path: root/library/tk.tcl
diff options
mode: <dgp>2001-08-01 16:21:11 (GMT) <dgp>2001-08-01 16:21:11 (GMT)
commit73da871c94ff66eb9b314fb09a75a7124968bbd4 (patch)
tree38846cbe94cc8aac068898282ced4624f130770e /library/tk.tcl
parent2acf69a713e833db0ee374542978d48ef0ee583e (diff)
Merged changes from feature branch dgp-privates-into-namespace,
implementing TIP 44. All Tk commands and variables matching tk[A-Z]* are now in the ::tk namespace.
Diffstat (limited to 'library/tk.tcl')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/library/tk.tcl b/library/tk.tcl
index 64afbe7..102ac4c 100644
--- a/library/tk.tcl
+++ b/library/tk.tcl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Initialization script normally executed in the interpreter for each
# Tk-based application. Arranges class bindings for widgets.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: tk.tcl,v 1.30 2001/07/03 01:03:16 hobbs Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: tk.tcl,v 1.31 2001/08/01 16:21:11 dgp Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ if { ![interp issafe] } {
# Add Tk's directory to the end of the auto-load search path, if it
# isn't already on the path:
-if {[info exists auto_path] && [string compare {} $tk_library] && \
- [lsearch -exact $auto_path $tk_library] < 0} {
- lappend auto_path $tk_library
+if {[info exists ::auto_path] && [string compare {} $::tk_library] && \
+ [lsearch -exact $::auto_path $::tk_library] < 0} {
+ lappend ::auto_path $::tk_library
# Turn off strict Motif look and feel as a default.
-set tk_strictMotif 0
+set ::tk_strictMotif 0
# Turn on useinputmethods (X Input Methods) by default.
# We catch this because safe interpreters may not allow the call.
@@ -183,17 +183,17 @@ if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "unix"]} {
-# tkScreenChanged --
+# ::tk::ScreenChanged --
# This procedure is invoked by the binding mechanism whenever the
# "current" screen is changing. The procedure does two things.
-# First, it uses "upvar" to make global variable "tkPriv" point at an
+# First, it uses "upvar" to make variable "::tk::Priv" point at an
# array variable that holds state for the current display. Second,
# it initializes the array if it didn't already exist.
# Arguments:
# screen - The name of the new screen.
-proc tkScreenChanged screen {
+proc ::tk::ScreenChanged screen {
set x [string last . $screen]
if {$x > 0} {
set disp [string range $screen 0 [expr {$x - 1}]]
@@ -201,15 +201,15 @@ proc tkScreenChanged screen {
set disp $screen
- uplevel #0 upvar #0 tkPriv.$disp tkPriv
- global tkPriv
+ uplevel #0 upvar #0 ::tk::Priv.$disp ::tk::Priv
+ variable ::tk::Priv
global tcl_platform
- if {[info exists tkPriv]} {
- set tkPriv(screen) $screen
+ if {[info exists Priv]} {
+ set Priv(screen) $screen
- array set tkPriv {
+ array set Priv {
activeMenu {}
activeItem {}
afterId {}
@@ -231,26 +231,26 @@ proc tkScreenChanged screen {
prevPos 0
selectMode char
- set tkPriv(screen) $screen
- set tkPriv(tearoff) [string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "unix"]
- set tkPriv(window) {}
+ set Priv(screen) $screen
+ set Priv(tearoff) [string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "unix"]
+ set Priv(window) {}
-# Do initial setup for tkPriv, so that it is always bound to something
+# Do initial setup for Priv, so that it is always bound to something
# (otherwise, if someone references it, it may get set to a non-upvar-ed
# value, which will cause trouble later).
-tkScreenChanged [winfo screen .]
+tk::ScreenChanged [winfo screen .]
-# tkEventMotifBindings --
-# This procedure is invoked as a trace whenever tk_strictMotif is
+# ::tk::EventMotifBindings --
+# This procedure is invoked as a trace whenever ::tk_strictMotif is
# changed. It is used to turn on or turn off the motif virtual
# bindings.
# Arguments:
-# n1 - the name of the variable being changed ("tk_strictMotif").
+# n1 - the name of the variable being changed ("::tk_strictMotif").
-proc tkEventMotifBindings {n1 dummy dummy} {
+proc ::tk::EventMotifBindings {n1 dummy dummy} {
upvar $n1 name
if {$name} {
@@ -270,36 +270,36 @@ proc tkEventMotifBindings {n1 dummy dummy} {
if {[string equal [info commands tk_chooseColor] ""]} {
- proc tk_chooseColor {args} {
- return [eval tkColorDialog $args]
+ proc ::tk_chooseColor {args} {
+ return [eval tk::dialog::color:: $args]
if {[string equal [info commands tk_getOpenFile] ""]} {
- proc tk_getOpenFile {args} {
+ proc ::tk_getOpenFile {args} {
if {$::tk_strictMotif} {
- return [eval tkMotifFDialog open $args]
+ return [eval tk::MotifFDialog open $args]
} else {
- return [eval ::tk::dialog::file::tkFDialog open $args]
+ return [eval ::tk::dialog::file:: open $args]
if {[string equal [info commands tk_getSaveFile] ""]} {
- proc tk_getSaveFile {args} {
+ proc ::tk_getSaveFile {args} {
if {$::tk_strictMotif} {
- return [eval tkMotifFDialog save $args]
+ return [eval tk::MotifFDialog save $args]
} else {
- return [eval ::tk::dialog::file::tkFDialog save $args]
+ return [eval ::tk::dialog::file:: save $args]
if {[string equal [info commands tk_messageBox] ""]} {
- proc tk_messageBox {args} {
- return [eval tkMessageBox $args]
+ proc ::tk_messageBox {args} {
+ return [eval tk::MessageBox $args]
if {[string equal [info command tk_chooseDirectory] ""]} {
- proc tk_chooseDirectory {args} {
- return [eval ::tk::dialog::file::chooseDir::tkChooseDirectory $args]
+ proc ::tk_chooseDirectory {args} {
+ return [eval ::tk::dialog::file::chooseDir:: $args]
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ if {[string equal [info command tk_chooseDirectory] ""]} {
# Define the set of common virtual events.
-switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
+switch $::tcl_platform(platform) {
"unix" {
event add <<Cut>> <Control-Key-x> <Key-F20>
event add <<Copy>> <Control-Key-c> <Key-F16>
@@ -329,8 +329,8 @@ switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
- trace variable tk_strictMotif w tkEventMotifBindings
- set tk_strictMotif $tk_strictMotif
+ trace variable ::tk_strictMotif w ::tk::EventMotifBindings
+ set ::tk_strictMotif $::tk_strictMotif
"windows" {
event add <<Cut>> <Control-Key-x> <Shift-Key-Delete>
@@ -349,51 +349,53 @@ switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read in files that define all of the class bindings.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-if {[string compare $tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"] && \
- [string compare {} $tk_library]} {
- source [file join $tk_library button.tcl]
- source [file join $tk_library entry.tcl]
- source [file join $tk_library listbox.tcl]
- source [file join $tk_library menu.tcl]
- source [file join $tk_library scale.tcl]
- source [file join $tk_library scrlbar.tcl]
- source [file join $tk_library spinbox.tcl]
- source [file join $tk_library text.tcl]
+if {[string compare $::tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"] && \
+ [string compare {} $::tk_library]} {
+ source [file join $::tk_library button.tcl]
+ source [file join $::tk_library entry.tcl]
+ source [file join $::tk_library listbox.tcl]
+ source [file join $::tk_library menu.tcl]
+ source [file join $::tk_library scale.tcl]
+ source [file join $::tk_library scrlbar.tcl]
+ source [file join $::tk_library spinbox.tcl]
+ source [file join $::tk_library text.tcl]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default bindings for keyboard traversal.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
event add <<PrevWindow>> <Shift-Tab>
-bind all <Tab> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]}
-bind all <<PrevWindow>> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]}
+bind all <Tab> {tk::TabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]}
+bind all <<PrevWindow>> {tk::TabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]}
-# tkCancelRepeat --
+# ::tk::CancelRepeat --
# This procedure is invoked to cancel an auto-repeat action described
-# by tkPriv(afterId). It's used by several widgets to auto-scroll
+# by ::tk::Priv(afterId). It's used by several widgets to auto-scroll
# the widget when the mouse is dragged out of the widget with a
# button pressed.
# Arguments:
# None.
-proc tkCancelRepeat {} {
- global tkPriv
- after cancel $tkPriv(afterId)
- set tkPriv(afterId) {}
+proc ::tk::CancelRepeat {} {
+ variable ::tk::Priv
+ after cancel $Priv(afterId)
+ set Priv(afterId) {}
-# tkTabToWindow --
+# ::tk::TabToWindow --
# This procedure moves the focus to the given widget. If the widget
# is an entry, it selects the entire contents of the widget.
# Arguments:
# w - Window to which focus should be set.
-proc tkTabToWindow {w} {
+proc ::tk::TabToWindow {w} {
if {[string equal [winfo class $w] Entry]} {
$w selection range 0 end
$w icursor end
focus $w