path: root/xlib/X11/Xutil.h
diff options
authorrjohnson <>1998-04-01 09:51:45 (GMT)
committerrjohnson <>1998-04-01 09:51:45 (GMT)
commit9c5b7f2b7e472536ed2e7c915ead05e2aa264182 (patch)
tree8fb30cb152c4dc191be47fa043d2e6f5ea38c7ba /xlib/X11/Xutil.h
parent1d0efcbe267f2c0eb73869862522fb20fb2d63ca (diff)
Initial revision
FossilOrigin-Name: 2bf55ca9aa942b581137b9f474da5ad9c1480de4
Diffstat (limited to 'xlib/X11/Xutil.h')
1 files changed, 879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xlib/X11/Xutil.h b/xlib/X11/Xutil.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6332850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xlib/X11/Xutil.h
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+/* $XConsortium: Xutil.h,v 11.73 91/07/30 16:21:37 rws Exp $ */
+Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
+and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+ All Rights Reserved
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
+both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital or MIT not be
+used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
+software without specific, written prior permission.
+#ifndef _XUTIL_H_
+#define _XUTIL_H_
+/* You must include <X11/Xlib.h> before including this file */
+#ifdef MAC_TCL
+# define Region XRegion
+ * Bitmask returned by XParseGeometry(). Each bit tells if the corresponding
+ * value (x, y, width, height) was found in the parsed string.
+ */
+#define NoValue 0x0000
+#define XValue 0x0001
+#define YValue 0x0002
+#define WidthValue 0x0004
+#define HeightValue 0x0008
+#define AllValues 0x000F
+#define XNegative 0x0010
+#define YNegative 0x0020
+ * new version containing base_width, base_height, and win_gravity fields;
+ * used with WM_NORMAL_HINTS.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ long flags; /* marks which fields in this structure are defined */
+ int x, y; /* obsolete for new window mgrs, but clients */
+ int width, height; /* should set so old wm's don't mess up */
+ int min_width, min_height;
+ int max_width, max_height;
+ int width_inc, height_inc;
+ struct {
+ int x; /* numerator */
+ int y; /* denominator */
+ } min_aspect, max_aspect;
+ int base_width, base_height; /* added by ICCCM version 1 */
+ int win_gravity; /* added by ICCCM version 1 */
+} XSizeHints;
+ * The next block of definitions are for window manager properties that
+ * clients and applications use for communication.
+ */
+/* flags argument in size hints */
+#define USPosition (1L << 0) /* user specified x, y */
+#define USSize (1L << 1) /* user specified width, height */
+#define PPosition (1L << 2) /* program specified position */
+#define PSize (1L << 3) /* program specified size */
+#define PMinSize (1L << 4) /* program specified minimum size */
+#define PMaxSize (1L << 5) /* program specified maximum size */
+#define PResizeInc (1L << 6) /* program specified resize increments */
+#define PAspect (1L << 7) /* program specified min and max aspect ratios */
+#define PBaseSize (1L << 8) /* program specified base for incrementing */
+#define PWinGravity (1L << 9) /* program specified window gravity */
+/* obsolete */
+#define PAllHints (PPosition|PSize|PMinSize|PMaxSize|PResizeInc|PAspect)
+typedef struct {
+ long flags; /* marks which fields in this structure are defined */
+ Bool input; /* does this application rely on the window manager to
+ get keyboard input? */
+ int initial_state; /* see below */
+ Pixmap icon_pixmap; /* pixmap to be used as icon */
+ Window icon_window; /* window to be used as icon */
+ int icon_x, icon_y; /* initial position of icon */
+ Pixmap icon_mask; /* icon mask bitmap */
+ XID window_group; /* id of related window group */
+ /* this structure may be extended in the future */
+} XWMHints;
+/* definition for flags of XWMHints */
+#define InputHint (1L << 0)
+#define StateHint (1L << 1)
+#define IconPixmapHint (1L << 2)
+#define IconWindowHint (1L << 3)
+#define IconPositionHint (1L << 4)
+#define IconMaskHint (1L << 5)
+#define WindowGroupHint (1L << 6)
+#define AllHints (InputHint|StateHint|IconPixmapHint|IconWindowHint| \
+/* definitions for initial window state */
+#define WithdrawnState 0 /* for windows that are not mapped */
+#define NormalState 1 /* most applications want to start this way */
+#define IconicState 3 /* application wants to start as an icon */
+ * Obsolete states no longer defined by ICCCM
+ */
+#define DontCareState 0 /* don't know or care */
+#define ZoomState 2 /* application wants to start zoomed */
+#define InactiveState 4 /* application believes it is seldom used; */
+ /* some wm's may put it on inactive menu */
+ * new structure for manipulating TEXT properties; used with WM_NAME,
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned char *value; /* same as Property routines */
+ Atom encoding; /* prop type */
+ int format; /* prop data format: 8, 16, or 32 */
+ unsigned long nitems; /* number of data items in value */
+} XTextProperty;
+#define XNoMemory -1
+#define XLocaleNotSupported -2
+#define XConverterNotFound -3
+typedef enum {
+ XStringStyle, /* STRING */
+ XCompoundTextStyle, /* COMPOUND_TEXT */
+ XTextStyle, /* text in owner's encoding (current locale)*/
+ XStdICCTextStyle /* STRING, else COMPOUND_TEXT */
+} XICCEncodingStyle;
+typedef struct {
+ int min_width, min_height;
+ int max_width, max_height;
+ int width_inc, height_inc;
+} XIconSize;
+typedef struct {
+ char *res_name;
+ char *res_class;
+} XClassHint;
+ * These macros are used to give some sugar to the image routines so that
+ * naive people are more comfortable with them.
+ */
+#define XDestroyImage(ximage) \
+ ((*((ximage)->f.destroy_image))((ximage)))
+#define XGetPixel(ximage, x, y) \
+ ((*((ximage)->f.get_pixel))((ximage), (x), (y)))
+#define XPutPixel(ximage, x, y, pixel) \
+ ((*((ximage)->f.put_pixel))((ximage), (x), (y), (pixel)))
+#define XSubImage(ximage, x, y, width, height) \
+ ((*((ximage)->f.sub_image))((ximage), (x), (y), (width), (height)))
+#define XAddPixel(ximage, value) \
+ ((*((ximage)->f.add_pixel))((ximage), (value)))
+ * Compose sequence status structure, used in calling XLookupString.
+ */
+typedef struct _XComposeStatus {
+ XPointer compose_ptr; /* state table pointer */
+ int chars_matched; /* match state */
+} XComposeStatus;
+ * Keysym macros, used on Keysyms to test for classes of symbols
+ */
+#define IsKeypadKey(keysym) \
+ (((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_KP_Space) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_KP_Equal))
+#define IsCursorKey(keysym) \
+ (((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_Home) && ((unsigned)(keysym) < XK_Select))
+#define IsPFKey(keysym) \
+ (((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_KP_F1) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_KP_F4))
+#define IsFunctionKey(keysym) \
+ (((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_F1) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_F35))
+#define IsMiscFunctionKey(keysym) \
+ (((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_Select) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_Break))
+#define IsModifierKey(keysym) \
+ ((((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_Shift_L) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_Hyper_R)) \
+ || ((unsigned)(keysym) == XK_Mode_switch) \
+ || ((unsigned)(keysym) == XK_Num_Lock))
+ * opaque reference to Region data type
+ */
+typedef struct _XRegion *Region;
+/* Return values from XRectInRegion() */
+#define RectangleOut 0
+#define RectangleIn 1
+#define RectanglePart 2
+ * Information used by the visual utility routines to find desired visual
+ * type from the many visuals a display may support.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ Visual *visual;
+ VisualID visualid;
+ int screen;
+ int depth;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
+ int c_class; /* C++ */
+ int class;
+ unsigned long red_mask;
+ unsigned long green_mask;
+ unsigned long blue_mask;
+ int colormap_size;
+ int bits_per_rgb;
+} XVisualInfo;
+#define VisualNoMask 0x0
+#define VisualIDMask 0x1
+#define VisualScreenMask 0x2
+#define VisualDepthMask 0x4
+#define VisualClassMask 0x8
+#define VisualRedMaskMask 0x10
+#define VisualGreenMaskMask 0x20
+#define VisualBlueMaskMask 0x40
+#define VisualColormapSizeMask 0x80
+#define VisualBitsPerRGBMask 0x100
+#define VisualAllMask 0x1FF
+ * This defines a window manager property that clients may use to
+ * share standard color maps of type RGB_COLOR_MAP:
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ Colormap colormap;
+ unsigned long red_max;
+ unsigned long red_mult;
+ unsigned long green_max;
+ unsigned long green_mult;
+ unsigned long blue_max;
+ unsigned long blue_mult;
+ unsigned long base_pixel;
+ VisualID visualid; /* added by ICCCM version 1 */
+ XID killid; /* added by ICCCM version 1 */
+} XStandardColormap;
+#define ReleaseByFreeingColormap ((XID) 1L) /* for killid field above */
+ * return codes for XReadBitmapFile and XWriteBitmapFile
+ */
+#define BitmapSuccess 0
+#define BitmapOpenFailed 1
+#define BitmapFileInvalid 2
+#define BitmapNoMemory 3
+ *
+ * Context Management
+ *
+ ****************************************************************/
+/* Associative lookup table return codes */
+#define XCSUCCESS 0 /* No error. */
+#define XCNOMEM 1 /* Out of memory */
+#define XCNOENT 2 /* No entry in table */
+typedef int XContext;
+#define XUniqueContext() ((XContext) XrmUniqueQuark())
+#define XStringToContext(string) ((XContext) XrmStringToQuark(string))
+/* The following declarations are alphabetized. */
+extern XClassHint *XAllocClassHint (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ void
+extern XIconSize *XAllocIconSize (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ void
+extern XSizeHints *XAllocSizeHints (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ void
+extern XStandardColormap *XAllocStandardColormap (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ void
+extern XWMHints *XAllocWMHints (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ void
+extern void XClipBox(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Region /* r */,
+ XRectangle* /* rect_return */
+extern Region XCreateRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ void
+extern char *XDefaultString(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ void
+extern int XDeleteContext(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ XID /* rid */,
+ XContext /* context */
+extern void XDestroyRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Region /* r */
+extern void XEmptyRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Region /* r */
+extern void XEqualRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Region /* r1 */,
+ Region /* r2 */
+extern int XFindContext(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ XID /* rid */,
+ XContext /* context */,
+ XPointer* /* data_return */
+extern Status XGetClassHint(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XClassHint* /* class_hints_return */
+extern Status XGetIconSizes(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XIconSize** /* size_list_return */,
+ int* /* count_return */
+extern Status XGetNormalHints(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XSizeHints* /* hints_return */
+extern Status XGetRGBColormaps(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XStandardColormap** /* stdcmap_return */,
+ int* /* count_return */,
+ Atom /* property */
+extern Status XGetSizeHints(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XSizeHints* /* hints_return */,
+ Atom /* property */
+extern Status XGetStandardColormap(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XStandardColormap* /* colormap_return */,
+ Atom /* property */
+extern Status XGetTextProperty(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* window */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop_return */,
+ Atom /* property */
+extern XVisualInfo *XGetVisualInfo(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ long /* vinfo_mask */,
+ XVisualInfo* /* vinfo_template */,
+ int* /* nitems_return */
+extern Status XGetWMClientMachine(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop_return */
+extern XWMHints *XGetWMHints(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */
+extern Status XGetWMIconName(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop_return */
+extern Status XGetWMName(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop_return */
+extern Status XGetWMNormalHints(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XSizeHints* /* hints_return */,
+ long* /* supplied_return */
+extern Status XGetWMSizeHints(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XSizeHints* /* hints_return */,
+ long* /* supplied_return */,
+ Atom /* property */
+extern Status XGetZoomHints(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XSizeHints* /* zhints_return */
+extern void XIntersectRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Region /* sra */,
+ Region /* srb */,
+ Region /* dr_return */
+extern int XLookupString(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ XKeyEvent* /* event_struct */,
+ char* /* buffer_return */,
+ int /* bytes_buffer */,
+ KeySym* /* keysym_return */,
+ XComposeStatus* /* status_in_out */
+extern Status XMatchVisualInfo(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ int /* screen */,
+ int /* depth */,
+ int /* class */,
+ XVisualInfo* /* vinfo_return */
+extern void XOffsetRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Region /* r */,
+ int /* dx */,
+ int /* dy */
+extern Bool XPointInRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Region /* r */,
+ int /* x */,
+ int /* y */
+extern Region XPolygonRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ XPoint* /* points */,
+ int /* n */,
+ int /* fill_rule */
+extern int XRectInRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Region /* r */,
+ int /* x */,
+ int /* y */,
+ unsigned int /* width */,
+ unsigned int /* height */
+extern int XSaveContext(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ XID /* rid */,
+ XContext /* context */,
+ _Xconst char* /* data */
+extern void XSetClassHint(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XClassHint* /* class_hints */
+extern void XSetIconSizes(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XIconSize* /* size_list */,
+ int /* count */
+extern void XSetNormalHints(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XSizeHints* /* hints */
+extern void XSetRGBColormaps(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XStandardColormap* /* stdcmaps */,
+ int /* count */,
+ Atom /* property */
+extern void XSetSizeHints(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XSizeHints* /* hints */,
+ Atom /* property */
+extern void XSetStandardProperties(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ _Xconst char* /* window_name */,
+ _Xconst char* /* icon_name */,
+ Pixmap /* icon_pixmap */,
+ char** /* argv */,
+ int /* argc */,
+ XSizeHints* /* hints */
+extern void XSetTextProperty(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop */,
+ Atom /* property */
+extern void XSetWMClientMachine(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop */
+extern void XSetWMHints(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XWMHints* /* wm_hints */
+extern void XSetWMIconName(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop */
+extern void XSetWMName(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop */
+extern void XSetWMNormalHints(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XSizeHints* /* hints */
+extern void XSetWMProperties(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XTextProperty* /* window_name */,
+ XTextProperty* /* icon_name */,
+ char** /* argv */,
+ int /* argc */,
+ XSizeHints* /* normal_hints */,
+ XWMHints* /* wm_hints */,
+ XClassHint* /* class_hints */
+extern void XmbSetWMProperties(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ _Xconst char* /* window_name */,
+ _Xconst char* /* icon_name */,
+ char** /* argv */,
+ int /* argc */,
+ XSizeHints* /* normal_hints */,
+ XWMHints* /* wm_hints */,
+ XClassHint* /* class_hints */
+extern void XSetWMSizeHints(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XSizeHints* /* hints */,
+ Atom /* property */
+extern void XSetRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ GC /* gc */,
+ Region /* r */
+extern void XSetStandardColormap(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XStandardColormap* /* colormap */,
+ Atom /* property */
+extern void XSetZoomHints(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ Window /* w */,
+ XSizeHints* /* zhints */
+extern void XShrinkRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Region /* r */,
+ int /* dx */,
+ int /* dy */
+extern Status XStringListToTextProperty(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ char** /* list */,
+ int /* count */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop_return */
+extern void XSubtractRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Region /* sra */,
+ Region /* srb */,
+ Region /* dr_return */
+extern int XmbTextListToTextProperty(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ char** /* list */,
+ int /* count */,
+ XICCEncodingStyle /* style */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop_return */
+extern int XwcTextListToTextProperty(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ wchar_t** /* list */,
+ int /* count */,
+ XICCEncodingStyle /* style */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop_return */
+extern void XwcFreeStringList(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ wchar_t** /* list */
+extern Status XTextPropertyToStringList(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop */,
+ char*** /* list_return */,
+ int* /* count_return */
+extern int XmbTextPropertyToTextList(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop */,
+ char*** /* list_return */,
+ int* /* count_return */
+extern int XwcTextPropertyToTextList(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ XTextProperty* /* text_prop */,
+ wchar_t*** /* list_return */,
+ int* /* count_return */
+extern void XUnionRectWithRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ XRectangle* /* rectangle */,
+ Region /* src_region */,
+ Region /* dest_region_return */
+extern void XUnionRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Region /* sra */,
+ Region /* srb */,
+ Region /* dr_return */
+extern int XWMGeometry(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Display* /* display */,
+ int /* screen_number */,
+ _Xconst char* /* user_geometry */,
+ _Xconst char* /* default_geometry */,
+ unsigned int /* border_width */,
+ XSizeHints* /* hints */,
+ int* /* x_return */,
+ int* /* y_return */,
+ int* /* width_return */,
+ int* /* height_return */,
+ int* /* gravity_return */
+extern void XXorRegion(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Region /* sra */,
+ Region /* srb */,
+ Region /* dr_return */
+#ifdef MAC_TCL
+# undef Region
+#endif /* _XUTIL_H_ */