path: root/demos/outlook-newgroup.tcl
diff options
authortreectrl <treectrl>2002-12-17 05:04:00 (GMT)
committertreectrl <treectrl>2002-12-17 05:04:00 (GMT)
commit51219bf94e57870b142db498f63180828d6990d9 (patch)
tree2aaef21ae17c7dc8591f1fdf095fb4fbeeef8197 /demos/outlook-newgroup.tcl
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/outlook-newgroup.tcl')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demos/outlook-newgroup.tcl b/demos/outlook-newgroup.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a18e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/outlook-newgroup.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+# Demo: Outlook Express newsgroup messages
+proc DemoOutlookNewsgroup {} {
+ global Message
+ InitPics outlook-*
+ set T .f2.f1.t
+ set height [font metrics [$T cget -font] -linespace]
+ if {$height < 18} {
+ set height 18
+ }
+ $T configure -itemheight $height -selectmode browse \
+ -showroot no -showrootbutton no -showbuttons yes -showlines no
+ $T column configure 0 -image outlook-clip -tag clip
+ $T column configure 1 -image outlook-arrow -tag arrow
+ $T column configure 2 -image outlook-watch -tag watch
+ $T column configure 3 -text Subject -width 250 -tag subject
+ $T column configure 4 -text From -width 150 -tag from
+ $T column configure 5 -text Sent -width 150 -tag sent
+ $T column configure 6 -text Size -width 60 -justify right -tag size
+ # Would be nice if I could specify a column -tag too
+ $T configure -treecolumn 3
+ # State for a read message
+ $T state define read
+ # State for a message with unread descendants
+ $T state define unread
+ $T element create elemImg image -image {
+ outlook-read-2Sel {selected read unread !open}
+ outlook-read-2 {read unread !open}
+ outlook-readSel {selected read}
+ outlook-read {read}
+ outlook-unreadSel {selected}
+ outlook-unread {}
+ }
+ $T element create elemTxt text -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus}] \
+ -font [list "[$T cget -font] bold" {read unread !open} "[$T cget -font] bold" {!read}] -lines 1
+ $T element create sel.e rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}] -open e -showfocus yes
+ $T element create sel.w rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}] -open w -showfocus yes
+ $T element create sel.we rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}] -open we -showfocus yes
+ # Image + text
+ set S [$T style create s1]
+ $T style elements $S {sel.e elemImg elemTxt}
+ $T style layout $S elemImg -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S elemTxt -padw 2 -pade 6 -squeeze x -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S sel.e -union [list elemTxt] -iexpand nes -ipadw 2
+ # Text
+ set S [$T style create s2.we]
+ $T style elements $S {sel.we elemTxt}
+ $T style layout $S elemTxt -padw 6 -pade 6 -squeeze x -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S sel.we -detach yes -iexpand es
+ # Text
+ set S [$T style create s2.w]
+ $T style elements $S {sel.w elemTxt}
+ $T style layout $S elemTxt -padw 6 -pade 6 -squeeze x -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S sel.w -detach yes -iexpand es
+ set msgCnt 100
+ set thread 0
+ set Message(count,0) 0
+ for {set i 1} {$i < $msgCnt} {incr i} {
+ $T item create
+ while 1 {
+ set j [expr {int(rand() * $i)}]
+ if {$j == 0} break
+ if {[$T depth $j] == 5} continue
+ if {$Message(count,$Message(thread,$j)) == 15} continue
+ break
+ }
+ $T item lastchild $j $i
+ set Message(read,$i) [expr rand() * 2 > 1]
+ if {$j == 0} {
+ set Message(thread,$i) [incr thread]
+ set Message(seconds,$i) [expr {[clock seconds] - int(rand() * 500000)}]
+ set Message(seconds2,$i) $Message(seconds,$i)
+ set Message(count,$thread) 1
+ } else {
+ set Message(thread,$i) $Message(thread,$j)
+ set Message(seconds,$i) [expr {$Message(seconds2,$j) + int(rand() * 10000)}]
+ set Message(seconds2,$i) $Message(seconds,$i)
+ set Message(seconds2,$j) $Message(seconds,$i)
+ incr Message(count,$Message(thread,$j))
+ }
+ }
+ for {set i 1} {$i < $msgCnt} {incr i} {
+ set subject "This is thread number $Message(thread,$i)"
+ set from
+ set sent [clock format $Message(seconds,$i) -format "%d/%m/%y %I:%M %p"]
+ set size [expr {1 + int(rand() * 10)}]KB
+ # This message has been read
+ if {$Message(read,$i)} {
+ $T item state $i read
+ }
+ # This message has unread descendants
+ if {[AnyUnreadDescendants $T $i]} {
+ $T item state $i unread
+ }
+ if {[$T item numchildren $i]} {
+ $T item hasbutton $i yes
+ # Collapse some messages
+ if {rand() * 2 > 1} {
+ $T collapse $i
+ }
+ }
+ $T item style set $i 3 s1 4 s2.we 5 s2.we 6 s2.w
+ $T item text $i 3 $subject 4 $from 5 $sent 6 $size
+ }
+ # Do something when the selection changes
+ $T notify bind $T <Selection> {
+ # One item is selected
+ if {[%T selection count] == 1} {
+ if {[info exists Message(afterId)]} {
+ after cancel $Message(afterId)
+ }
+ set Message(afterId,item) [lindex [%T selection get] 0]
+ set Message(afterId) [after 500 MessageReadDelayed]
+ }
+ }
+ return
+proc MessageReadDelayed {} {
+ global Message
+ set T .f2.f1.t
+ unset Message(afterId)
+ set I $Message(afterId,item)
+ if {![$T selection includes $I]} return
+ # This message is not read
+ if {!$Message(read,$I)} {
+ # Read the message
+ $T item state $I read
+ set Message(read,$I) 1
+ # Check ancestors (except root)
+ foreach I2 [lrange [$T item ancestors $I] 0 end-1] {
+ # This ancestor has no more unread descendants
+ if {![AnyUnreadDescendants $T $I2]} {
+ $T item state $I2 !unread
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Alternate implementation which does not rely on run-time states
+proc DemoOutlookNewsgroup2 {} {
+ global Message
+ InitPics outlook-*
+ set T .f2.f1.t
+ set height [font metrics [$T cget -font] -linespace]
+ if {$height < 18} {
+ set height 18
+ }
+ $T configure -itemheight $height -selectmode browse \
+ -showroot no -showrootbutton no -showbuttons yes -showlines no
+ $T column configure 0 -image outlook-clip -tag clip
+ $T column configure 1 -image outlook-arrow -tag arrow
+ $T column configure 2 -image outlook-watch -tag watch
+ $T column configure 3 -text Subject -width 250 -tag subject
+ $T column configure 4 -text From -width 150 -tag from
+ $T column configure 5 -text Sent -width 150 -tag sent
+ $T column configure 6 -text Size -width 60 -justify right -tag size
+ $T configure -treecolumn 3
+ $T element create image.unread image -image outlook-unread
+ $T element create image -image outlook-read
+ $T element create image.read2 image -image outlook-read-2
+ $T element create text -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus}] \
+ -lines 1
+ $T element create text.unread text -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus}] \
+ -font [list "[$T cget -font] bold"] -lines 1
+ $T element create sel.e rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}] -open e -showfocus yes
+ $T element create sel.w rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}] -open w -showfocus yes
+ $T element create sel.we rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}] -open we -showfocus yes
+ # Image + text
+ set S [$T style create unread]
+ $T style elements $S {sel.e image.unread text.unread}
+ $T style layout $S image.unread -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S text.unread -padw 2 -pade 6 -squeeze x -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S sel.e -union [list text.unread] -iexpand nes -ipadw 2
+ # Image + text
+ set S [$T style create read]
+ $T style elements $S {sel.e}
+ $T style layout $S -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S -padw 2 -pade 6 -squeeze x -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S sel.e -union [list] -iexpand nes -ipadw 2
+ # Image + text
+ set S [$T style create read2]
+ $T style elements $S {sel.e image.read2 text.unread}
+ $T style layout $S image.read2 -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S text.unread -padw 2 -pade 6 -squeeze x -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S sel.e -union [list text.unread] -iexpand nes -ipadw 2
+ # Text
+ set S [$T style create unread.we]
+ $T style elements $S {sel.we text.unread}
+ $T style layout $S text.unread -padw 6 -pade 6 -squeeze x -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S sel.we -detach yes -iexpand es
+ # Text
+ set S [$T style create read.we]
+ $T style elements $S {sel.we}
+ $T style layout $S -padw 6 -pade 6 -squeeze x -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S sel.we -detach yes -iexpand es
+ # Text
+ set S [$T style create unread.w]
+ $T style elements $S {sel.w text.unread}
+ $T style layout $S text.unread -padw 6 -pade 6 -squeeze x -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S sel.w -detach yes -iexpand es
+ # Text
+ set S [$T style create read.w]
+ $T style elements $S {sel.w}
+ $T style layout $S -padw 6 -pade 6 -squeeze x -expand ns
+ $T style layout $S sel.w -detach yes -iexpand es
+ set msgCnt 100
+ set thread 0
+ set Message(count,0) 0
+ for {set i 1} {$i < $msgCnt} {incr i} {
+ $T item create
+ while 1 {
+ set j [expr {int(rand() * $i)}]
+ if {$j == 0} break
+ if {[$T depth $j] == 5} continue
+ if {$Message(count,$Message(thread,$j)) == 15} continue
+ break
+ }
+ $T item lastchild $j $i
+ set Message(read,$i) [expr rand() * 2 > 1]
+ if {$j == 0} {
+ set Message(thread,$i) [incr thread]
+ set Message(seconds,$i) [expr {[clock seconds] - int(rand() * 500000)}]
+ set Message(seconds2,$i) $Message(seconds,$i)
+ set Message(count,$thread) 1
+ } else {
+ set Message(thread,$i) $Message(thread,$j)
+ set Message(seconds,$i) [expr {$Message(seconds2,$j) + int(rand() * 10000)}]
+ set Message(seconds2,$i) $Message(seconds,$i)
+ set Message(seconds2,$j) $Message(seconds,$i)
+ incr Message(count,$Message(thread,$j))
+ }
+ }
+ for {set i 1} {$i < $msgCnt} {incr i} {
+ set subject "This is thread number $Message(thread,$i)"
+ set from
+ set sent [clock format $Message(seconds,$i) -format "%d/%m/%y %I:%M %p"]
+ set size [expr {1 + int(rand() * 10)}]KB
+ if {$Message(read,$i)} {
+ set style read
+ set style2 read
+ } else {
+ set style unread
+ set style2 unread
+ }
+ $T item style set $i 3 $style 4 $style2.we 5 $style2.we 6 $style2.w
+ $T item text $i 3 $subject 4 $from 5 $sent 6 $size
+ if {[$T item numchildren $i]} {
+ $T item hasbutton $i yes
+ }
+ }
+ $T notify bind $T <Selection> {
+ if {[%T selection count] == 1} {
+ set I [lindex [%T selection get] 0]
+ if {!$Message(read,$I)} {
+ if {[%T item isopen $I] || ![AnyUnreadDescendants %T $I]} {
+ # unread ->read
+ %T item style map $I subject read {text.unread}
+ %T item style map $I from read.we {text.unread}
+ %T item style map $I sent read.we {text.unread}
+ %T item style map $I size read.w {text.unread}
+ } else {
+ # unread -> read2
+ %T item style map $I subject read2 {text.unread text.unread}
+ }
+ set Message(read,$I) 1
+ DisplayStylesInItem $I
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $T notify bind $T <Expand-after> {
+ if {$Message(read,%I) && [AnyUnreadDescendants %T %I]} {
+ # read2 -> read
+ %T item style map %I subject read {text.unread}
+ # unread -> read
+ %T item style map %I from read.we {text.unread}
+ %T item style map %I sent read.we {text.unread}
+ %T item style map %I size read.w {text.unread}
+ }
+ }
+ $T notify bind $T <Collapse-after> {
+ if {$Message(read,%I) && [AnyUnreadDescendants %T %I]} {
+ # read -> read2
+ %T item style map %I subject read2 { text.unread}
+ # read -> unread
+ %T item style map %I from unread.we { text.unread}
+ %T item style map %I sent unread.we { text.unread}
+ %T item style map %I size unread.w { text.unread}
+ }
+ }
+ for {set i 1} {$i < $msgCnt} {incr i} {
+ if {rand() * 2 > 1} {
+ if {[$T item numchildren $i]} {
+ $T collapse $i
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+proc AnyUnreadDescendants {T I} {
+ global Message
+ set itemList [$T item firstchild $I]
+ while {[llength $itemList]} {
+ # Pop
+ set item [lindex $itemList end]
+ set itemList [lrange $itemList 0 end-1]
+ if {!$Message(read,$item)} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ set item2 [$T item nextsibling $item]
+ if {$item2 ne ""} {
+ # Push
+ lappend itemList $item2
+ }
+ set item2 [$T item firstchild $item]
+ if {$item2 ne ""} {
+ # Push
+ lappend itemList $item2
+ }
+ }
+ return 0