY);
+ if ((selFirstChar >= 0) && (textPtr->selTextGC != textPtr->gc)) {
+ Tk_DrawTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc, textPtr->textLayout,
+ drawableX, drawableY, 0, selFirstChar);
+ Tk_DrawTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->selTextGC,
+ textPtr->textLayout, drawableX, drawableY, selFirstChar,
+ selLastChar + 1);
+ Tk_DrawTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc, textPtr->textLayout,
+ drawableX, drawableY, selLastChar + 1, -1);
+ } else {
+ Tk_DrawTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc, textPtr->textLayout,
+ drawableX, drawableY, 0, -1);
+ }
+ Tk_UnderlineTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc, textPtr->textLayout,
+ drawableX, drawableY, textPtr->underline);
+ if (stipple != None) {
+ XSetTSOrigin(display, textPtr->gc, 0, 0);
+ }
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * TextInsert --
+ *
+ * Insert characters into a text item at a given position.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * The text in the given item is modified. The cursor and selection
+ * positions are also modified to reflect the insertion.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing text item. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Text item to be modified. */
+ int index, /* Character index before which string is to
+ * be inserted. */
+ char *string) /* New characters to be inserted. */
+ TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ int byteIndex, byteCount, charsAdded;
+ char *newStr, *text;
+ Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
+ string = Tcl_GetStringFromObj((Tcl_Obj *) string, &byteCount);
+ text = textPtr->text;
+ if (index < 0) {
+ index = 0;
+ }
+ if (index > textPtr->numChars) {
+ index = textPtr->numChars;
+ }
+ byteIndex = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text, index) - text;
+ byteCount = strlen(string);
+ if (byteCount == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ newStr = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) textPtr->numBytes + byteCount + 1);
+ memcpy(newStr, text, (size_t) byteIndex);
+ strcpy(newStr + byteIndex, string);
+ strcpy(newStr + byteIndex + byteCount, text + byteIndex);
+ ckfree(text);
+ textPtr->text = newStr;
+ charsAdded = Tcl_NumUtfChars(string, byteCount);
+ textPtr->numChars += charsAdded;
+ textPtr->numBytes += byteCount;
+ /*
+ * Inserting characters invalidates indices such as those for the
+ * selection and cursor. Update the indices appropriately.
+ */
+ if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {
+ if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst >= index) {
+ textInfoPtr->selectFirst += charsAdded;
+ }
+ if (textInfoPtr->selectLast >= index) {
+ textInfoPtr->selectLast += charsAdded;
+ }
+ if ((textInfoPtr->anchorItemPtr == itemPtr)
+ && (textInfoPtr->selectAnchor >= index)) {
+ textInfoPtr->selectAnchor += charsAdded;
+ }
+ }
+ if (textPtr->insertPos >= index) {
+ textPtr->insertPos += charsAdded;
+ }
+ ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * TextDeleteChars --
+ *
+ * Delete one or more characters from a text item.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * Characters between "first" and "last", inclusive, get deleted from
+ * itemPtr, and things like the selection position get updated.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item in which to delete characters. */
+ int first, /* Character index of first character to
+ * delete. */
+ int last) /* Character index of last character to delete
+ * (inclusive). */
+ TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ int byteIndex, byteCount, charsRemoved;
+ char *newStr, *text;
+ Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
+ text = textPtr->text;
+ if (first < 0) {
+ first = 0;
+ }
+ if (last >= textPtr->numChars) {
+ last = textPtr->numChars - 1;
+ }
+ if (first > last) {
+ return;
+ }
+ charsRemoved = last + 1 - first;
+ byteIndex = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text, first) - text;
+ byteCount = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text + byteIndex, charsRemoved)
+ - (text + byteIndex);
+ newStr = (char *) ckalloc((unsigned) (textPtr->numBytes + 1 - byteCount));
+ memcpy(newStr, text, (size_t) byteIndex);
+ strcpy(newStr + byteIndex, text + byteIndex + byteCount);
+ ckfree(text);
+ textPtr->text = newStr;
+ textPtr->numChars -= charsRemoved;
+ textPtr->numBytes -= byteCount;
+ /*
+ * Update indexes for the selection and cursor to reflect the renumbering
+ * of the remaining characters.
