path: root/macosx/tkMacOSXColor.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'macosx/tkMacOSXColor.h')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/macosx/tkMacOSXColor.h b/macosx/tkMacOSXColor.h
index 535d15d..da62955 100644
--- a/macosx/tkMacOSXColor.h
+++ b/macosx/tkMacOSXColor.h
@@ -241,27 +241,16 @@ static SystemColorDatum systemColorData[] = {
{"WindowBackgroundColor7", ttkBackground, 7, NULL, 0, NULL },
/* Apple's SecondaryLabelColor is the same as their LabelColor so we roll our own. */
{"SecondaryLabelColor", ttkBackground, 14, NULL, 0, NULL },
-{"TextColor", semantic, 0, "textColor", 0, NULL },
-{"SelectedTextColor", semantic, 0, "selectedTextColor", 0, NULL },
-{"LabelColor", semantic, 0, "textColor", 0, NULL },
-{"LabelColor", semantic, 0, "labelColor", 0, NULL },
-{"ControlTextColor", semantic, 0, "controlTextColor", 0, NULL },
-{"DisabledControlTextColor", semantic, 0, "disabledControlTextColor", 0, NULL },
+/* Color to use for notebook tab labels. */
{"SelectedTabTextColor", semantic, 0, "whiteColor", 0, NULL },
{"SelectedTabTextColor", semantic, 0, "blackColor", 0, NULL },
-{"TextBackgroundColor", semantic, 0, "textBackgroundColor", 0, NULL },
-{"SelectedTextBackgroundColor", semantic, 0, "selectedTextBackgroundColor", 0, NULL },
-{"ControlAccentColor", semantic, 0, "controlAccentColor", 0, NULL },
+/* Semantic colors that we simulate on older systems which don't supoort them. */
{"LinkColor", semantic, 0, "blueColor", 0, NULL },
-{"LinkColor", semantic, 0, "linkColor", 0, NULL },
{"PlaceholderTextColor", semantic, 0, "grayColor", 0, NULL },
-{"PlaceholderTextColor", semantic, 0, "placeholderTextColor", 0, NULL },
{"SeparatorColor", semantic, 0, "grayColor", 0, NULL },
-{"SeparatorColor", semantic, 0, "separatorColor", 0, NULL },
{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL }