path: root/library/demos/ixset
diff options
authordkf <>2001-10-30 10:17:07 (GMT)
committerdkf <>2001-10-30 10:17:07 (GMT)
commitdbb7fb9c577dac6644ce1a8c4fd30876be506452 (patch)
treeef05e2b7935510c2f78fd3dcd1878c3390cd9dc6 /library/demos/ixset
parentf9620659841e6c20049243be44db166e55b8229b (diff)
More demo upgrades derived from 8.3.4 and using new features
FossilOrigin-Name: 64aeb05431fb5331ea649a9df57caf79cf92e12d
Diffstat (limited to 'library/demos/ixset')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/library/demos/ixset b/library/demos/ixset
index c5bcfd3..8e6df3d 100644
--- a/library/demos/ixset
+++ b/library/demos/ixset
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# the next line restarts using wish \
-exec wish "$0" "$@"
+exec wish8.4 "$0" ${1+"$@"} || exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
# ixset --
# A nice interface to "xset" to change X server settings
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ exec wish "$0" "$@"
# 91/11/23 :, : design
# 92/08/01 : : cleaning
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: ixset,v 1.2 1998/09/14 18:23:29 stanton Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: ixset,v 1.3 2001/10/30 10:17:07 dkf Exp $
# Button actions
@@ -27,10 +27,15 @@ proc ok {} {
proc cancel {} {
+ .buttons.apply configure -state disabled
+ .buttons.cancel configure -state disabled
-# apply is just "writesettings"
+proc apply {} {
+ writesettings
+ .buttons.apply configure -state disabled
+ .buttons.cancel configure -state disabled
# Read current settings
@@ -120,8 +125,8 @@ proc writesettings {} {
set mouseacc [.mouse.hor.acc.entry get]
set mousethr [.mouse.hor.thr.entry get]
- set screentim [.screen.val.le.tim.entry get]
- set screencyc [.screen.val.le.cyc.entry get]
+ set screentim [.screen.tim.entry get]
+ set screencyc [.screen.cyc.entry get]
exec xset \
b $bellvol $bellpit $belldur \
@@ -155,12 +160,12 @@ proc dispsettings {} {
.mouse.hor.thr.entry delete 0 end
.mouse.hor.thr.entry insert 0 $mousethr
- .screen.val.rb.blank [expr "{$screenbla}=={blank} ? {select} : {deselect}"]
- .screen.val.rb.pat [expr "{$screenbla}!={blank} ? {select} : {deselect}"]
- .screen.val.le.tim.entry delete 0 end
- .screen.val.le.tim.entry insert 0 $screentim
- .screen.val.le.cyc.entry delete 0 end
- .screen.val.le.cyc.entry insert 0 $screencyc
+ .screen.blank [expr "{$screenbla}=={blank} ? {select} : {deselect}"]
+ .screen.pat [expr "{$screenbla}!={blank} ? {select} : {deselect}"]
+ .screen.tim.entry delete 0 end
+ .screen.tim.entry insert 0 $screentim
+ .screen.cyc.entry delete 0 end
+ .screen.cyc.entry insert 0 $screencyc
@@ -168,12 +173,17 @@ proc dispsettings {} {
# Create all windows, and pack them
-proc labelentry {path text length} {
+proc labelentry {path text length {range {}}} {
frame $path
label $path.label -text $text
- entry $path.entry -width $length -relief sunken
- pack $path.label -side left -expand y
- pack $path.entry -side right -expand y
+ if {[llength $range]} {
+ spinbox $path.entry -width $length -relief sunken \
+ -from [lindex $range 0] -to [lindex $range 1]
+ } else {
+ entry $path.entry -width $length -relief sunken
+ }
+ pack $path.label -side left
+ pack $path.entry -side right -expand y -fill x
proc createwindows {} {
@@ -182,38 +192,57 @@ proc createwindows {} {
frame .buttons
- button .buttons.ok -command "ok" -text "Ok"
- button .buttons.apply -command "writesettings" -text "Apply"
- button .buttons.cancel -command "cancel" -text "Cancel"
- button .buttons.quit -command "quit" -text "Quit"
+ button .buttons.ok -default active -command ok -text "Ok"
+ button .buttons.apply -default normal -command apply -text "Apply" \
+ -state disabled
+ button .buttons.cancel -default normal -command cancel -text "Cancel" \
+ -state disabled
+ button .buttons.quit -default normal -command quit -text "Quit"
pack .buttons.ok .buttons.apply .buttons.cancel .buttons.quit \
-side left -expand yes -pady 5
+ bind . <Return> {.buttons.ok flash; .buttons.ok invoke}
+ bind . <Escape> {.buttons.quit flash; .buttons.quit invoke}
+ bind . <1> {
+ if {![string match .buttons* %W]} {
+ .buttons.apply configure -state normal
+ .buttons.cancel configure -state normal
+ }
+ }
+ bind . <Key> {
+ if {![string match .buttons* %W]} {
+ switch -glob %K {
+ Return - Escape - Tab - *Shift* {}
+ default {
+ .buttons.apply configure -state normal
+ .buttons.cancel configure -state normal
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
# Bell settings
- frame .bell -relief raised -borderwidth 2
- label .bell.label -text "Bell Settings"
+ labelframe .bell -text "Bell Settings" -padx 1.5m -pady 1.5m
scale .bell.vol \
-from 0 -to 100 -length 200 -tickinterval 20 \
-label "Volume (%)" -orient horizontal
frame .bell.val
- labelentry .bell.val.pit "Pitch (Hz)" 6
- labelentry .bell.val.dur "Duration (ms)" 6
+ labelentry .bell.val.pit "Pitch (Hz)" 6 {25 20000}
+ labelentry .bell.val.dur "Duration (ms)" 6 {1 10000}
pack .bell.val.pit -side left -padx 5
pack .bell.val.dur -side right -padx 5
- pack .bell.label .bell.vol .bell.val -side top -expand yes
+ pack .bell.vol .bell.val -side top -expand yes
# Keyboard settings
- frame .kbd -relief raised -borderwidth 2
- label .kbd.label -text "Keyboard Repeat Settings"
+ labelframe .kbd -text "Keyboard Repeat Settings" -padx 1.5m -pady 1.5m
frame .kbd.val
checkbutton .kbd.val.onoff \
@@ -223,62 +252,52 @@ proc createwindows {} {
scale .kbd.val.cli \
-from 0 -to 100 -length 200 -tickinterval 20 \
-label "Click Volume (%)" -orient horizontal
- pack .kbd.val.onoff -side left -expand yes -fill both
- pack .kbd.val.cli -side left -expand yes
+ pack .kbd.val.onoff -side left -fill x -expand yes -padx {0 1m}
+ pack .kbd.val.cli -side left -expand yes -fill x -padx {1m 0}
- pack .kbd.label -side top -expand yes
pack .kbd.val -side top -expand yes -pady 2 -fill x
# Mouse settings
- frame .mouse -relief raised -borderwidth 2
+ labelframe .mouse -text "Mouse Settings" -padx 1.5m -pady 1.5m
- label .mouse.label -text "Mouse Settings"
frame .mouse.hor
- labelentry .mouse.hor.acc "Acceleration" 3
- labelentry .mouse.hor.thr "Threshold (pixels)" 3
+ labelentry .mouse.hor.acc "Acceleration" 5
+ labelentry .mouse.hor.thr "Threshold (pixels)" 3 {1 2000}
- pack .mouse.hor.acc -side left
- pack .mouse.hor.thr -side right
+ pack .mouse.hor.acc -side left -padx {0 1m}
+ pack .mouse.hor.thr -side right -padx {1m 0}
- pack .mouse.label -side top
pack .mouse.hor -side top -expand yes
# Screen Saver settings
- frame .screen -relief raised -borderwidth 2
+ labelframe .screen -text "Screen-saver Settings" -padx 1.5m -pady 1.5m
- label .screen.label -text "Screen-saver Settings"
- frame .screen.val
- frame .screen.val.rb
- radiobutton .screen.val.rb.blank \
+ radiobutton .screen.blank \
-variable screenblank -text "Blank" -relief flat \
- -value "blank" -variable screenbla
- radiobutton .screen.val.rb.pat \
+ -value "blank" -variable screenbla -anchor w
+ radiobutton .screen.pat \
-variable screenblank -text "Pattern" -relief flat \
- -value "noblank" -variable screenbla
- pack .screen.val.rb.blank .screen.val.rb.pat -side top -pady 2 -anchor w
- frame .screen.val.le
- labelentry .screen.val.le.tim "Timeout (s)" 5
- labelentry .screen.val.le.cyc "Cycle (s)" 5
- pack .screen.val.le.tim .screen.val.le.cyc -side top -pady 2 -anchor e
- pack .screen.val.rb .screen.val.le -side left
+ -value "noblank" -variable screenbla -anchor w
+ labelentry .screen.tim "Timeout (s)" 5 {1 100000}
+ labelentry .screen.cyc "Cycle (s)" 5 {1 100000}
- pack .screen.label -side top
- pack .screen.val -side top -expand y
+ grid .screen.blank .screen.tim -sticky e
+ grid .screen.pat .screen.cyc -sticky e
+ grid configure .screen.blank .screen.pat -sticky ew
# Main window
pack .buttons -side top -fill both
- pack .bell .kbd .mouse .screen -side top -fill both -ipady 5 -expand yes
+ pack .bell .kbd .mouse .screen -side top -fill both -expand yes \
+ -padx 1m -pady 1m
# Let the user resize our window
@@ -310,3 +329,7 @@ dispsettings
# Now, wait for user actions...
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# End: