path: root/library/demos/ttk_demo.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library/demos/ttk_demo.tcl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 883 deletions
diff --git a/library/demos/ttk_demo.tcl b/library/demos/ttk_demo.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0686b62..0000000
--- a/library/demos/ttk_demo.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,883 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: ttk_demo.tcl,v 1.1 2006/10/31 01:42:26 hobbs Exp $
-# Tile widget set -- widget demo
-package require Tk 8.5
-eval destroy [winfo children .] ;# in case script is re-sourced
-### Load auxilliary scripts.
-variable demodir [file dirname [info script]]
-lappend auto_path . $demodir
-source [file join $demodir ttk_iconlib.tcl]
-source [file join $demodir ttk_repeater.tcl]
-# This forces an update of the available packages list.
-# It's required for package names to find the themes in demos/themes/*.tcl
-eval [package unknown] Tcl [package provide Tcl]
-### Global options and bindings.
-option add *Button.default normal
-option add *Text.background white
-option add *Entry.background white
-option add *tearOff false
-# See toolbutton.tcl.
-option add *Toolbar.relief groove
-option add *Toolbar.borderWidth 2
-option add *Toolbar.Button.Pad 2
-option add *Toolbar.Button.default disabled
-option add *Toolbar*takeFocus 0
-# ... for debugging:
-bind all <ButtonPress-3> { set ::W %W }
-bind all <Control-ButtonPress-3> { focus %W }
-# Stealth feature:
-if {![catch {package require Img 1.3}]} {
- bind all <Control-Shift-Alt-KeyPress-S> screenshot
- proc screenshot {} {
- image create photo ScreenShot -format window -data .
- bell
- # Gamma looks off if we use PNG ...
- # Looks even worse if we use GIF ...
- ScreenShot write screenshot.png -format png
- image delete ScreenShot
- bell
- }
-### Global data.
-# The descriptive names of the builtin themes:
-set ::THEMELIST {
- default "Default"
- classic "Classic"
- alt "Revitalized"
- winnative "Windows native"
- xpnative "XP Native"
- aqua "Aqua"
-array set ::THEMES $THEMELIST;
-# Add in any available loadable themes:
-foreach name [ttk::themes] {
- if {![info exists ::THEMES($name)]} {
- lappend THEMELIST $name [set ::THEMES($name) [string totitle $name]]
- }
-# Generate icons (see also: iconlib.tcl):
-foreach {icon data} [array get ::ImgData] {
- set ::ICON($icon) [image create photo -data $data]
-variable ROOT "."
-variable BASE [ttk::frame .base]
-pack $BASE -side top -expand true -fill both
-array set ::V {
- PBMODE determinate
- SCALE 50
-### Utilities.
-## foreachWidget varname widget script --
-# Execute $script with $varname set to each widget in the hierarchy.
-proc foreachWidget {varname Q script} {
- upvar 1 $varname w
- while {[llength $Q]} {
- set QN [list]
- foreach w $Q {
- uplevel 1 $script
- foreach child [winfo children $w] {
- lappend QN $child
- }
- }
- set Q $QN
- }
-## sbstub $sb -- stub -command option for a scrollbar.
-# Updates the scrollbar's position.
-proc sbstub {sb cmd number {units units}} { sbstub.$cmd $sb $number $units }
-proc sbstub.moveto {sb number _} { $sb set $number [expr {$number + 0.5}] }
-proc sbstub.scroll {sb number units} {
- if {$units eq "pages"} {
- set delta 0.2
- } else {
- set delta 0.05
- }
- set current [$sb get]
- set new0 [expr {[lindex $current 0] + $delta*$number}]
- set new1 [expr {[lindex $current 1] + $delta*$number}]
- $sb set $new0 $new1
-## sbset $sb -- auto-hide scrollbar
-# Scrollable widget -[xy]scrollcommand prefix.
-# Sets the scrollbar, auto-hides/shows.
-# Scrollbar must be controlled by the grid geometry manager.
-proc sbset {sb first last} {
- if {$first <= 0 && $last >= 1} {
- grid remove $sb
- } else {
- grid $sb
- }
- $sb set $first $last
-## scrolled -- create a widget with attached scrollbars.
-proc scrolled {class w args} {
- set sf "${w}_sf"
- frame $sf
- eval [linsert $args 0 $class $w]
- scrollbar $sf.hsb -orient horizontal -command [list $w xview]
- scrollbar $sf.vsb -orient vertical -command [list $w yview]
- configure.scrolled $sf $w
- return $sf
-## ttk::scrolled -- create a widget with attached Ttk scrollbars.
-proc ttk::scrolled {class w args} {
- set sf "${w}_sf"
- ttk::frame $sf
- eval [linsert $args 0 $class $w]
- ttk::scrollbar $sf.hsb -orient horizontal -command [list $w xview]
- ttk::scrollbar $sf.vsb -orient vertical -command [list $w yview]
- configure.scrolled $sf $w
- return $sf
-## configure.scrolled -- common factor of [scrolled] and [ttk::scrolled]
-proc configure.scrolled {sf w} {
- $w configure -xscrollcommand [list $sf.hsb set]
- $w configure -yscrollcommand [list $sf.vsb set]
- grid $w -in $sf -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nwse
- grid $sf.hsb -row 1 -column 0 -sticky we
- grid $sf.vsb -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns
- grid columnconfigure $sf 0 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $sf 0 -weight 1
-### Toolbars.
-proc makeToolbars {} {
- set buttons [list open new save]
- set checkboxes [list bold italic]
- #
- # Ttk toolbar:
- #
- set tb [ttk::frame $::BASE.tbar_styled -class Toolbar]
- set i 0
- foreach icon $buttons {
- set b [ttk::button $tb.tb[incr i] \
- -text $icon -image $::ICON($icon) -compound $::V(COMPOUND) \
- -style Toolbutton]
- grid $b -row 0 -column $i -sticky news
- }
- ttk::separator $tb.sep -orient vertical
- grid $tb.sep -row 0 -column [incr i] -sticky news -padx 2 -pady 2
- foreach icon $checkboxes {
- set b [ttk::checkbutton $tb.cb[incr i] \
- -variable ::V($icon) \
- -text $icon -image $::ICON($icon) -compound $::V(COMPOUND) \
- -style Toolbutton]
- grid $b -row 0 -column $i -sticky news
- }
- ttk::menubutton $tb.compound \
- -text "toolbar" -image $::ICON(file) -compound $::V(COMPOUND)
- $tb.compound configure -menu [makeCompoundMenu $]
- grid $tb.compound -row 0 -column [incr i] -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $tb [incr i] -weight 1
- #
- # Standard toolbar:
- #
- set tb [frame $::BASE.tbar_orig -class Toolbar]
- set i 0
- foreach icon $buttons {
- set b [button $tb.tb[incr i] \
- -text $icon -image $::ICON($icon) -compound $::V(COMPOUND) \
- -relief flat -overrelief raised]
- grid $b -row 0 -column $i -sticky news
- }
- frame $tb.sep -borderwidth 1 -width 2 -relief sunken
- grid $tb.sep -row 0 -column [incr i] -sticky news -padx 2 -pady 2
- foreach icon $checkboxes {
- set b [checkbutton $tb.cb[incr i] -variable ::V($icon) \
- -text $icon -image $::ICON($icon) -compound $::V(COMPOUND) \
- -indicatoron false \
- -selectcolor {} \
- -relief flat \
- -overrelief raised \
- -offrelief flat]
- grid $b -row 0 -column $i -sticky news
- }
- menubutton $tb.compound \
- -text "toolbar" -image $::ICON(file) -compound $::V(COMPOUND) \
- -indicatoron true
- $tb.compound configure -menu [makeCompoundMenu $]
- grid $tb.compound -row 0 -column [incr i] -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $tb [incr i] -weight 1
-# Toolbar -compound control:
-proc makeCompoundMenu {menu} {
- variable compoundStrings {text image none top bottom left right center}
- menu $menu
- foreach string $compoundStrings {
- $menu add radiobutton \
- -label [string totitle $string] \
- -variable ::V(COMPOUND) -value $string \
- -command changeToolbars ;
- }
- return $menu
-proc changeToolbars {} {
- foreachWidget w [list $::BASE.tbar_styled $::BASE.tbar_orig] {
- catch { $w configure -compound $::V(COMPOUND) }
- }
-### Theme control panel.
-proc makeThemeControl {c} {
- ttk::labelframe $c -text "Theme"
- foreach {theme name} $::THEMELIST {
- set b [ttk::radiobutton $c.s$theme -text $name \
- -variable ::ttk::currentTheme -value $theme \
- -command [list ttk::setTheme $theme]]
- pack $b -side top -expand false -fill x
- if {[lsearch -exact [package names] ttk::theme::$theme] == -1} {
- $c.s$theme state disabled
- }
- }
- return $c
-makeThemeControl $::BASE.control
-### Notebook widget.
-set nb [ttk::notebook $::BASE.nb]
-ttk::notebook::enableTraversal $nb
-### Main demo pane.
-# Side-by comparison of Ttk vs. core widgets.
-set pw [ttk::panedwindow $nb.client -orient horizontal]
-$nb add $pw -text "Demo" -underline 0 -padding 6
-set l [ttk::labelframe $pw.l -text "Themed" -padding 6 -underline 1]
-set r [labelframe $pw.r -text "Standard" -padx 6 -pady 6]
-$pw add $l -weight 1; $pw add $r -weight 1
-## menubuttonMenu -- demo menu for menubutton widgets.
-proc menubuttonMenu {menu} {
- menu $menu
- foreach dir {above below left right flush} {
- $menu add command -label [string totitle $dir] \
- -command [list [winfo parent $menu] configure -direction $dir]
- }
- $menu add cascade -label "Submenu" -menu [set submenu [menu $menu.submenu]]
- $submenu add command -label "Subcommand 1"
- $submenu add command -label "Subcommand 2"
- $submenu add command -label "Subcommand 3"
- $menu add separator
- $menu add command -label "Quit" -command [list destroy .]
- return $menu
-## Main demo pane - themed widgets.
-ttk::checkbutton $l.cb -text "Checkbutton" -variable ::V(SELECTED) -underline 2
-ttk::radiobutton $l.rb1 -text "One" -variable ::V(CHOICE) -value 1 -underline 0
-ttk::radiobutton $l.rb2 -text "Two" -variable ::V(CHOICE) -value 2
-ttk::radiobutton $l.rb3 -text "Three" -variable ::V(CHOICE) -value 3 -under 0
-ttk::button $l.button -text "Button" -underline 0
-ttk::menubutton $l.mb -text "Menubutton" -underline 2
-$l.mb configure -menu [menubuttonMenu $]
-set ::entryText "Entry widget"
-ttk::entry $l.e -textvariable ::entryText
-$l.e selection range 6 end
-set ltext [ttk::scrolled text $l.t -width 12 -height 5 -wrap none]
-grid $l.cb -sticky ew
-grid $l.rb1 -sticky ew
-grid $l.rb2 -sticky ew
-grid $l.rb3 -sticky ew
-grid $l.button -sticky ew -padx 2 -pady 2
-grid $l.mb -sticky ew -padx 2 -pady 2
-grid $l.e -sticky ew -padx 2 -pady 2
-grid $ltext -sticky news
-grid columnconfigure $l 0 -weight 1
-grid rowconfigure $l 7 -weight 1 ; # text widget (grid is a PITA)
-## Main demo pane - core widgets.
-checkbutton $r.cb -text "Checkbutton" -variable ::V(SELECTED)
-radiobutton $r.rb1 -text "One" -variable ::V(CHOICE) -value 1
-radiobutton $r.rb2 -text "Two" -variable ::V(CHOICE) -value 2 -underline 1
-radiobutton $r.rb3 -text "Three" -variable ::V(CHOICE) -value 3
-button $r.button -text "Button"
-menubutton $r.mb -text "Menubutton" -underline 3 -takefocus 1
-$r.mb configure -menu [menubuttonMenu $]
-# Add -indicatoron control:
-set ::V(rmbIndicatoron) [$r.mb cget -indicatoron]
-$ insert 0 checkbutton -label "Indicator?" \
- -variable ::V(rmbIndicatoron) \
- -command "$r.mb configure -indicatoron \$::V(rmbIndicatoron)" ;
-$ insert 1 separator
-entry $r.e -textvariable ::entryText
-set rtext [scrolled text $r.t -width 12 -height 5 -wrap none]
-grid $r.cb -sticky ew
-grid $r.rb1 -sticky ew
-grid $r.rb2 -sticky ew
-grid $r.rb3 -sticky ew
-grid $r.button -sticky ew -padx 2 -pady 2
-grid $r.mb -sticky ew -padx 2 -pady 2
-grid $r.e -sticky ew -padx 2 -pady 2
-grid $rtext -sticky news
-grid columnconfigure $r 0 -weight 1
-grid rowconfigure $r 7 -weight 1 ; # text widget
-# Add some text to the text boxes:
-set cb $::BASE.tbar_orig.cb5
-set txt "checkbutton $cb \\\n"
-foreach copt [$cb configure] {
- if {[llength $copt] == 5} {
- append txt " [lindex $copt 0] [lindex $copt 4] \\\n"
- }
-append txt " ;\n"
-$l.t insert end $txt
-$r.t insert end $txt
-### Scales and sliders pane.
-proc scales.pane {scales} {
- ttk::frame $scales
- ttk::panedwindow $ -orient horizontal
- set l [ttk::labelframe $scales.styled -text "Themed" -padding 6]
- set r [labelframe $scales.orig -text "Standard" -padx 6 -pady 6]
- ttk::scale $l.scale -orient horizontal -from 0 -to 100 -variable ::V(SCALE)
- ttk::scale $l.vscale -orient vertical -from 100 -to 0 -variable ::V(VSCALE)
- ttk::progressbar $l.progress -orient horizontal -maximum 100
- ttk::progressbar $l.vprogress -orient vertical -maximum 100
- if {1} {
- $l.scale configure -command [list $l.progress configure -value]
- $l.vscale configure -command [list $l.vprogress configure -value]
- } else {
- # This would also work, but the Tk scale widgets
- # in the right hand pane cause some interference when
- # in autoincrement/indeterminate mode.
- #
- $l.progress configure -variable ::V(SCALE)
- $l.vprogress configure -variable ::V(VSCALE)
- }
- $l.scale set 50
- $l.vscale set 50
- ttk::label $l.lmode -text "Progress bar mode:"
- ttk::radiobutton $l.pbmode0 -variable ::V(PBMODE) \
- -text determinate -value determinate -command [list pbMode $l]
- ttk::radiobutton $l.pbmode1 -variable ::V(PBMODE) \
- -text indeterminate -value indeterminate -command [list pbMode $l]
- proc pbMode {l} {
- variable V
- $l.progress configure -mode $V(PBMODE)
- $l.vprogress configure -mode $V(PBMODE)
- }
- ttk::button $l.start -text "Start" -command [list pbStart $l]
- proc pbStart {l} {
- set ::V(PBMODE) indeterminate; pbMode $l
- $l.progress start 10
- $l.vprogress start
- }
- ttk::button $l.stop -text "Stop" -command [list pbStop $l]
- proc pbStop {l} {
- $l.progress stop
- $l.vprogress stop
- }
- grid $l.scale -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- grid $l.progress -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- grid $l.vscale $l.vprogress -sticky nws
- grid $l.lmode -sticky we -columnspan 2
- grid $l.pbmode0 -sticky we -columnspan 2
- grid $l.pbmode1 -sticky we -columnspan 2
- grid $l.start -sticky we -columnspan 2
- grid $l.stop -sticky we -columnspan 2
- grid columnconfigure $l 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $l 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $l 99 -weight 1
- scale $r.scale -orient horizontal -from 0 -to 100 -variable ::V(SCALE)
- scale $r.vscale -orient vertical -from 100 -to 0 -variable ::V(VSCALE)
- grid $r.scale -sticky news
- grid $r.vscale -sticky nws
- grid rowconfigure $r 99 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $r 0 -weight 1
- ##
- $ add $l -weight 1
- $ add $r -weight 1
- pack $ -expand true -fill both
- return $scales
-$nb add [scales.pane $nb.scales] -text Scales -sticky nwes -padding 6
-### Combobox demo pane.
-proc combobox.pane {cbf} {
- ttk::frame $cbf
- set values [list abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz]
- pack \
- [ttk::combobox $cbf.cb1 -values $values -textvariable ::COMBO] \
- [ttk::combobox $cbf.cb2 -values $values -textvariable ::COMBO ] \
- -side top -padx 2 -pady 2 -expand false -fill x;
- $cbf.cb2 configure -state readonly
- $cbf.cb1 current 3
- return $cbf
-$nb add [combobox.pane $nb.combos] -text "Combobox" -underline 7
-### Treeview widget demo pane.
-proc tree.pane {w} {
- ttk::frame $w
- ttk::scrollbar $w.vsb -command [list $w.t yview]
- ttk::treeview $w.t -columns [list Class] \
- -padding 4 \
- -yscrollcommand [list sbset $w.vsb]
- grid $w.t $w.vsb -sticky nwse
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid propagate $w 0
- #
- # Add initial tree node:
- # Later nodes will be added in <<TreeviewOpen>> binding.
- #
- $w.t insert {} 0 -id . -text "Main Window" -open 0 \
- -values [list [winfo class .]]
- $w.t heading \#0 -text "Widget"
- $w.t heading Class -text "Class"
- bind $w.t <<TreeviewOpen>> [list fillTree $w.t]
- return $w
-# fillTree -- <<TreeviewOpen>> binding for tree widget.
-proc fillTree {tv} {
- set id [$tv focus]
- if {![winfo exists $id]} {
- $tv delete $id
- return
- }
- #
- # Replace tree item children with current list of child windows.
- #
- $tv delete [$tv children $id]
- set children [winfo children $id]
- foreach child $children {
- $tv insert $id end -id $child -text [winfo name $child] -open 0 \
- -values [list [winfo class $child]]
- if {[llength [winfo children $child]]} {
- # insert dummy child to show [+] indicator
- $tv insert $child end
- }
- }
-if {[llength [info commands ttk::treeview]]} {
- $nb add [tree.pane $nb.tree] -text "Tree" -sticky news
-### Other demos.
-$nb add [ttk::frame $nb.others] -text "Others" -underline 4
-set Timers(StateMonitor) {}
-set Timers(FocusMonitor) {}
-set others $::BASE.nb.others
-ttk::label $others.m -justify left -wraplength 300
-bind ShowDescription <Enter> { $BASE.nb.others.m configure -text $Desc(%W) }
-bind ShowDescription <Leave> { $BASE.nb.others.m configure -text "" }
-foreach {command label description} {
- trackStates "Widget states..."
- "Display/modify widget state bits"
- scrollbarResizeDemo "Scrollbar resize behavior..."
- "Shows how Ttk and standard scrollbars differ when they're sized too large"
- trackFocus "Track keyboard focus..."
- "Display the name of the widget that currently has focus"
- repeatDemo "Repeating buttons"
- "Demonstrates custom classes (see demos/repeater.tcl)"
-} {
- set b [ttk::button $others.$command -text $label -command $command]
- set Desc($b) $description
- bindtags $b [lreplace [bindtags $b] end 0 ShowDescription]
- pack $b -side top -expand false -fill x -padx 6 -pady 6
-pack $others.m -side bottom -expand true -fill both
-### Scrollbar resize demo.
-proc scrollbarResizeDemo {} {
- set t .scrollbars
- destroy $t
- toplevel $t ; wm geometry $t 200x200
- frame $t.f -height 200
- grid \
- [ttk::scrollbar $t.f.tsb -command [list sbstub $t.f.tsb]] \
- [scrollbar $ -command [list sbstub $]] \
- -sticky news
- $ set 0 0.5 ;# prevent backwards-compatibility mode for old SB
- grid columnconfigure $t.f 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $t.f 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $t.f 0 -weight 1
- pack $t.f -expand true -fill both
-### Track focus demo.
-proc trackFocus {} {
- global Focus
- set t .focus
- destroy $t
- toplevel $t
- wm title $t "Keyboard focus"
- set i 0
- foreach {label variable} {
- "Focus widget:" Focus(Widget)
- "Class:" Focus(WidgetClass)
- "Next:" Focus(WidgetNext)
- "Grab:" Focus(Grab)
- "Status:" Focus(GrabStatus)
- } {
- grid [ttk::label $t.l$i -text $label -anchor e] \
- [ttk::label $t.v$i -textvariable $variable \
- -width 40 -anchor w -relief groove] \
- -sticky ew;
- incr i
- }
- grid columnconfigure $t 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $t $i -weight 1
- bind $t <Destroy> {after cancel $Timers(FocusMonitor)}
- FocusMonitor
-proc FocusMonitor {} {
- global Focus
- set Focus(Widget) [focus]
- if {$::Focus(Widget) ne ""} {
- set Focus(WidgetClass) [winfo class $Focus(Widget)]
- set Focus(WidgetNext) [tk_focusNext $Focus(Widget)]
- } else {
- set Focus(WidgetClass) [set Focus(WidgetNext) ""]
- }
- set Focus(Grab) [grab current]
- if {$Focus(Grab) ne ""} {
- set Focus(GrabStatus) [grab status $Focus(Grab)]
- } else {
- set Focus(GrabStatus) ""
- }
- set ::Timers(FocusMonitor) [after 200 FocusMonitor]
-### Widget states demo.
-variable Widget .tbar_styled.tb1
-bind all <Control-Shift-ButtonPress-1> { TrackWidget %W ; break }
-proc TrackWidget {w} {
- set ::Widget $w ;
- if {[winfo exists .states]} {
- UpdateStates
- } else {
- trackStates
- }
-variable states [list \
- active disabled focus pressed selected readonly \
- background alternate invalid]
-proc trackStates {} {
- variable states
- set t .states
- destroy $t; toplevel $t ; wm title $t "Widget states"
- set tf [ttk::frame $t.f] ; pack $tf -expand true -fill both
- ttk::label $ -text "Press Control-Shift-Button-1 on any widget"
- ttk::label $tf.lw -text "Widget:" -anchor e -relief groove
- ttk::label $tf.w -textvariable ::Widget -anchor w -relief groove
- grid $ - -sticky ew -padx 6 -pady 6
- grid $tf.lw $tf.w -sticky ew
- foreach state $states {
- ttk::checkbutton $tf.s$state \
- -text $state \
- -variable ::State($state) \
- -command [list ChangeState $state] ;
- grid x $tf.s$state -sticky nsew
- }
- grid columnconfigure $tf 1 -weight 1
- grid x [ttk::frame $tf.cmd] -sticky nse
- grid x \
- [ttk::button $tf.cmd.close -text Close -command [list destroy $t]] \
- -padx 4 -pady {6 4};
- grid columnconfigure $tf.cmd 0 -weight 1
- bind $t <KeyPress-Escape> [list event generate $tf.cmd.close <<Invoke>>]
- bind $t <Destroy> { after cancel $::Timers(StateMonitor) }
- StateMonitor
-proc StateMonitor {} {
- if {$::Widget ne ""} { UpdateStates }
- set ::Timers(StateMonitor) [after 200 StateMonitor]
-proc UpdateStates {} {
- variable states
- variable State
- variable Widget
- foreach state $states {
- if {[catch {set State($state) [$Widget instate $state]}]} {
- # Not a Ttk widget:
- .states.f.s$state state disabled
- } else {
- .states.f.s$state state !disabled
- }
- }
-proc ChangeState {state} {
- variable State
- variable Widget
- if {$Widget ne ""} {
- if {$State($state)} {
- $Widget state $state
- } else {
- $Widget state !$state
- }
- }
-### Repeating button demo.
-proc repeatDemo {} {
- set top .repeatDemo
- if {![catch { wm deiconify $top ; raise $top }]} { return }
- toplevel $top
- wm title $top "Repeating button"
- keynav::enableMnemonics $top
- set f [ttk::frame .repeatDemo.f]
- ttk::button $f.b -class Repeater -text "Press and hold" \
- -command [list $f.p step]
- ttk::progressbar $f.p -orient horizontal -maximum 10
- ttk::separator $f.sep -orient horizontal
- set cmd [ttk::frame $f.cmd]
- pack \
- [ttk::button $cmd.close -text Close -command [list destroy $top]] \
- -side right -padx 6;
- pack $f.cmd -side bottom -expand false -fill x -padx 6 -pady 6
- pack $f.sep -side bottom -expand false -fill x -padx 6 -pady 6
- pack $f.b -side left -expand false -fill none -padx 6 -pady 6
- pack $f.p -side right -expand true -fill x -padx 6 -pady 6
- $f.b configure -underline 0
- $cmd.close configure -underline 0
- bind $top <KeyPress-Escape> [list event generate $cmd.close <<Invoke>>]
- pack $f -expand true -fill both
-### Command box.
-set cmd [ttk::frame $::BASE.command]
-ttk::button $cmd.close -text Close -underline 0 -command [list destroy .]
-ttk::button $ -text Help -command showHelp
-proc showHelp {} {
- if {![winfo exists .helpDialog]} {
- lappend detail "Tk version $::tk_version"
- lappend detail "Ttk library: $::ttk::library"
- ttk::dialog .helpDialog -type ok -icon info \
- -message "Ttk demo" -detail [join $detail \n]
- }
-grid x $cmd.close $ -pady 6 -padx 6
-grid columnconfigure $cmd 0 -weight 1
-## Status bar (to demonstrate size grip)
-set statusbar [ttk::frame $BASE.statusbar]
-pack [ttk::sizegrip $statusbar.grip] -side right -anchor se
-## Accelerators:
-bind $::ROOT <KeyPress-Escape> [list event generate $cmd.close <<Invoke>>]
-bind $::ROOT <<Help>> [list event generate $ <<Invoke>>]
-keynav::enableMnemonics $::ROOT
-keynav::defaultButton $
-### Menubar.
-set menu [menu $]
-$::ROOT configure -menu $menu
-$menu add cascade -label "File" -underline 0 -menu [menu $menu.file]
-$menu.file add command -label "Open" -underline 0 \
- -compound left -image $::ICON(open)
-$menu.file add command -label "Save" -underline 0 \
- -compound left -image $::ICON(save)
-$menu.file add separator
-$menu.file add checkbutton -label "Checkbox" -underline 0 \
- -variable ::V(SELECTED)
-$menu.file add cascade -label "Choices" -underline 1 \
- -menu [menu $menu.file.choices]
-foreach {label value} {One 1 Two 2 Three 3} {
- $menu.file.choices add radiobutton \
- -label $label -variable ::V(CHOICE) -value $value
-$menu.file insert end separator
-if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "x11"} {
- $menu.file insert end checkbutton -label Console -underline 5 \
- -variable ::V(CONSOLE) -command toggleconsole
- proc toggleconsole {} {
- if {$::V(CONSOLE)} {console show} else {console hide}
- }
-$menu.file add command -label "Exit" -underline 1 \
- -command [list event generate $cmd.close <<Invoke>>]
-# Add Theme menu.
-proc makeThemeMenu {menu} {
- menu $menu
- foreach {theme name} $::THEMELIST {
- $menu add radiobutton -label $name \
- -variable ::ttk::currentTheme -value $theme \
- -command [list ttk::setTheme $theme]
- if {[lsearch -exact [package names] ttk::theme::$theme] == -1} {
- $menu entryconfigure end -state disabled
- }
- }
- return $menu
-$menu add cascade -label "Theme" -underline 3 -menu [makeThemeMenu $menu.theme]
-### Main window layout.
-pack $BASE.statusbar -side bottom -expand false -fill x
-pack $BASE.command -side bottom -expand false -fill x
-pack $BASE.tbar_styled -side top -expand false -fill x
-pack $BASE.tbar_orig -side top -expand false -fill x
-pack $BASE.control -side left -expand false -fill y -padx 6 -pady 6
-pack $BASE.nb -side left -expand true -fill both -padx 6 -pady 6
-wm title $ROOT "Ttk demo"
-wm iconname $ROOT "Ttk demo"
-update; wm deiconify $ROOT