path: root/src/uscxml/transform/ChartToVHDL.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/uscxml/transform/ChartToVHDL.cpp')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/src/uscxml/transform/ChartToVHDL.cpp b/src/uscxml/transform/ChartToVHDL.cpp
index 09fbdb0..190abc5 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/transform/ChartToVHDL.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/transform/ChartToVHDL.cpp
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace uscxml {
NodeSet<std::string> withEvent;
withEvent.push_back(DOMUtils::filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "raise", _scxml, true));
withEvent.push_back(DOMUtils::filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "send", _scxml, true));
- withEvent.push_back(DOMUtils::filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "transition", _scxml, true));
+ withEvent.push_back(DOMUtils::filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "transition", _scxml, true)); // TODO was haben events da verloren???
for (size_t i = 0; i < withEvent.size(); i++) {
if (HAS_ATTR_CAST(withEvent[i], "event")) {
@@ -120,6 +120,20 @@ namespace uscxml {
_eventTrie.addWord(ATTR_CAST(withEvent[i], "event"));
+ std::set<std::string> elements;
+ elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "raise");
+ // elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "if");
+ // elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "elseif");
+ // elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "else");
+ // elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "foreach");
+ // elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "log");
+ // elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "send");
+ // elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "assign");
+ // elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "script");
+ // elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "cancel");
+ _execContent = DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder(elements, _scxml);
void ChartToVHDL::writeTo(std::ostream& stream) {
@@ -129,6 +143,7 @@ namespace uscxml {
// checkDocument();
stream << "-- generated from " << _sourceURL.asString() << std::endl;
stream << "-- run as " << std::endl;
stream << "-- ghdl --clean && ghdl -a foo.vhdl && ghdl -e tb && ./tb --stop-time=10ms --vcd=foo.vcd" << std::endl;
@@ -153,7 +168,7 @@ namespace uscxml {
stream << " subtype state_type is std_logic_vector( ";
stream << _states.size() - 1;
stream << " downto 0);" << std::endl;
std::list<TrieNode*> eventNames = _eventTrie.getWordsWithPrefix("");
stream << " type event_type is ( ";
seperator = "";
@@ -181,13 +196,16 @@ namespace uscxml {
stream << "-- TESTBENCH" << std::endl;
- stream << " " << std::endl;
+ stream << std::endl;
stream << "-- empty entity" << std::endl;
stream << "entity tb is" << std::endl;
stream << "end entity tb;" << std::endl;
- stream << " " << std::endl;
+ stream << std::endl;
stream << "architecture bhv of tb is" << std::endl;
- stream << " " << std::endl;
+ stream << std::endl;
stream << " -- Module declaration" << std::endl;
stream << " component micro_stepper is" << std::endl;
stream << " port (" << std::endl;
@@ -196,7 +214,7 @@ namespace uscxml {
stream << " rst_i :in std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << " en :in std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << " next_event_i :in event_type;" << std::endl;
- stream << " next_event_en_i :in std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ stream << " next_event_we_i :in std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << " --outputs" << std::endl;
stream << " error_o :out std_logic;" << std::endl;
@@ -208,29 +226,34 @@ namespace uscxml {
stream << " completed_o :out std_logic" << std::endl;
stream << " );" << std::endl;
stream << " end component;" << std::endl;
- stream << " " << std::endl;
+ stream << std::endl;
stream << " -- input" << std::endl;
stream << " signal clk : std_logic := '0';" << std::endl;
stream << " signal reset : std_logic;" << std::endl;
- stream << " signal next_event_en_i : std_logic := '0';" << std::endl;
+ stream << " signal next_event_we_i : std_logic := '0';" << std::endl;
stream << " signal next_event_i : event_type;" << std::endl;
- stream << " " << std::endl;
+ stream << std::endl;
stream << " -- output" << std::endl;
stream << " signal error_o, completed_o : std_logic;" << std::endl;
- stream << " " << std::endl;
+ stream << std::endl;
stream << "begin" << std::endl;
stream << " clk <= not clk after 20 ns; -- 25 MHz clock frequency" << std::endl;
stream << " reset <= '1', '0' after 100 ns; -- generates reset signal: --__" << std::endl;
- stream << " " << std::endl;
+ stream << std::endl;
stream << " -- Module instantiation" << std::endl;
stream << " dut : micro_stepper" << std::endl;