+ */
+ if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {
+ if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst > first) {
+ textInfoPtr->selectFirst -= charsRemoved;
+ if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst < first) {
+ textInfoPtr->selectFirst = first;
+ }
+ }
+ if (textInfoPtr->selectLast >= first) {
+ textInfoPtr->selectLast -= charsRemoved;
+ if (textInfoPtr->selectLast < first - 1) {
+ textInfoPtr->selectLast = first - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst > textInfoPtr->selectLast) {
+ textInfoPtr->selItemPtr = NULL;
+ }
+ if ((textInfoPtr->anchorItemPtr == itemPtr)
+ && (textInfoPtr->selectAnchor > first)) {
+ textInfoPtr->selectAnchor -= charsRemoved;
+ if (textInfoPtr->selectAnchor < first) {
+ textInfoPtr->selectAnchor = first;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (textPtr->insertPos > first) {
+ textPtr->insertPos -= charsRemoved;
+ if (textPtr->insertPos < first) {
+ textPtr->insertPos = first;
+ }
+ }
+ ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
+ return;
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * TextToPoint --
+ *
+ * Computes the distance from a given point to a given text item, in
+ * canvas units.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * The return value is 0 if the point whose x and y coordinates are
+ * pointPtr[0] and pointPtr[1] is inside the text item. If the point
+ * isn't inside the text item then the return value is the distance from
+ * the point to the text item.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * None.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static double
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item to check against point. */
+ double *pointPtr) /* Pointer to x and y coordinates. */
+ TextItem *textPtr;
+ Tk_State state = itemPtr->state;
+ double value;
+ if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
+ state = ((TkCanvas *)canvas)->canvas_state;
+ }
+ textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ value = (double) Tk_DistanceToTextLayout(textPtr->textLayout,
+ (int) pointPtr[0] - textPtr->leftEdge,
+ (int) pointPtr[1] - textPtr->header.y1);
+ if ((state == TK_STATE_HIDDEN) || (textPtr->color == NULL) ||
+ (textPtr->text == NULL) || (*textPtr->text == 0)) {
+ value = 1.0e36;
+ }
+ return value;
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * TextToArea --
+ *
+ * This function is called to determine whether an item lies entirely
+ * inside, entirely outside, or overlapping a given rectangle.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * -1 is returned if the item is entirely outside the area given by
+ * rectPtr, 0 if it overlaps, and 1 if it is entirely inside the given
+ * area.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * None.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static int
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item to check against rectangle. */
+ double *rectPtr) /* Pointer to array of four coordinates
+ * (x1,y1,x2,y2) describing rectangular
+ * area. */
+ TextItem *textPtr;
+ Tk_State state = itemPtr->state;
+ if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
+ state = ((TkCanvas *)canvas)->canvas_state;
+ }
+ textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ return Tk_IntersectTextLayout(textPtr->textLayout,
+ (int) (rectPtr[0] + 0.5) - textPtr->leftEdge,
+ (int) (rectPtr[1] + 0.5) - textPtr->header.y1,
+ (int) (rectPtr[2] - rectPtr[0] + 0.5),
+ (int) (rectPtr[3] - rectPtr[1] + 0.5));
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * ScaleText --
+ *
+ * This function is invoked to rescale a text item.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * Scales the position of the text, but not the size of the font for the
+ * text.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /* ARGSUSED */
+static void
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing rectangle. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Rectangle to be scaled. */
+ double originX, double originY,
+ /* Origin about which to scale rect. */
+ double scaleX, /* Amount to scale in X direction. */
+ double scaleY) /* Amount to scale in Y direction. */
+ TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ textPtr->x = originX + scaleX*(textPtr->x - originX);
+ textPtr->y = originY + scaleY*(textPtr->y - originY);
+ ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
+ return;
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * TranslateText --
+ *
+ * This function is called to move a text item by a given amount.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * The position of the text item is offset by (xDelta, yDelta), and the
+ * bounding box is updated in the generic part of the item structure.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing item. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item that is being moved. */
+ double deltaX, double deltaY)
+ /* Amount by which item is to be moved. */
+ TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ textPtr->x += deltaX;
+ textPtr->y += deltaY;
+ ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * GetTextIndex --
+ *
+ * Parse an index into a text item and return either its value or an
+ * error.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * A standard Tcl result. If all went well, then *indexPtr is filled in
+ * with the index (into itemPtr) corresponding to string. Otherwise an
+ * error message is left in the interp's result.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * None.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static int
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Used for error reporting. */
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing item. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item for which the index is being
+ * specified. */
+ Tcl_Obj *obj, /* Specification of a particular character in
+ * itemPtr's text. */
+ int *indexPtr) /* Where to store converted character
+ * index. */
+ TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ int length;
+ int c;
+ TkCanvas *canvasPtr = (TkCanvas *) canvas;
+ Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
+ char *string = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(obj, &length);
+ c = string[0];
+ if ((c == 'e') && (strncmp(string, "end", (unsigned) length) == 0)) {
+ *indexPtr = textPtr->numChars;
+ } else if ((c == 'i')
+ && (strncmp(string, "insert", (unsigned) length) == 0)) {
+ *indexPtr = textPtr->insertPos;
+ } else if ((c == 's') && (length >= 5)
+ && (strncmp(string, "sel.first", (unsigned) length) == 0)) {
+ if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr != itemPtr) {
+ Tcl_SetResult(interp, "selection isn't in item", TCL_STATIC);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ *indexPtr = textInfoPtr->selectFirst;
+ } else if ((c == 's') && (length >= 5)
+ && (strncmp(string, "sel.last", (unsigned) length) == 0)) {
+ if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr != itemPtr) {
+ Tcl_SetResult(interp, "selection isn't in item", TCL_STATIC);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ *indexPtr = textInfoPtr->selectLast;
+ } else if (c == '@') {
+ int x, y;
+ double tmp;
+ char *end, *p;
+ p = string+1;
+ tmp = strtod(p, &end);
+ if ((end == p) || (*end != ',')) {
+ goto badIndex;
+ }
+ x = (int) ((tmp < 0) ? tmp - 0.5 : tmp + 0.5);
+ p = end+1;
+ tmp = strtod(p, &end);
+ if ((end == p) || (*end != 0)) {
+ goto badIndex;
+ }
+ y = (int) ((tmp < 0) ? tmp - 0.5 : tmp + 0.5);
+ *indexPtr = Tk_PointToChar(textPtr->textLayout,
+ x + canvasPtr->scrollX1 - textPtr->leftEdge,
+ y + canvasPtr->scrollY1 - textPtr->header.y1);
+ } else if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, obj, indexPtr) == TCL_OK) {
+ if (*indexPtr < 0){
+ *indexPtr = 0;
+ } else if (*indexPtr > textPtr->numChars) {
+ *indexPtr = textPtr->numChars;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Some of the paths here leave messages in the interp's result, so we
+ * have to clear it out before storing our own message.
+ */
+ badIndex:
+ Tcl_SetResult(interp, NULL, TCL_STATIC);
+ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad index \"", string, "\"", NULL);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return TCL_OK;
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * SetTextCursor --
+ *
+ * Set the position of the insertion cursor in this item.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * None.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * The cursor position will change.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /* ARGSUSED */
+static void
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Record describing canvas widget. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Text item in which cursor position is to be
+ * set. */
+ int index) /* Character index of character just before
+ * which cursor is to be positioned. */
+ TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ if (index < 0) {
+ textPtr->insertPos = 0;
+ } else if (index > textPtr->numChars) {
+ textPtr->insertPos = textPtr->numChars;
+ } else {
+ textPtr->insertPos = index;
+ }
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * GetSelText --
+ *
+ * This function is invoked to return the selected portion of a text
+ * item. It is only called when this item has the selection.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * The return value is the number of non-NULL bytes stored at buffer.
+ * Buffer is filled (or partially filled) with a NULL-terminated string
+ * containing part or all of the selection, as given by offset and
+ * maxBytes.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * None.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static int
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Canvas containing selection. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Text item containing selection. */
+ int offset, /* Byte offset within selection of first
+ * character to be returned. */
+ char *buffer, /* Location in which to place selection. */
+ int maxBytes) /* Maximum number of bytes to place at buffer,
+ * not including terminating NULL
+ * character. */
+ TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ int byteCount;
+ char *text;
+ CONST char *selStart, *selEnd;
+ Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
+ if ((textInfoPtr->selectFirst < 0) ||
+ (textInfoPtr->selectFirst > textInfoPtr->selectLast)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ text = textPtr->text;
+ selStart = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text, textInfoPtr->selectFirst);
+ selEnd = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(selStart,
+ textInfoPtr->selectLast + 1 - textInfoPtr->selectFirst);
+ byteCount = selEnd - selStart - offset;
+ if (byteCount > maxBytes) {
+ byteCount = maxBytes;
+ }
+ if (byteCount <= 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memcpy(buffer, selStart + offset, (size_t) byteCount);
+ buffer[byteCount] = '\0';
+ return byteCount;
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * TextToPostscript --
+ *
+ * This function is called to generate Postscript for text items.