stream << " port map (" << std::endl;
stream << " clk => clk," << std::endl;
stream << " rst_i => reset," << std::endl;
stream << " en => '1'," << std::endl;
- stream << " " << std::endl;
+ stream << std::endl;
stream << " next_event_i => next_event_i," << std::endl;
- stream << " next_event_en_i => next_event_en_i," << std::endl;
+ stream << " next_event_we_i => next_event_we_i," << std::endl;
stream << " error_o => error_o," << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _states.size(); i++) {
@@ -240,12 +263,20 @@ namespace uscxml {
stream << " completed_o => completed_o" << std::endl;
stream << " );" << std::endl;
- stream << " " << std::endl;
+ stream << std::endl;
stream << "end architecture;" << std::endl;
stream << "-- END TESTBENCH" << std::endl;
+ void ChartToVHDL::writeExContentBlock(std::ostream & stream,
+ std::string index, std::list< Element<std::string> > commandSequence) {
+ // index should be [entry, transition, exit]_<index of state/transition>_<optional index for block>
+ // write clock blocks
+ }
void ChartToVHDL::writeEventController(std::ostream & stream) {
// Add controler specific stuff here
// create hardware top level
@@ -257,35 +288,79 @@ namespace uscxml {
stream << " clk :in std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << " rst_i :in std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << " en :in std_logic;" << std::endl;
- stream << " next_event_i :in event_type;" << std::endl;
- stream << " next_event_en_i :in std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << " --outputs" << std::endl;
- stream << " error_o :out std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ stream << " event_o :out event_type;" << std::endl;
+ stream << " event_we_o :out std_logic;" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _states.size(); i++) {
Element<std::string> state(_states[i]);
stream << " state_active_" << ATTR(state, "documentOrder") << "_o :out std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ //TODO if has ex content
+ stream << " entry_set_" << ATTR(state, "documentOrder") << "_o :out std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ //TODO if has ex content
+ stream << " exit_set_" << ATTR(state, "documentOrder") << "_o :out std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _transitions.size(); i++) {
+ Element<std::string> transition(_transitions[i]);
+ //TODO if has ex content
+ stream << " transition_set_" << ATTR(transition, "postFixOrder") << "_o : std_logic;"
+ << std::endl;
- stream << " completed_o :out std_logic" << std::endl;
+ //TODO write interface lines (exit, entry, transition) for SUPPORTED executable content
+ stream << " done_o :out std_logic" << std::endl;
stream << ");" << std::endl;
stream << "end event_controller; " << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
- stream << std::endl;
stream << "architecture behavioral of event_controller is " << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
// Add signals and components
+ stream << "signal rst : std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ stream << "signal event_bus : event_type;" << std::endl;
+ stream << "signal event_we : std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ stream << "signal done : std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _execContent.size(); i++) {
+ stream << "signal done_" << toStr(i) << "_sig : std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ stream << "signal start_" << toStr(i) << "_sig : std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ }
stream << std::endl;
stream << "begin" << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
// signal mapping
+ stream << "rst <= rst_i;" << std::endl;
+ stream << "event_o <= event_bus;" << std::endl;
+ stream << "event_we_o <= event_we;" << std::endl;
+ stream << "done_o <= done;" << std::endl;
// architecture
+ stream << "ex_content_block : process (clk) " << std::endl;
+ stream << "begin" << std::endl;
+ stream << " if rst = '1' then" << std::endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _execContent.size(); i++) {
+ stream << " done_" << toStr(i) << "_sig <= '0';" << std::endl;
+ }
+ stream << " elsif rising_edge(clk) then" << std::endl;
+ stream << " ";
+ std::string seperator = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < _execContent.size(); i++) {
+ Element<std::string> exContentTag(_execContent[i]);
+ stream << seperator << "if start_" << toStr(i) << "_sig = '1' then" << std::endl;
+ stream << " event_bus <= hwe_"<< ATTR(exContentTag, "event") <<";" << std::endl;
+ stream << " done_" << toStr(i) << "_sig <= '1';" << std::endl;
+ seperator = " els";
+ }
+ stream << " end if;" << std::endl;
+ stream << " end if;" << std::endl;
+ stream << "end process;" << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
stream << "end behavioral; " << std::endl;
stream << "-- END Event Controller Logic" << std::endl;
@@ -301,13 +376,24 @@ namespace uscxml {
stream << " rst_i :in std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << " en :in std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << " next_event_i :in event_type;" << std::endl;
- stream << " next_event_en_i :in std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ stream << " next_event_we_i :in std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << " --outputs" << std::endl;
stream << " error_o :out std_logic;" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _states.size(); i++) {
Element<std::string> state(_states[i]);
stream << " state_active_" << ATTR(state, "documentOrder") << "_o :out std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ //TODO if has ex content
+ stream << " entry_set_" << ATTR(state, "documentOrder") << "_o :out std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ //TODO if has ex content
+ stream << " exit_set_" << ATTR(state, "documentOrder") << "_o :out std_logic;" << std::endl;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _transitions.size(); i++) {
+ Element<std::string> transition(_transitions[i]);
+ //TODO if has ex content
+ stream << " transition_set_" << ATTR(transition, "postFixOrder") << "_o : std_logic;"
+ << std::endl;
stream << " completed_o :out std_logic" << std::endl;
@@ -456,15 +542,15 @@ namespace uscxml {
stream << "signal rst_2 : std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << "signal rst_1 : std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << "signal rst : std_logic;" << std::endl;
- stream << std::endl;
+ stream << std::endl;
stream << "-- state signals" << std::endl;
std::list<std::string> signalDecls;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _states.size(); i++) {
Element<std::string> state(_states[i]);
signalDecls.push_back("signal state_active_" + ATTR(state, "documentOrder") + "_sig : std_logic;");
signalDecls.push_back("signal state_next_" + ATTR(state, "documentOrder") + "_sig : std_logic;");
signalDecls.push_back("signal in_entry_set_" + ATTR(state, "documentOrder") + "_sig : std_logic;");
@@ -480,7 +566,7 @@ namespace uscxml {
stream << std::endl;
stream << "-- transition signals" << std::endl;
stream << "signal spontaneous_en : std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << "signal optimal_transition_set_combined_sig : std_logic;" << std::endl;
@@ -491,7 +577,7 @@ namespace uscxml {
<< std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
stream << "-- event signals" << std::endl;
stream << "signal int_event_write_en : std_logic;" << std::endl;
stream << "signal int_event_read_en : std_logic;" << std::endl;
@@ -623,7 +709,7 @@ namespace uscxml {
stream << "next_event_re <= not int_event_empty and not stall; " << std::endl;
stream << "next_event <= int_event_output; " << std::endl;
- stream << "int_event_write_en <= next_event_en_i; " << std::endl;
+ stream << "int_event_write_en <= next_event_we_i; " << std::endl;
stream << "int_event_input <= next_event_i; " << std::endl;
stream << "int_event_read_en <= not spontaneous_en and not stall; " << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
@@ -696,8 +782,6 @@ namespace uscxml {
stream << ";" << std::endl;
void ChartToVHDL::writeExitSet(std::ostream & stream) {
@@ -946,14 +1030,14 @@ namespace uscxml {
*tlf += VLINE("state_active_" + ATTR(final, "documentOrder") + "_sig");
VBranch* tree = (VASSIGN,
- VLINE("completed_sig"),
- tlf);
+ VLINE("completed_sig"),
+ tlf);
stream << ";" << std::endl;
// tmp mapping for events
stream << "stall <= not en or completed_sig or ( int_event_empty and not spontaneous_en ) ; " << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
@@ -965,8 +1049,24 @@ namespace uscxml {
stream << " state_active_" << ATTR(state, "documentOrder")
<< "_o <= state_active_" << ATTR(state, "documentOrder")
<< "_sig;" << std::endl;
+ // TODO if has ex content
+ stream << " entry_set_" << ATTR(state, "documentOrder")
+ << "_o <= in_exit_set_" << ATTR(state, "documentOrder")
+ << "_sig;" << std::endl;
+ // TODO if has ex content
+ stream << " exit_set_" << ATTR(state, "documentOrder")
+ << "_o <= in_entry_set_" << ATTR(state, "documentOrder")
+ << "_sig;" << std::endl;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _transitions.size(); i++) {
+ Element<std::string> transition(_transitions[i]);
+ //TODO if has ex content
+ stream << " transition_set_" << ATTR(transition, "postFixOrder")
+ << "_o <= in_optimal_transition_set" << ATTR(transition, "postFixOrder") //TODO I think optimal transition set is wrong ... ?
+ << "_sig;" << std::endl;
+ }
stream << "completed_o <= completed_sig; " << std::endl;
stream << "error_o <= reg_error_out; " << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;