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * The return value is a standard Tcl result. If an error occurs in
+ * generating Postscript then an error message is left in the interp's
+ * result, replacing whatever used to be there. If no error occurs, then
+ * Postscript for the item is appended to the result.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ * None.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static int
+ Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Leave Postscript or error message here. */
+ Tk_Canvas canvas, /* Information about overall canvas. */
+ Tk_Item *itemPtr, /* Item for which Postscript is wanted. */
+ int prepass) /* 1 means this is a prepass to collect font
+ * information; 0 means final Postscript is
+ * being created. */
+ TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
+ int x, y;
+ Tk_FontMetrics fm;
+ char *justify;
+ char buffer[500];
+ XColor *color;
+ Pixmap stipple;
+ Tk_State state = itemPtr->state;
+ if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
+ state = ((TkCanvas *)canvas)->canvas_state;
+ }
+ color = textPtr->color;
+ stipple = textPtr->stipple;
+ if (state == TK_STATE_HIDDEN || textPtr->color == NULL ||
+ textPtr->text == NULL || *textPtr->text == 0) {
+ return TCL_OK;
+ } else if (((TkCanvas *)canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
+ if (textPtr->activeColor!=NULL) {
+ color = textPtr->activeColor;
+ }
+ if (textPtr->activeStipple!=None) {
+ stipple = textPtr->activeStipple;
+ }
+ } else if (state==TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
+ if (textPtr->disabledColor!=NULL) {
+ color = textPtr->disabledColor;
+ }
+ if (textPtr->disabledStipple!=None) {
+ stipple = textPtr->disabledStipple;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Tk_CanvasPsFont(interp, canvas, textPtr->tkfont) != TCL_OK) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (prepass != 0) {
+ return TCL_OK;
+ }
+ if (Tk_CanvasPsColor(interp, canvas, color) != TCL_OK) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (stipple != None) {
+ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "/StippleText {\n ", NULL);
+ Tk_CanvasPsStipple(interp, canvas, stipple);
+ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "} bind def\n", NULL);
+ }
+ sprintf(buffer, "%.15g %.15g [\n", textPtr->x,
+ Tk_CanvasPsY(canvas, textPtr->y));
+ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, NULL);
+ Tk_TextLayoutToPostscript(interp, textPtr->textLayout);
+ x = 0; y = 0; justify = NULL; /* lint. */
+ switch (textPtr->anchor) {
+ case TK_ANCHOR_NW: x = 0; y = 0; break;
+ case TK_ANCHOR_N: x = 1; y = 0; break;
+ case TK_ANCHOR_NE: x = 2; y = 0; break;
+ case TK_ANCHOR_E: x = 2; y = 1; break;
+ case TK_ANCHOR_SE: x = 2; y = 2; break;
+ case TK_ANCHOR_S: x = 1; y = 2; break;
+ case TK_ANCHOR_SW: x = 0; y = 2; break;
+ case TK_ANCHOR_W: x = 0; y = 1; break;
+ case TK_ANCHOR_CENTER: x = 1; y = 1; break;
+ }
+ switch (textPtr->justify) {
+ case TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT: justify = "0"; break;
+ case TK_JUSTIFY_CENTER: justify = "0.5"; break;
+ case TK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT: justify = "1"; break;
+ }
+ Tk_GetFontMetrics(textPtr->tkfont, &fm);
+ sprintf(buffer, "] %d %g %g %s %s DrawText\n",
+ fm.linespace, x / -2.0, y / 2.0, justify,
+ ((stipple == None) ? "false" : "true"));
+ Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, NULL);
+ return TCL_OK;
+ * Local Variables:
+ * mode: c
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * fill-column: 78
+ * End:
+ */